Out of date: Check the first post of this thread, open core section!
New Catalina Loader based on OpenCore 0.59
@jborko vanished into the summer break he left me a new empty image of the Catalina Loader based on the OC 0.59. Today I found the time to install back the extensions we need with our GPU enhanced iMac and preconfigured three config.plist files.
config.NVIDIA.iMacPro.plist (experimental, here we use the iMacPro board-id, please ignore for now)
config.plist (the one used, currently a copy the the AMD version)
I decided to move off the sleep extensions
@highvoltage12v made and maintains from the EFI/OC/KEXTS folder on the Catalina Loader. It does not make any sense to have a bunch of different
sources of one set of files. It is impossible to maintain.
Good thing is:
(After installing the
sleep extensions exactly as described by
@highvoltage12v for 2011 systems)
You have only to select the AMD or NVIDIA version of the config file and rename it to config.plist. There is no need to make manual adjustments for AMD cards. The recent versions of the Whatevergreen, Lilu und AppleBacklightFix, PolarisBoost extensions have been already installed.
We will manage Whatevergreen and Lilu per injection on the loader. I do not install these files to the disc. Reason is quite simple. The sleep extensions will be likely unchanged. Both Whatevergreen and Lilu are under (heavy) development and will change more rapidly than we will provide new versions of the complete loader. It is simple to replace files on the loader, complicated to install extensions on disk and rebuild the prelinked kernel.
Both FakeSMC_GPUSensors and FakeSMC_CPUSensors work for
both AMD and Nvidia cards. These extensions are now enabled by default, too. Unfortunately you will still need a tool like Macs Fan Control to manage the ODD fan and help the GPU to survive. Having the HW Monitor and the sensors working is only really useful after the GPU installation to check out the thermal coupling of the GPU and the sink. The GPU should not be much hotter than the sink after a while (I have less than 5 degrees difference after 5 minutes of a Valley run, i.e. 55 on the GPU and 51 on the GPU heat sink.).
I put the
image containing the OpenCore Configurator on my google drive. Another image without the configurator you will find attached. Cannot put the big image here due to upload limitations. You will find the OpenCore Configurator on the official
project page.
Installation on an SD card or USB flash drive is simple: Use the app
balena etcher as before or use the disk utility to restore the card/drive from the image you downloaded and unpacked before.
Many thanks to
@Nick [D]vB,
@jborko, and
@Pascal Baillargeau for creating the contents.
I tried this my own on four machines, only. But I got at least as many positive feedbacks from the field, right now. It should work! You made a Hackintosh out of your iMac. There are some risks related to this method. You take all this risks on your own!
I added a real short Guide how to install the new image and configure it. I dropped the entire 2011 section and the section about the manual added specific configurations we made for the AMD cards. It is all preconfigured, now. Just select your config.plist and go!
The attached version of PolarisBoostMAX effectively switches off the idle mode of the GPU burning a lot of more power than needed. To get the maximum performance just send the system once to sleep and use the attached old version named PolarisBoost. I will change the image soon installing both extensions and offering the user to select by using a config.AMD.MAX.plist or by just editing the exiting AMD version.
Got a first reply from
@Pascal Baillargeau. He was using the PolarisBoostMAX with his WX7100. He experienced during a Valley run a hard crash, observing a powerdraw of
200W for a short while.
So please avoid the settings with WX7100.
Change Log:
07/31/2020: Some minor edits in the PDF and uploaded a new image containing the latest AppleBacklighFix and the latest PolarisBoost extensions usable with all AMD cards.
07/31/2020: Attached an completely working image without the OpenCore Configurator app.
07/31/2020: Attach back old version of PolarisBoost, changing new one to name PolarisBoostMAX.
08/03/2020: Changed PolarisBoost back to the former version on image
08/11/2020: Revised config.plist files and made some minor corrections. New image upload!
12/20/2020: deleted open core image (google flagged it contains a virus)