Unlikely, or there would have been a recall, or at least leaked from factories implementing a new design. Some machines vary in pitch, which suggest the inevitable, that, like screens (some with issues), or NAND, they are all made by multiple manufacturers. It is impossible for one single manufacturer to make x million parts per week. Some batches maybe quieter and better made, but there is no long term reliability data to tell us if any of these actually last in real world conditions.
The new butterfly mechanism appears finicky and poorly made. In contrast, Cherry mechanical manufacturers have been perfecting their keys for decades. Millions of robot types per key model, in varying conditions and humidity, temperature etc. Odds of Apple inventing a better solution in two years- and replacing it already with a Butterfly 2, are below highly unlikely.
The previous membrane patents were not Apple's, they are licensed (e.g Razer Blade, Dell XPS, Lenovo, prev Gen Macbooks) and the chicklet membrane deserved its reputation as best in world. Apple further customized the Caps lock key to not register accidental touches. There are engineering designations, codes and patents for this widespread technology. Have had the USB Al body chiclet for 10 years now, no issues. Dragged Macbooks in the desert, no issues.
Butterfly 1 and 2 are recent, different beasts, attempting to hybridize mechanical and membrane properties with Apple patents, then mass-produce them. Does not seem to work, not consistently anyway, and not mass produced. if the mechanical bit gets stuck, it is game over. The claim that they are more 'precise' can be easily refuted by the forum posts on this issue. They are too close together, WIDER, FLATTER, increasing the odds of activating an adjacent key, hence the article at
https://9to5mac.com/2017/02/21/macbook-pro-keyboard-problems/. I attempted a grad week's work on one, and it was unfeasible. Went back to PC (cherry brown) or the 2015 MBP (chicklet membrane) and mistakes dropped 90+%.
Safe bet, a Butterfly 3 is coming out..