That did the trick! Thanks!A long time ago I uploaded config.plist that spoofs the backlight values for OpenCore, this will allow you to boot with OpenCore but the backlight slider will do nothing. I want to say i posted it in March, I'll see what I can Do from my phone but its 2am.
Here you go, you should probably find the Value added in OpenCore I think it was PWM-Level in the devices tab?
Might as well go with the iMac Pro 1,1 Plist if using BIG Sur, in my spare time I created a SNB kext that will work in Both OC and Native booted, the Kext will be board specific for 2011 models though.
Also this config is needed for the k2000m/765m/770m not wx4170, again just spoofing PWM levels to not have a panic with AGPM
If you install the flashed WX4170 it will have brightness control out of the box. If you have only a single MacOS installed on you main internal disk you can boot into it automatically without any user interventions and without OpenCore on a flash card or USB flash device plugged in! Just install the WX4170!
So I do not understand why you try to configure OpenCore working with an Nvidia card never intended to be used with it?! You are wasting your time a little bit. And you would have to do the complete and different configuration of OpenCore again after moving from the Nvidia to the AMD card.
So, after installing the WX4170 and after booting into your currently Catalina installation do the modifications to the prepared OpenCore boot loader according the the guide we recently posted and which can be found taking a look at the first page and the first post.
I wasn't aware that I would be getting backlight out of the box.
I thought I would once OC would load the GOP rom file.
My bad!
To be honest, it's quite confusing to read the first page, being redirected to different posts from various dates with patches which once worked and now don't...
Don't get me wrong, I am really thankful for all the work done by the community and especially you guys, the main contributors. I am really aware that this work you're doing for the community is a huge investment in terms of time spent so thanks for that!
But, as an example, even me whom I think is an advanced user somehow as I fix Macs for a living and have been working on macOS for 15 years now, I am lost in this.
I am sure you might think I must suck at fixing Mac after reading that... ;-)
The truth is I have absolutely no skills in OpenCore, EFI and programming overall which is why your stuff is like arabic to me but I can't imagine how other's, with less experience can make it.
At least, I am comfortable using command lines and adding kext, mount the EFI partition and stuff like that.
Anyhow, I'll pop in the WX4170 now, cross my fingers that it works and report very soon.
Thanks for your help guys!
EDIT: My iMac has been rebooting over and over again (it takes a few second to do so) and I am not getting any backlight at boot. So back with the GTX765 for now. I did flash the WX4150_GOP.ROM onto it. Was I correct?
It takes a few seconds
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