An update on this.
First K3000M proved to be DOA, no video / impossible to flash since system wouldn't recognise. Seller only offered a $5 refund, so I opened a dispute on Ali who only authorised a $15 due to the fact that I didn't present the case with an installation video - despite the seller also not providing evidence that the card was working as advertised. Kept card as a donor.
Second card also a K3000M from alt. vendor through eBay didn't come preflashed, had to go down the xanderon USB SSH route - pretty straightforward - flashed ST3PHL3's ROM onto it. Card appears to work OK on Mojave (after all relevant patches applied) - i.e. native boot screen and brightness control, no sleep issues, no weird artifacts on screen and all.
Initial comparison of GPU heatsink temps / MXM amperage drawn - compared to previously installed AMD Radeon HD4850 (in parentheses)
- in idle: ~45ºC / 0.5A respectively (55ºC / 1.6A)
- while stress testing (Valley): ~70-75ºC / 3.15A respectively (~80º-85ºC / 3.15A)
Unigine's Valley scores at (min/avg/max - score) 12/18.5/35-770 are only slightly better compared to the HD4850's at 7/15/24.5-630 and substantially lower to the scores of other K3000Ms I've seen posted on similarly spec'ed systems at 15/28/52-1170.
There's however an emerging pattern of only a few instances when the card can boost up to the 50W TDP of the MXM interface. Most of the times it can only draw upto a max of ~1.15A in which case the benchmark performance is much lower than that of the previously installed Radeon and consequently a Valley benchmark yields 4/6.5/11-270 (!!).
Using MetalBench v.1.0 in underperforming mode (amperage @ ~1.15A) I get an average of ~30MRays/sec and lots of pink artifacts with the framerate all over the place, while in full-amperage mode (3.05-3.15A) I get a sustained ~300MRays/sec.
I consider flashing
@nikey22 's ROM on it to see how it behaves, although I'm not expecting miracles...As always feel free to chime in in case this behaviour is reminiscent of impending trouble.
P.S.: I did get a few reboots while stressing the card for a few minutes about a week ago, which have not been replicated ever since.