Hi there,
Benefited by this thread and after tried three graphics cards(WX7100, RX560 and WX4170), I finally get my 27" iMac booted with WX4170.
View attachment 937490View attachment 937491
I flashed the WX4170 graphics card by a CH341A programmer with vBIOS provided by this thread.
There are two main problems with my iMac:
1. Black screen during boot:
The first boot after installing my WX4170 graphics card is a totally black screen that scared me. I can ssh to my iMac and share screen to my iMac by MBP, too. I find out that after connecting to an external display then the black screen of internal display will suddenly light up.
Knowing that I have to install AppleGraphicsControl.kext, I follow the instructions in this thread but I still can not get the AppleBootPicker showing up by holding the alt/option key at boot.
Is it correct that I get this error message during installing AppleGraphicsControl.kext?
View attachment 937494
2. No sound:
I can hear the loud boot chime but after booting to High Sierra, there is no internal sound output from my iMac. Can anyone give me a hint?
Due to that I can not get the AppleBootPicker to work I did not try the OpenCore yet.