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Hello all,

First, thank you all for all this helpful content in this community. Wouldn't have come this far anyway without this thread.

But now I'm stuck. After spending half the easter weekend in testing and searching this thread I'm lost.

I'm working on two stacked 2009 i7 11,1 iMacs, and the goal is to run them eventually on Catalina/ Big Sur.

Replaced the GPU for an K1100m board, which went fine. Worked in HS natively, no bootscreen nor Brightness.
Flashed the firmware using the SSH client solution, which also succeeded, but ended up with a black screen afterwards.
Went on with the Catalina Loader in order to sort things out.

After hours of swapping SSD's with HS/ Catalina, swapping GPU for an original one I figured out that somehow my output is mapped to the displayport/Thunderbolt, see image. this is why I get a black screen on my mac,but ofcourse an external screen works. Doing a PRAM reset allows me to get in normally, but restart is black over again.

View attachment 1754345

Mounted the GPU in the other system, did a fresh install of CL and ended up with the same issue, so I guess this is stored in the GPU firmware.

How do I change the display default output from displayport to internal?

I used the K1100m.ROM which is linked on the first page.

thanks a lot for your help!

Or is this also to be solved with the AGC patch mentioned earlier?

Are you able to edit the config.plist of your OpenCore manually using tools like the OpenCore Configurator or Xcode or ProperTree (github)?

Add this to the boot-args: agdpmod=vit9696

or post your config.plist here and I will do the mod for you. You would need to copy the changed file back into ECI/OC and reboot the iMac.

Yes, it is the Late 2009 and the well known total black screen. Since I do not own a working iMac11,1 myself I cannot predict what happens, but I would assume the AGC patch will do the job or this OC mod.
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Dear Ausdauersportler,

Thank you very much for the quick reply!
As I'm quite a newbie on this, I'm not familiar with editing with the openCore yet, but will start learning right away.

I'll try this first, and otherwise I'll post my config.plist here.
(and once again thank you for helping me out!)
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Ieri era il D-day! :)

Dopo aver atteso a lungo il mio K4100M è arrivato finalmente.
Quello che mi preoccupava era il tipo di RAM che non era lo stesso per cui Nikey22 ha scritto la rom.

View attachment 1741625
View attachment 1741626

GPU installata e avviata direttamente in High Sierra.

È ora di eseguire il flash ... Ho deciso di utilizzare il metodo di avvio USB e di eseguire il flashing in remoto tramite SSH.
Backup e flash sono andati bene, ma la verifica mostra che c'erano diverse dimensioni della ROM, mi sono spaventato un po 'ma nikey22 mi ha detto che non dovevo preoccuparmene.

View attachment 1741631

Dopo il riavvio ho ottenuto la schermata di avvio e ogni cosa ha funzionato come previsto. Utilizzo dell'UGA (rom overcloccata)
tutto è super stabile sui benchmark e sui video di YouTube 8K.

Non ho ancora avuto il tempo di testare nessun gioco, ma immagino che andrà bene lì.

La luminosità dello schermo in High Sierra è stata corretta installando AppleBacklightFixup.kext ma non riesco a farlo funzionare in Big Sur. Ho provato sia AppleBacklightFixup.kext che modding AppleBacklight.kext già installato.

Immagino sia una sorta di problema di sicurezza?

View attachment 1741635

Ad ogni modo il computer sembra molto più scattante con Metal Support e una buona GPU che può togliere lo stress dalla CPU.

View attachment 1741638

Ha fatto alcuni benchmark per te.

View attachment 1741639
Valley - Antialiasing off

Tutti i benchmark sono effettuati con Big Sur 11.2.3

View attachment 1741640
View attachment 1741641
View attachment 1741642

Grazie mille a Nikey22 per aver reso possibile tutto questo e anche per aver assistito durante la realizzazione del flash!
Quando riuscirò a risolvere il problema della retroilluminazione con Big Sur, lascerò High Sierra per sempre.
Ciao se risolvi il problema della retroilluminazione fammelo sapere....anche io ho provato tutto ma non ci sono riuscito, grazie Diego
Today I faced an issue after system had an update 10.13.6, my boot progress bar broke after nearly 70% and screen went black. I had to plug in external display and it all came back. Boot sequence is not smooth as before and I can only get to login screen having external screen connected. The 'CL package' is untouched from day one.
Is there something caused by the update? can it be resolved without a reformat which I am trying to avoid.
Edit: i just checked and the HS SSD drive has changed now to APFS. Gosh
I have redone all steps from start.

- I disconnected all drives and left 1 SSD APFS formatted.
- Clean installed only HS and updated it to 005>006.
- PRAM refreshed and used CL USB with OC 0.6.7 EFI from Post 13,290, as startup disk.

My internal screen still goes black while boot progress bar reaches 70% without external display.
Plugging external display, boot jerks to the black screen at the same spot (70%) as above for a second or two and login screen lights up.

I have remade the CL USB again but that also gives same result.

Previously this jerk was a fraction of a second at 50% bar and screen remained lit up with login taking over without an external screen. Alas, I had it for just a couple of days.
buonasera, dopo aver installato la scheda video k610m ho installato big sur ma non riesco a capire come funziona il controllo della luminosità. Ho provato più volte con la guida di Curtis Gross ma non ci riesco anche perché non riesco a scaricare catalina loader.dmg e non capisco dove siano installati i file di opencore 0.6.8.
Volevo anche ringraziare tutti per questo fantastico forum. Mi ha aiutato molto.


  • Schermata 2021-04-06 alle 19.43.43.png
    Schermata 2021-04-06 alle 19.43.43.png
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buonasera, dopo aver installato la scheda video k610m ho installato big sur ma non riesco a capire come funziona il controllo della luminosità. Ho provato più volte con la guida di Curtis Gross ma non ci riesco anche perché non riesco a scaricare catalina loader.dmg e non capisco dove siano installati i file di opencore 0.6.8.
Volevo anche ringraziare tutti per questo fantastico forum. Mi ha aiutato molto.
Ask Curtis Gross, he owns all the infos and did all the work you find on this thread. He must know where to find your files. He is the expert. We are just the copy cats.
Well, thank you once again Ausdauer, but some posts are not easy to least for me. Also Im doing this aside of all my other things. There is no real learning process as i have no capability to understand it properly...Im just goign by the posts and trial and error. Like it is written in the first plug and play...still eventually somebody will step up and consolidate all the info once in a while, bringing it to a new level...

Ive choosen the wrong link. I was going by opencore legacy patcher and hang myself up onto disabling SIP wich i cannot disable without opencore. In the original post by nick no SIP deactivation is mentioned. So far so good....WIll try ecerything out once more when im off work....Thank you!
You would help us and yourself if you could add a signature to your account. This way everybody knows what hardware your have, what goal you want to achieve.

You can use OCLP to generate a recent OpenCore EFI. You can disable SIP using it, too. All depends on what you are planning to do?

But it is far more easy to use the old 0.5.9 EFI and the Catalina Loader to start with!
Start slow and check the card with High Sierra, then add OpenCore, later go ahead to install Big Sur or whatever.
About Big Sur Patcher Development for these iMacs (Late 2009 to Mid 2011)

You possibly know that I spent a lot of time during the last 9 month into three and a half those projects,

  1. micropatcher
  2. iMac micropatcher fork
  3. Micropatcher Automator fork
  4. OCLP fork
It all started with co-working on the micropatcher just adding the imac specific part, later taking it over, making a short integration of all this into the Automator and at the very end forking the OCLP to integrate everything what matters into this. @khronokernel adopted this fork completely. I could not test every system and card, but I am sure the AMD part is complete while sometimes the NVIDIA part offers little surprises. But I have to admit that these two guys are fast at fixing issues and real experts (unlike me) when it comes to OpenCore specifics.

Lately I added the OpenCore part into the iMac micropatcher while @khronokernel added the patching part into OCLP. Both solutions are now hybrid (using both OpenCore and real patching aka installing files onto the system volume). It does not make any sense to maintain two of those nearly similar developments. Since everything what matters has been integrated and everything what may not will be I decided to stop the development on the micropatcher and focus on the OCLP, completely.

You can, of course, use the (iMac) micropatcher as long as you want. But I will not add features and will likely fix no errors.

So I ask all of you to migrate to the OCLP as soon as possible if you are running Big Sur. We are really close to get a patch free installation offering OTA upgrades (basically Apple Software Update is working again).

The OCLP team plans to support Mojave and Catalina later, too. I am working on this now for our iMac 2009 to 2011 systems and it has been nearly finished (expect some minor sound issues). Only NVIDIA GPU users on Mid 2011 systems cannot use the HD3000 iGPU currently without patching, but integrating this is really easy for Catalina and Mojave. It will be more complicated for Big Sur (if possible at all).

Hope you understand this move!

Thanks for your support, your patience, and thanks for trusting my software tools!
I ask all of you to migrate to the OCLP as soon as possible if you are running Big Sur. We are really close to get a patch free installation offering OTA upgrades (basically Apple Software Update is working again).

@Ausdauersportler tks for the awesome work ! You’ve bring my old iMac 2011 onto another new life

what would be the best way to move to OCLP from micropatcher ? Can we install the new system over the same partition using the usb stick method ? Also as AMD user I suppose I need to keep using a SD card with OCLP EFI files plugged in order to get the boot screen. Right ?
Lastly I have read somewhere that at some point of OCLP dev, network cable and sound were broken. Has it been fixed ?
Sorry for the redundant questions you should get all the time. I have currently a fully functional BS system and Would be a bad bit to lose it all along the way
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** NVIDIA Quadro K4000M Mac Edition ROM **
Genuine Native Boot Screen & Brightness Control

View attachment 1740329

I've tested and put together the following ROM for the NVIDIA Quadro K4000M which will allow:
Genuine native brightness control
Genuine ‘gray’ early-boot screen

Pre-installation Requirements:
- iMac12,2 (27-inch Mid 2011) Mac-942B59F58194171B (Tested machine)
- BootROM: Please use High Sierra to update your BootROM to latest version.
- GPU varient: N14E-Q3-A2
View attachment 1740318

Я убедился, что на этот раз ПЗУ сообщит правильный размер vram: 4096 МБ. Samsung Samsung vram чипы, я не знаю, будут ли они работать или нет, вы должны будете сказать мне, если вы решили купить карту на базе SAMSUNG. Я буду обновлять этот пост с любыми успехами или неудачами. Глядя на таблицу задержек, я вижу там записи для SAMSUNG ram, так что я предполагаю, что это сработает.

Я протестировал его на установке раздела Windows 7 и отлично работает с версией драйвера Nvidia Quadro: 377.11 и установкой BootCamp: 5.0.5033

Тайминги vbios близки к запасным, и я не хотел слишком сильно корректировать их, пока у нас не будет больше людей, использующих их. Не стесняйтесь регулировать с помощью Kepler Bios Tweaker, и я обновлю ПЗУ на этом посту, чтобы отразить стабильные разгоны.

Требования после установки:
Управление Яркостью Шаговый Мод:
-Включите компьютер, удерживая нажатой клавишу Command(⌘)-R
-Выберите Утилиты > Терминал
-Введите:csrutil disable
-MacOS Catalina: требует, чтобы вы сделали root доступным для записи: sudo mount -uw /
-Скачайте и откройте "Kext Utility v2.6.6"

-Перейдите в раздел S/L/E (System/Library/Extensions)
-Скопируйте файл" AppleBacklight.kext " на рабочий стол
-Edit: AppleBacklight.kext/Contents/Info.plist
-Прокрутите вниз до: IOKitPersonalities > AppleIntelPanelA >> ApplePanels
-Там вы найдете несколько профилей Apple LCD.
-Для машины iMac 2011 27" locate:

-Измените раздел <data> на:

-Перетащите свой моддированный kext в утилиту Kext, разрешите ему правильные разрешения
-Будет создана папка Applebacklight.kext.bak

Вышеприведенный шаблон данных позволит использовать более широкий диапазон шагов для управления яркостью и использовать большую емкость HD3000. Если у вас есть другая машина, Ваш идентификатор панели можно найти, перейдя в раздел Системные настройки > дисплеи >> цвет >>> открыть профиль >>>> mmod

Предостережения после установки/ошибки:
К сожалению, EFI rom основан на очень старой реализации Tianocore, поэтому 16-битный Глюк разрешения UGA_DRAW_PROTOCOL все еще присутствует, пока я не найду способ перепрограммировать его. Сейчас я загружаю модуль EFI извне в оболочку, чтобы понять, почему информация EDID не извлекается должным образом.
Временное решение: активируйте цикл сна и вернитесь, теперь это должно устранить проблему.

Как уже говорилось ранее, эти карты основаны на флэш-пакете WSON, и поэтому их гораздо труднее восстановить после плохой вспышки. Пожалуйста, примите меры предосторожности и проверьте мигание перед перезагрузкой.

View attachment 1740617

-безумно здорово!"
-Стив Джобс

Hello, I bought a video card with Dell m6700, memory for Samsung, without the firmware the card was not detected, it was not possible to flash through Linux. I flashed the BIOS using the programmer, the video card is detected, it works well. It might be helpful.

Sorry for my English, I'm using a translator


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Hello, I bought a video card with Dell m6700, memory for Samsung, without the firmware the card was not detected, it was not possible to flash through Linux. I flashed the BIOS using the programmer, the video card is detected, it works well. It might be helpful.

Sorry for my English, I'm using a translator
Great! Please run UNIGINE Valley and post some benchmark results!
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@Ausdauersportler tks for the awesome work ! You’ve bring my old iMac 2011 onto another new life

what would be the best way to move to OCLP from micropatcher ? Can we install the new system over the same partition using the usb stick method ? Also as AMD user I suppose I need to keep using a SD card with OCLP EFI files plugged in order to get the boot screen. Right ?
Lastly I have read somewhere that at some point of OCLP dev, network cable and sound were broken. Has it been fixed ?
Sorry for the redundant questions you should get all the time. I have currently a fully functional BS system and Would be a bad bit to lose it all along the way
You are welcome!

There is not need to hurry into this migration! The current patchers are mature (more than I thought and the stock 0.5.1 micropatcher has not been changed for months, now).

Why I propose OCLP over another (micro) patcher?

When this sound problem has been solved one would have a 100% working installation with full Apple Software Update support (no more patching)! Support is better, development is ongoing and some important players in this game joined the group behind the curtains. And it is simply unrealistic to have several tools doing the same, support these tools and the users and confuse new users with a long list and explain pro and contra again and again. We had this ongoing stupid situation for more than two years because we got no real fully @dosdude1 support. Now we have it with OCLP and we should appreciate this comfort.

When 11.3 has been published you can install this new version above the old installation. All user data and settings will be preserved. I already updated the docs and posts here a little bit. You should read the docs of the OCLP to get used to it and you can start with it right now! This is just preparing for the real migration.

To do the final migration you simply would have to
  1. download OCLP and run the program to create an new OpenCore EFI folder. Disable SIP and SecureBoot manually following the on screen instructions if you want to use it with the existing installation (before you quit the program you have either to use the install to disk option (NVIDIA) or copy the created EFI manually from the internal temporary place to creation). I prefer having it on a Catalina Loader with AMD cards. So I copy it manually over to a folder on the desktop.
  2. just put it onto the Catalina Loader (replacing the older version, but keep that old version just to have a way back)
  3. reboot into you current Big Sur installation (now you have changed the OpenCore base)
  4. Big Sur installation will now be done through Apple Software Update, I assume you already see an update of macOS announced by Apple with the current settings.
  5. AppleHDA (sound patching) is optional and available (I did not use it so far!) AppleALC support is available!
Issues (fixed and current)
  1. Ethernet has been fixed with OCLP 0.0.19
  2. Audio can be patched with the current OCLP 0.0.21 (I use currently an old BT Anker Sound cube to have sound and did not patch any installation on my iMacs, just a single one is left right now). AppleALC support is available!
  3. HD3000 support on 2011 system (not available with any of the patcher right now)
So there are no other things missing except the HD3000 iGPU support only on 2011 system and this is only visible and important to NVIDIA users, since AMD users do not use the HD3000. Honestly the HD3000 has been disabled through OpenCore to avoid the 2011 sleep issue - unless we may find a solution for this really special case.

You can of course patch the new installation manually using the same technology as with other patchers to modify the root volume. You will loose Apple delta updates (the smaller ones updating from 11.2.1 to 11.2.2) and you will only see the full installers announced, like the ones to 11.3, 11,4 etc.). Apple Software Update only works with OpenCore and only with so called spoofing. Only AMD GPU users had this before (technical reasons). Now we will or can get it all.

Posted an OCLP generated and (slightly) modified (ready to use with Catalina Loader) EFI folder here. Works with High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina and Big Sur and needs no patching at all (sound is still broken).
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Posted an OCLP generated and (slightly) modified (ready to use with Catalina Loader) EFI folder here. Works with High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina and Mojave and needs no patching at all (sound is still broken).
This brought my internal screen back to smother boot without the need of external one plugged. 😍😍 Testing further...

"Automatically adjust brightness" checkbox is missing even though the panel specs show it as supported.​

Covering the camera causes the brightness slider to move, so it appears to be enabled and I'd like to turn the feature off. I have two nearly identical systems (SCOOBY and SCOOBERT) and both have this behavior. Oddly when attaching an external display it shows the checkbox for that display (even though system report shows it as not supported). It would appear whatever controls the checkbox is working backwards. I've attached pictures from both system incase that helps. Manual adjustment of brightness works on both system's internal LCD, as well as the external LED Cinema Display.

My reason for wanting to disabling this feature on SCOOBERT, is that I'm not seeing consistent brightness between min and max settings on the slider. As a result when the system tries to auto adjust I see erratic results. I believe this to be a hardware issue, for it did this before the GPU was changed, and was not corrected after PRAM resets. I also don't have this issue with SCOOBY which is running identical software. I swapped in a different inverter board but that made no difference. My research online has not found anyone else with this issue. I'm left with either a bad PS, LCD panel, or logic board. None of these options are cheap, and would seem overkill just to resolve this small issue. In short, I think the best solution for me is to disable the feature instead of continuing to swap parts.


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"Automatically adjust brightness" checkbox is missing even though the panel specs show it as supported.​

This may have to do with how your OpenCore is configured. Have you tried out @Ausdauersportler and my OCLP revision with no system patching? My systems are a bit different than yours, but I can confirm on my WX4130 systems that checkbox exists.

"Automatically adjust brightness" checkbox is missing even though the panel specs show it as supported.​

Covering the camera causes the brightness slider to move, so it appears to be enabled and I'd like to turn the feature off. I have two nearly identical systems (SCOOBY and SCOOBERT) and both have this behavior. Oddly when attaching an external display it shows the checkbox for that display (even though system report shows it as not supported). It would appear whatever controls the checkbox is working backwards. I've attached pictures from both system incase that helps. Manual adjustment of brightness works on both system's internal LCD, as well as the external LED Cinema Display.

My reason for wanting to disabling this feature on SCOOBERT, is that I'm not seeing consistent brightness between min and max settings on the slider. As a result when the system tries to auto adjust I see erratic results. I believe this to be a hardware issue, for it did this before the GPU was changed, and was not corrected after PRAM resets. I also don't have this issue with SCOOBY which is running identical software. I swapped in a different inverter board but that made no difference. My research online has not found anyone else with this issue. I'm left with either a bad PS, LCD panel, or logic board. None of these options are cheap, and would seem overkill just to resolve this small issue. In short, I think the best solution for me is to disable the feature instead of continuing to swap parts.
Just checked it with our latest OCLP adaption:

From High Sierra to Big Sur (all unpatched) this checkbox exists and even with my single patched Big Sur instance it is there. I guess you should simply change the OC version on your Catalina Loader. The latest 0.6.8 should do the job.

EDIT: I have pulled back all older OpenCore versions, only left the 0.5.9. Time to migrate!
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Just checked it with our latest OCLP adaption:

From High Sierra to Big Sur (all unpatched) this checkbox exists and even with my single patched Big Sur instance it is there. I guess you should simply change the OC version on your Catalina Loader. The latest 0.6.8 should do the job.

EDIT: I have pulled back all older OpenCore versions, only left the 0.5.9. Time to migrate!
The OC 0.6.8 update took care of it ... and MORE! I used the config.122.plist file, and was expecting to loss internal sound, which I did. That is the main reason I had resisted upgrading, and may keep some of my systems on 0.6.6. Fortunately this change puts the checkbox for auto brightness back. On this system the lack of internal speakers is acceptable (bluetooth speakers are normally used). What I had not expected was for it to resolve the wonky brightness slider; that now changes smoothly from min to max. Not sure why my other identical OC 0.6.6 system was not experiencing this issue, but discovering this was not a hardware issue was a pleasant surprise.


  • SCOOBERT using OC 0.6.8.jpeg
    SCOOBERT using OC 0.6.8.jpeg
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The OC 0.6.8 update took care of it ... and MORE! I used the config.122.plist file, and was expecting to loss internal sound, which I did. That is the main reason I had resisted upgrading, and may keep some of my systems on 0.6.6. Fortunately this change puts the checkbox for auto brightness back. On this system the lack of internal speakers is acceptable (bluetooth speakers are normally used). What I had not expected was for it to resolve the wonky brightness slider; that now changes smoothly from min to max. Not sure why my other identical OC 0.6.6 system was not experiencing this issue, but discovering this was not a hardware issue was a pleasant surprise.
Sound on the iMac12,2 is working with this particular installation (it has an experimental version of AppleALC installed) using a head set or active speaker/microphone connected to the external stereo jack on the back side of the iMac (head set stereo chinch port).

You may take a look an the most recent OCLP 0.2.2 (it has a patching option for AppleHDA on this particular machines) to get full sound support - but you will loose ability to apply the delta upgrades.

I one needs sound at all costs:

Strategically (long term view) we hope for a properly working AppleALC.kext with OpenCore and full sound support without patching.

So the smartest tactical approach (short term) might be using old AppleHDA patching for now, wait until 11.3 is available and hope that the development of AppleALC comes to an happy end within this time frame.

What are we doing here technically:

AppleALC.kext is a compilation of all the settings the macOS needs to use the internal installed sound hardware properly. Injecting this compilation of settings effectively is a program to be used by the existing original Big Sur AppleHDA.kext to provide proper sound output. The settings for legacy hardware have been stripped away be Apple because it is no longer needed. So we have this two ways: Reinstall the older High Sierra AppleHDA.kext or reprogram it using AppleALC.kext (which the complete Hackintosh world is doing).
Sound on the iMac12,2 is working with this particular installation (it has an experimental version of AppleALC installed) using a head set or active speaker/microphone connected to the external stereo jack on the back side of the iMac (head set stereo chinch port).

You may take a look an the most recent OCLP 0.2.2 (it has a patching option for AppleHDA on this particular machines) to get full sound support - but you will loose ability to apply the delta upgrades.

I one needs sound at all costs:

Strategically (long term view) we hope for a properly working AppleALC.kext with OpenCore and full sound support without patching.

So the smartest tactical approach (short term) might be using old AppleHDA patching for now, wait until 11.3 is available and hope that the development of AppleALC comes to an happy end within this time frame.

What are we doing here technically:

AppleALC.kext is a compilation of all the settings the macOS needs to use the internal installed sound hardware properly. Injecting this compilation of settings effectively is a program to be used by the existing original Big Sur AppleHDA.kext to provide proper sound output. The settings for legacy hardware have been stripped away be Apple because it is no longer needed. So we have this two ways: Reinstall the older High Sierra AppleHDA.kext or reprogram it using AppleALC.kext (which the complete Hackintosh world is doing).
I would be fine if theres no sound output(its working fine with an usb dongle), but the lack of built-in microphone that bugs me for video calls, meetings.
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I would be fine if theres no sound output(its working fine with an usb dongle), but the lack of built-in microphone that bugs me for video calls, meetings.
There are BT and USB solutions (working independently of the AppleALC) with sound in and out. It is your choice...even using an older iPhone (3.5mm chinch connected) head set gives you both in and out with the current AppleALC right now on the 12,2 as described so many times, now. The extension is also part of this 0.6.8 folder I uploaded...
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buongiorno ragazzi sto davvero impazzendo. qualcuno può spiegarmi passo passo come posso usare opencore? ho un imac del 2011 con nvidia k610m. Vorrei il controllo della luminosità e visualizzare il display originale nelle impostazioni invece di uno schermo come allegato nell'immagine. ho installato big sur. I have seen many guides and I do not come to the head.
Schermata 2021-04-08 alle 13.22.55.png
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