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The first post of this thread is a WikiPost and can be edited by anyone with the appropiate permissions. Your edits will be public.
A long time ago I uploaded config.plist that spoofs the backlight values for OpenCore, this will allow you to boot with OpenCore but the backlight slider will do nothing. I want to say i posted it in March, I'll see what I can Do from my phone but its 2am.
Here you go, you should probably find the Value added in OpenCore I think it was PWM-Level in the devices tab?
Might as well go with the iMac Pro 1,1 Plist if using BIG Sur, in my spare time I created a SNB kext that will work in Both OC and Native booted, the Kext will be board specific for 2011 models though.

Also this config is needed for the k2000m/765m/770m not wx4170, again just spoofing PWM levels to not have a panic with AGPM
That did the trick! Thanks!

If you install the flashed WX4170 it will have brightness control out of the box. If you have only a single MacOS installed on you main internal disk you can boot into it automatically without any user interventions and without OpenCore on a flash card or USB flash device plugged in! Just install the WX4170!

So I do not understand why you try to configure OpenCore working with an Nvidia card never intended to be used with it?! You are wasting your time a little bit. And you would have to do the complete and different configuration of OpenCore again after moving from the Nvidia to the AMD card.

So, after installing the WX4170 and after booting into your currently Catalina installation do the modifications to the prepared OpenCore boot loader according the the guide we recently posted and which can be found taking a look at the first page and the first post.

I wasn't aware that I would be getting backlight out of the box.
I thought I would once OC would load the GOP rom file.

My bad!
To be honest, it's quite confusing to read the first page, being redirected to different posts from various dates with patches which once worked and now don't...
Don't get me wrong, I am really thankful for all the work done by the community and especially you guys, the main contributors. I am really aware that this work you're doing for the community is a huge investment in terms of time spent so thanks for that!
But, as an example, even me whom I think is an advanced user somehow as I fix Macs for a living and have been working on macOS for 15 years now, I am lost in this.
I am sure you might think I must suck at fixing Mac after reading that... ;-)
The truth is I have absolutely no skills in OpenCore, EFI and programming overall which is why your stuff is like arabic to me but I can't imagine how other's, with less experience can make it.
At least, I am comfortable using command lines and adding kext, mount the EFI partition and stuff like that.

Anyhow, I'll pop in the WX4170 now, cross my fingers that it works and report very soon.

Thanks for your help guys!

EDIT: My iMac has been rebooting over and over again (it takes a few second to do so) and I am not getting any backlight at boot. So back with the GTX765 for now. I did flash the WX4150_GOP.ROM onto it. Was I correct?
It takes a few seconds
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That did the trick! Thanks!

I wasn't aware that I would be getting backlight out of the box.
I thought I would once OC would load the GOP rom file.

My bad!
To be honest, it's quite confusing to read the first page, being redirected to different posts from various dates with patches which once worked and now don't...
Don't get me wrong, I am really thankful for all the work done by the community and especially you guys, the main contributors. I am really aware that this work you're doing for the community is a huge investment in terms of time spent so thanks for that!
But, as an example, even me whom I think is an advanced user somehow as I fix Macs for a living and have been working on macOS for 15 years now, I am lost in this.
I am sure you might think I must suck at fixing Mac after reading that... ;-)
The truth is I have absolutely no skills in OpenCore, EFI and programming overall which is why your stuff is like arabic to me but I can't imagine how other's, with less experience can make it.
At least, I am comfortable using command lines and adding kext, mount the EFI partition and stuff like that.

Anyhow, I'll pop in the WX4170 now, cross my fingers that it works and report very soon.

Thanks for your help guys!

EDIT: My iMac has been rebooting over and over again (it takes a few second to do so) and I am not getting any backlight at boot. So back with the GTX765 for now. I did flash the WX4150_GOP.ROM onto it. Was I correct?
It takes a few seconds
I do not really like this advice, but a PRAM reset directly after changing the graphics card may help. I switch back and forth on my lab systems from Nvidia to AMD and revers all the time without getting such problems. Most times without the PRAM reset, but sometimes you need it.

The WX4170 should boot into a freshly setup Catalina using the @dosdude patcher...of course you do not have sleep and more without more preparations.

The WX4150_GOP.ROM is okay for the start, especially if you boot into Catalina. I do not know which additional extension you already have installed, but a constant rebooting is not the expected behaviour.

I have prepared my WX4170 heat sink with a Dremel to avoid contact in the upper right corner, there is one big swore coil really close to the metal.

The page one:
It covers the effort of seven years. Since we cannot simply delete obsolete posts there is no other way as to link to the relevant pages and unlink the non relevant after a time. There have been complains all the time but nobody came around with a more sophisticated solution.
Of course, the time for a redesign and more clear structure might probably has already passed. But we do all this as a volunteering project.
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@overshoot what's your use case with the 4170? Do you care about boot screens? Maybe dump your Logic boards bootrom and EG2 mod it. Then flash the 560X ROM for EG2 Mod. I really prefer this over relying on OpenCore to work every time. Plus were never getting firmware updates again.

Use case being you always have another monitor connected for boot.
Hello everybody,
I'm just a little lost with more than 300 pages.
Have You ever think to separate your work for every cards ;) ?

I have some question about WX4130 or WX4150, that I want to buy:
Could I buy any card to flash ?
Is it possible to upgrade from High Sierra to Catalina, or it is necessary to install a fresh version ?
Is there an "how to" install Catalina with a WX4130 bios upgraded ?

My iMac: late 2011 27" i7 2600 with 12Go RAM and later an SSD.

Big thanks
Hello everybody,
I'm just a little lost with more than 300 pages.
Have You ever think to separate your work for every cards ;) ?

I have some question about WX4130 or WX4150, that I want to buy:
Could I buy any card to flash ?
Is it possible to upgrade from High Sierra to Catalina, or it is necessary to install a fresh version ?
Is there an "how to" install Catalina with a WX4130 bios upgraded ?

My iMac: late 2011 27" i7 2600 with 12Go RAM and later an SSD.

Big thanks
Try to read the single first post on the first page...
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I just tried setting up my iMac 12,2 27" 2011/i5-2500/32GB/1TB SSD Raid-0 with Catalina. The newest version is 10.15.5 and it's A LOT more trouble than 10.15.3 or 10.15.4.

highvoltage12v's AppleGraphicsControl.kext patch no longer worked - I just got a black screen and reboots.

Attached is a a new version that I created from the system kext with highvoltage12v's description/method/patch.

If you want to mod yourself, just edit /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleGraphicsDevicePolicy.kext/Contents/Info.plist and add the following entries to the "ConfigMap" dict:


"<key>ConfigMap</key>" and "<dict>" are there already and just to show where to insert, don't double it.

Also uploaded a copy of my running kext, hope it works.

I'm uploading a patched AppleGrapahicsControl.kext that is now necessary as of 10.15.4, the symptoms after this update are a blank screen but system sounds are heard when holding down the Escape key, as well a loss of any Displayport output. The cause of this is Apple Clamping down on 3rd party kexts from loading, this mainly affects hackintosh users, but affects us as our iMacs are no longer a supported platform.

What does this patched AppleGraphicsControl.kext do to allow 2009-2011 iMacs to properly boot? We now need our board ID's to be added to the AppleGraphicsDevicePolicy.kext within AppleGraphicsControl.kext, this allows the kext to properly load on boot, before this wasn't necessarily needed. I have so far all known 5 board ID's that are supported on our thread.

iMac12,2(27-inch Mid 2011)Mac-942B59F58194171B
iMac12,1(21.5-inch Mid 2011)Mac-942B5BF58194151B
iMac11,3(27-inch Mid 2010)Mac-F2238BAE
iMac11,2(21.5-inch Mid 2010)Mac-F2238AC8
iMac11,1(27-inch Late 2009)Mac-F2268DAE

Thanks to @Ausdauersportler for the helping/testing for this kext.

To install this kext unlock your System partition using Hackintool, drag the kext on-top of the kext utility icon let it install/timeout with an error. Open terminal and enter "sudo reboot" skipping this step may leave your iMac hanging at the desktop (A Catalina issue)

How to install:
When booting you need to Hold Alt/Option to bring up the AppleBootPicker, then select the Catalina partition. Since the iMac's Screen is on when using AppleBootPicker the Macs screen will remain on the entire boot process allowing you to log in and then proceed to install the Patched AppleGraphicsControl Kext.

I'm adding 10.14.6 2020-003 here as well as 10.13.6 2020-003. The original file named Simply "" is still for Mac OS Catalina 10.15.4+


  • Catalina 10.15.5 -
    394.2 KB · Views: 150
I just tried setting up my iMac 12,2 27" 2011/i5-2500/32GB/1TB SSD Raid-0 with Catalina. The newest version is 10.15.5 and it's A LOT more trouble than 10.15.3 or 10.15.4.

highvoltage12v's AppleGraphicsControl.kext patch no longer worked - I just got a black screen and reboots.

Attached is a a new version that I created from the system kext with highvoltage12v's description/method/patch.

If you want to mod yourself, just edit /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleGraphicsDevicePolicy.kext/Contents/Info.plist and add the following entries to the "ConfigMap" dict:


"<key>ConfigMap</key>" and "<dict>" are there already and just to show where to insert, don't double it.

Also uploaded a copy of my running kext, hope it works.
I have been using my Kext just fine with the k4100m/10.15.5, I'll go try another install just to verify, but yes it's simple to do, thanks for posting a how too guide.
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I have been using my Kext just fine with the k4100m/10.15.5, I'll go try another install just to verify, but yes it's simple to do, thanks for posting a how too guide.

Thanks! That'd be great. I think I've read of another report of a similar problem with 10.15.5 so it would be great to know. I've also messed around with Catalina on RAID-0, so that could be another cause of problems.

And thanks for all the work on getting the GPUs and newer OS' working, very much appreciated!
@overshoot what's your use case with the 4170? Do you care about boot screens? Maybe dump your Logic boards bootrom and EG2 mod it. Then flash the 560X ROM for EG2 Mod. I really prefer this over relying on OpenCore to work every time. Plus were never getting firmware updates again.

Use case being you always have another monitor connected for boot.
Sorry I had a long day at work.
I actually ended up spending my last hour at work on the iMac.
I thought to compare the content of the chip with the GOP bios and it failed. So I went re-flashing the chip and this time it did compare fine. I did compare the chip content with the Rom file and it failed so I guess my first attempt of flashing did not go well.
Put back the card and got it to turn on without rebooting in a loop.

I got first the backlight only with no picture at first but as I had set up remote management, I could use "Remote Desktop" to log in and set the boot volume to OC and voila!...

I was so excited, I put back the iMac together and brought it back home.
Started it and left it to go eat.
Came back and saw it on the OC menu again... hmmm Kernel Panic most likely I thought.
And yeah, it was something related to some graphic kext with SNB for which I am sure I read in a previous post that this was a known issue and that there was patch.

So I wasn't worry until I realized I couldn't open System Preferences for some reason.
It is actually open but I can't see any window so I can't set the start up disk to OC.
I did try to bless the drive in terminal but it apparently didn't work.

Now it seems to KP every 5 minutes.
Anyhow I'll check for a fix for that.

EDIT: I was able to get OC to load up again and find the AppleSNBGraphicsFB for AMD cards. Sleep now works. Thanks!

I just wanted that card as a replacement of my GTX765 as I got bored of not being able to control backlight. It was killing my eyes at night.
I also wanted something not low end like the K2100 but wouldn't afford the WX7100.
So yeah, flashing the iMac Bios is something I am interested in doing.
It is fun project to me as my MacPro 2010 is, so anything that can make it better is good to me.

Can you direct me to a link on the subject please?
I'll do my research then.
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The MTLDevice protocol defines the interface to a GPU. Obviously this is successfully implemented on our now METAL-capable GPUs.
However, I've noticed that this is something that is sometimes missing in the verbose message. In some cases, it only shows "Metal: Supported"; In other cases, it shows "Metal: Supported, feature set macOS GPUFamily1 v3"

I will be doing a kexts/ioreg/debug log/ comparison between the two scenarios to see if there is any actual difference like extra modules being loaded, etc. or maybe this just all cosmetic.

There is also information that I'm reading up on in the Apple Developers website on how the Metal Framework is implemented in the MacOS systems. Metal is much faster than OpenGL with the added advantage of speaking directly to hardware.

High Sierra:
feature set macOS GPUFamily1 v3
feature set macOS GPUFamily? v?
feature set macOS GPUFamily1 v4
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Hi guys :) I'm at it again, trying to fix a 2009 27" with a K610M for someone else but I'm running into some issues and maybe it's me missing something but I'm not sure checked things over and over again now.

So the situation:

  1. 27" iMac 2009 with 2.8GHz i7 and a K610M
  2. Installed High Sierra first to get latest boot rom just making sure
  3. Installed Catalina (10.15.5) through Dosdude's patcher, disabling post-install patches
  4. Made an OC USB stick with kexts 3, 4, 5, 6 enabled
  5. Installed Lilu and WhateverGreen manually
  6. Installed AppleGVA.framework
Didn't have a black screen on startup so didnt install AppleGraphicsControl kext from @highvoltage12v

So far everything that I did 3 times before and worked. However some things don't work:
  • Sound (working in High Sierra and on startup so the cables are connected)
  • WiFi (tried "Fix WiFi Atheros Mojave" as this helped @Ausdauersportler once with this issue)
  • Intel Quick Sync is not enabled according to Mac X Video Encoder
Went over everything twice no but to no avail. Could be me since I'm not looking at it with "fresh" eyes anymore but maybe someone knows what I'm doing wrong here?

Edit: maybe try to install Catalina with Dosdude's post-install patches enabled and then fixing the known issues with legacy video afterwards?
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Hi guys :) I'm at it again, trying to fix a 2009 27" with a K610M for someone else but I'm running into some issues and maybe it's me missing something but I'm not sure checked things over and over again now.

So the situation:

  1. 27" iMac 2009 with 2.8GHz i7 and a K610M
  2. Installed High Sierra first to get latest boot rom just making sure
  3. Installed Catalina (10.15.5) through Dosdude's patcher, disabling post-install patches
  4. Made an OC USB stick with kexts 3, 4, 5, 6 enabled
  5. Installed Lilu and WhateverGreen manually
  6. Installed AppleGVA.framework
Didn't have a black screen on startup so didnt install AppleGraphicsControl kext from @highvoltage12v

So far everything that I did 3 times before and worked. However some things don't work:
  • Sound (working in High Sierra and on startup so the cables are connected)
  • WiFi (tried "Fix WiFi Atheros Mojave" as this helped @Ausdauersportler once with this issue)
  • Intel Quick Sync is not enabled according to Mac X Video Encoder
Went over everything twice no but to no avail. Could be me since I'm not looking at it with "fresh" eyes anymore but maybe someone knows what I'm doing wrong here?

Edit: maybe try to install Catalina with Dosdude's post-install patches enabled and then fixing the known issues with legacy video afterwards?

The 2009 and 2010 I-series processors did not ever have quick sync, that was introduced in 2011 with Sandy Bridge.

For the WiFi and sound, boot back to the Catalina patcher, re-apply all the patches except the Legacy video, and after you click apply watch for the Force Rebuild Cache option to pop up. It’s only there for a few seconds so it’s easy to miss. Check the box within the 10 seconds and click apply to force a rebuild.
i still fight with my imac 2011 with K4100M.
i first replace 8 files from post #3271 for Mojave:
next on terminal:
sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/
sudo chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/Extensions/
sudo kextcache -i /

next i replace AppleGraphicsControl kext on: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks
and on terminal:
sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleGVA.framework/ sudo chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleGVA.framework/
sudo reboot

still MacX does not show Hardware Encoder. why?
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The 2009 and 2010 I-series processors did not ever have quick sync, that was introduced in 2011 with Sandy Bridge.

Come on Jeroen, you knew this... Haha anyway, thanks for pointing out the obvious.

For the WiFi and sound, boot back to the Catalina patcher, re-apply all the patches except the Legacy video, and after you click apply watch for the Force Rebuild Cache option to pop up. It’s only there for a few seconds so it’s easy to miss. Check the box within the 10 seconds and click apply to force a rebuild.

Thanks again! This did the trick :) And again a stupid oversight on my part; the other three (2011) iMacs had auto-apply of post-install patches enabled. Since the legacy video patch was automatically turned off I didn't pay close attention to this 😅
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EDIT: 4/17/20 An additional AppleIntelSNBGraphics.kext has been added to the pack to include board ID for iMac Pro/AMD-WX Series Config.plist. You can now have working sleep when your board ID is changed to 7BA5B2D9E42DDD94 to enable HEVC.

I am creating a guide linked to the first page to show how to reinstall HD3000 sleep kext as well as bring back Airplay and intel Quicksync rendering. This guide is exclusive to 2011 iMacs Running Mojave or Catalina.
  1. download Kext Utility from here download Hackintool from here download and unzip my files at the bottom of this post for Mojave or Catalina.
  2. Move files to the desktop, (Catalina only) Open Hackintool, move to the Tools tab and click on the GateKeeper icon, enter your password and Finder should restart, this unlocks the System Partition.View attachment 885972
  3. Unzip the Mojave or Catalina files and unzip them to the Desktop. Drag Kext Utility into the same folder as the kexts. Drag the kexts onto Kext Utility, they will install but Kext utility will give a timeout error in Catalina, this is normal. You can reboot your iMac now, Sleep/Airplay should work. View attachment 885982View attachment 885983Part 2: Enabling Intel QuickSync for rendering using the IGPU.
  4. Since Mac OS Mojave, Apple changed the "AppleGVA.framework to longer be compatible with Sandybridge CPU's. To reenable QuickSync we have to reinstall a Private framework from High Sierra. The 'AppleGVA.framework' included works with both Mojave and Catalina.
  5. (Catalina) Use Hackintool to unlock the System partition as shown earlier
  6. navigate to /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ take the unzipped AppleGVA.framework and drag it into a blank area of the PrivateFrameworks folder. click "Replace" from the Finder popup. View attachment 885986
  7. Open terminal and enter the following:
    sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleGVA.framework THEN ENTER
    sudo chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleGVA.framework
View attachment 886317
You can reboot now.

Optional you can download Mac X video recorder and check to make sure intel QuickSync is enabled.
View attachment 886318

I have figured out the slow boot issue in Catalina and allowing the HD3000 kexts to be installed along the "AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB" that was mentioned earlier. Turns out you need to modify the IOSURFACE.kext file (File from @dosdude1 patcher, all I did was replace it within the kext) and install the patched iosurface.kext with the HD3000 kexts. Now I have a normal boot time and proper sleep/wake function.

I also added the AppleGraphicsPowerManagement.kext from the patcher, I have not done any testing yet if this kext has any improvement on MXM cards, but it's a newer version than the one from High Sierra 110.23.46 vs. 110.23.37

EDIT: looks like the AppleMCCSControl.kext should be added along with IOSurface.kext to prevent artifacts in Safari.

To install I use "Hackintool" to unlock the Catalina System partition to install, then drag all the files on top of Kext Utility to install. Alternatively you can open terminal and type

I also added Mojave proper sleep kexts to this post as well.

Catalina Sleep Kexts still work as of 10.15.2, if performing a software update it is necessary to reinstall AppleMCCSControl.kext. Otherwise webpages on Safari won't load right.

Dear @highvoltage12v,

Thanks for all your contribution (and everybody else)!

I am trying to get QuickSync to run on my 27" 2011 iMac running a 780m with Nick's vBios. I am running Mojave 10.14.6. The kexts for enabling sleep are working perfectly but when I try your last step here with the AppleGVA.framework I just don't get it to work. All steps have been followed, and looks like a success to me, but when I reboot and check VideoProc, I never get H.264 acceleration to be enabled. Is there some step I might have missed maybe? I am NOT running OpenCore, just flashed vBios and SandyBridge kexts from your zip-file for sleep function. Nothing more.
Do you have any thoughts?
Again, much thanks for everything!

Best Regards!

I'm selling a GTX 770M
and going with a lower powered card. If you're in Europe and interested message me :)
i still fight with my imac 2011 with K4100M.
i first replace 8 files from post #3271 for Mojave:
next on terminal:
sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/
sudo chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/Extensions/
sudo kextcache -i /

next i replace AppleGraphicsControl kext on: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks
and on terminal:
sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleGVA.framework/ sudo chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleGVA.framework/
sudo reboot

still MacX does not show Hardware Encoder. why?
You changed the AppleGVA.framework in the /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/, not the AppleGraphicsControl extension?

and add as a last command

sudo kcditto

after the kextcache and before reboot.
Sorry guys, I am getting closer to a working system now...

Running OC with my WX4170, iMac 2011, macOS 10.15.4
I've just installed the AppleSNBGraphicsFB for AMD cards and got the iMac to sleep fine.

However I've just turned on Unigine Valley for a Benchmark and the computer just turned black.
The system didn't even mentioned that the system has crashed or something...

Could it be a lack of setup still or am I experiencing faulty card?
Dear @highvoltage12v,

Thanks for all your contribution (and everybody else)!

I am trying to get QuickSync to run on my 27" 2011 iMac running a 780m with Nick's vBios. I am running Mojave 10.14.6. The kexts for enabling sleep are working perfectly but when I try your last step here with the AppleGVA.framework I just don't get it to work. All steps have been followed, and looks like a success to me, but when I reboot and check VideoProc, I never get H.264 acceleration to be enabled. Is there some step I might have missed maybe? I am NOT running OpenCore, just flashed vBios and SandyBridge kexts from your zip-file for sleep function. Nothing more.
Do you have any thoughts?
Again, much thanks for everything!

Best Regards!
Try it with Lilu/Whatevergreen installed, maybe something has changed with a security update
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