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I'm up to macbook pro number 10... That's right 10!!!! After the 5th replacement I decided to just return it/buy it every 2 weeks until I get one without a problem... I could care less how bad that sounds what i'm doing. They ALL have faulty keys when heated up (high cpu ussage). This one I'm currently typing on has high pitched clicking even when not heated up (A key only). When the computer is heated up, the keys DELETE (backspace) and the whole top row (with letters) make a high pitched, sticky sound. My 10th is by far the worse.

That's a design flaw. When sane people discover such a thing and can't live with it, they buy something else. If this drives you crazy and you already had the opportunity to return it, the problem is you. In your situation, I wouldn't touch the entire generation of them.
After 2 iterations of 15" with a "clicky" keys, I went with a new 13" only to find out that it suffered from the same problem.

I am starting to believe that most 2016 macbook pros suffer from this (what apple calls by design) and most people just don't notice it. Participating in this forum definitely sensitized me to this issue. In any case, clearly the design needs more fine tuning. Maybe butterfly v.3 will be great.
I agree. Future interations will just be better. I will say, though, that the sound is becoming less of an annoyance. Perhaps I'm just habituating.
Yep after several replacements here, I'm thinking all of them have the issue as well. The keyboard shim thing does work, but it reduces key travel even more and I'm not yet convinced those shims will stay in place for the life on the computer. Hopefully Apple releases a revised keyboard which fixes this issue one of these days. Loosing hope though since this laptop has already been out for 5 months with no fixes other than the shims.
Can you describe the shims?
I believe Apple already has released a new version of the keyboard. I know I read a post somewhere that he had replaced the MacBook several times, but eventually received one manufactured in February. I have the same experience. Had a 13 TB manufactured in December 2016 with issues with clicking sound on the "W"-key, and also reduced travel on the "Enter"-key. Exchanged it today and received one manufactured in February 2017, and to my pleasant surprise it is perfect.
The guy at my local store actually said they received word from Apple that the issues is software related, and an update to resolve this is expected in April, but that doesn't sound right.

EDIT: Another difference is that on my new MacBook the TouchID sensor is completely firm, on the old one it was loose.
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I agree. Future interations will just be better. I will say, though, that the sound is becoming less of an annoyance. Perhaps I'm just habituating.

Sadly, we have all the evidence of a major downtrend. It is as if they skipped R&D, used one of their engineers on the weekend to slap some features in their design software, then Clicked "Send to Production." If anything, it should have bullet-proofed the 2015 version, the one getting me 15+ hrs of battery life without fail. Instead, problems are increasing on this iterations,online refurbished units have shot up, new price drops and so on.

In two Apple Stores, have yet to try and get three identical ones- each one responding differently trying the same sample typing. The worse is border discrimination- the new keys are wider and so much closer, flat, so one can type two keys at once. The old 2008 design, close together was mm higher so unlikely to cause these issues. The Butterfly 2.0 keyboard, I find it atrocious because of these quirks: sounds, size, double typos or simply not responding...
That's a design flaw. When sane people discover such a thing and can't live with it, they buy something else. If this drives you crazy and you already had the opportunity to return it, the problem is you. In your situation, I wouldn't touch the entire generation of them.

I had three out-of-the-box 2015 MBP shutting down/freezing, used to film it, take it to Apple Store, and the third time they were incredulous of course. Then they called Sr Apple support which repeated that if they behaved that oddly off spec, they were flawed, hardware flawed, and made them replace it.

Sure enough, the 4th version is the one am typing now, 15 hrs of life, no issues one year later... Clearly, whatever cheap hardware production supplier they used, they had entire faulty batches. This is also the case with the 2016, on top of bad design (e.g. battery and power architecture).

The only reason i would not do it even twice on the new one, it is due to the very known issues plaguing the very design, which was not the case on the 2015.
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I believe Apple already has released a new version of the keyboard. I know I read a post somewhere that he had replaced the MacBook several times, but eventually received one manufactured in February. I have the same experience. Had a 13 TB manufactured in December 2016 with issues with clicking sound on the "W"-key, and also reduced travel on the "Enter"-key. Exchanged it today and received one manufactured in February 2017, and to my pleasant surprise it is perfect.
The guy at my local store actually said they received word from Apple that the issues is software related, and an update to resolve this is expected in April, but that doesn't sound right.

EDIT: Another difference is that on my new MacBook the TouchID sensor is completely firm, on the old one it was loose.
New keyboard ? Software bug ? O my... Don't spread fake info m8
Sadly, we have all the evidence of a major downtrend. It is as if they skipped R&D, used one of their engineers on the weekend to slap some features in their design software, then Clicked "Send to Production."

Obviously it's not even remotely like that.

If anything, it should have bullet-proofed the 2015 version, the one getting me 15+ hrs of battery life without fail.

Your peculiar tales of the better battery life for the 2015 15" remain at odds with the professional reviews, Apple's own specs, and the vast majority of user reports here.

I had three out-of-the-box 2015 MBP shutting down/freezing, used to film it, take it to Apple Store, and the third time they were incredulous of course. Then they called Sr Apple support which repeated that if they behaved that oddly off spec, they were flawed, hardware flawed, and made them replace it.

Sure enough, the 4th version is the one am typing now, 15 hrs of life, no issues one year later... Clearly, whatever cheap hardware production supplier they used, they had entire faulty batches. This is also the case with the 2016, on top of bad design (e.g. battery and power architecture).

The only reason i would not do it even twice on the new one, it is due to the very known issues plaguing the very design, which was not the case on the 2015.

I get that. The other guy was referring to an annoying key issue. If I faced such an issue, I would just wait out the entire laptop generation. Your issue (multiple shutdowns and freezes) sounds like it was really ****** though. I would have probably given up after 1-2 exchanges.
I just wanted to share some experience with this very issue, I bought a 512 GB base spec MB pro with the touchbar about a month and a half ago, since then I've exchanged it 6 times for this same issue. It wasn't until maybe the 5th machine that I realized it had to do with heat. All within the return period of 14 days they took it back no questions asked (with a few odd stares now and then, but that's to be expected when you're dealing with a cheaply made product, in a supposed high end technology retail store) this issue is absolutely unacceptable, I'm paying too much money for this run around business. I settled with a machine finally and decided I'd contact Apple support about the issue, after the many obnoxious time consuming tests over the phone she concluded that I'd need to take it back in t the Apple Store. I used the yes command to try and heat up the machine as well as show the genius a video I took. They heard it in the video and it was recreated in the store as well, they sent it out to replace the top case (which apparently is the whole keyboard) I got it back 3 days later, and 3 DIFFERENT keys are makinng the same noise. So now at my wits end I ended up scheduling a call with support and gave the service rep an earful. Within 5 minutes he had me on hold waiting for the senior advisor, after about 10 minutes I ended up speaking with James. He proceeded to tell me that from what my situation sounds like, it's simply expected behavior, although undesirable (really apple? Your whole brand is starting to look undesirable...) I went into all the details about what the definition of expected behavior would be, as in the behavior should be uniform across the board, not intermittent etc. etc. We go back and forth, and eventually we settle on the ridiculous idea of contacting the engineering team to confirm that these intermittent, high pitched, varied key noises are in fact "expected behavior" from these 2000+ USD machines. I hope to hear back from him by Thursday of this week, I have a feeling I may not even hear back, as a previous post in this thread shared a similar experience regarding the consult of the engineering team for this issue...
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I just wanted to share some experience with this very issue, I bought a 512 GB base spec MB pro with the touchbar about a month and a half ago, since then I've exchanged it 6 times for this same issue. It wasn't until maybe the 5th machine that I realized it had to do with heat. All within the return period of 14 days they took it back no questions asked (with a few odd stares now and then, but that's to be expected when you're dealing with a cheaply made product, in a supposed high end technology retail store) this issue is absolutely unacceptable, I'm paying too much money for this run around business. I settled with a machine finally and decided I'd contact Apple support about the issue, after the many obnoxious time consuming tests over the phone she concluded that I'd need to take it back in t the Apple Store. I used the yes command to try and heat up the machine as well as show the genius a video I took. They heard it in the video and it was recreated in the store as well, they sent it out to replace the top case (which apparently is the whole keyboard) I got it back 3 days later, and 3 DIFFERENT keys are makinng the same noise. So now at my wits end I ended up scheduling a call with support and gave the service rep an earful. Within 5 minutes he had me on hold waiting for the senior advisor, after about 10 minutes I ended up speaking with James. He proceeded to tell me that from what my situation sounds like, it's simply expected behavior, although undesirable (really apple? Your whole brand is starting to look undesirable...) I went into all the details about what the definition of expected behavior would be, as in the behavior should be uniform across the board, not intermittent etc. etc. We go back and forth, and eventually we settle on the ridiculous idea of contacting the engineering team to confirm that these intermittent, high pitched, varied key noises are in fact "expected behavior" from these 2000+ USD machines. I hope to hear back from him by Thursday of this week, I have a feeling I may not even hear back, as a previous post in this thread shared a similar experience regarding the consult of the engineering team for this issue...

I share your frustration with their latest line of laptops.

I do, however, look forward to their next marketing cliche of 'expect the unexpected!'

Please let us know how you get on.
I believe Apple already has released a new version of the keyboard. I know I read a post somewhere that he had replaced the MacBook several times, but eventually received one manufactured in February. I have the same experience. Had a 13 TB manufactured in December 2016 with issues with clicking sound on the "W"-key, and also reduced travel on the "Enter"-key. Exchanged it today and received one manufactured in February 2017, and to my pleasant surprise it is perfect.
The guy at my local store actually said they received word from Apple that the issues is software related, and an update to resolve this is expected in April, but that doesn't sound right.

EDIT: Another difference is that on my new MacBook the TouchID sensor is completely firm, on the old one it was loose.

No, they're not. They haven't fixed anything.
Still the issue is happening.
I just wanted to share some experience with this very issue, I bought a 512 GB base spec MB pro with the touchbar about a month and a half ago, since then I've exchanged it 6 times for this same issue. It wasn't until maybe the 5th machine that I realized it had to do with heat. All within the return period of 14 days they took it back no questions asked (with a few odd stares now and then, but that's to be expected when you're dealing with a cheaply made product, in a supposed high end technology retail store) this issue is absolutely unacceptable, I'm paying too much money for this run around business. I settled with a machine finally and decided I'd contact Apple support about the issue, after the many obnoxious time consuming tests over the phone she concluded that I'd need to take it back in t the Apple Store. I used the yes command to try and heat up the machine as well as show the genius a video I took. They heard it in the video and it was recreated in the store as well, they sent it out to replace the top case (which apparently is the whole keyboard) I got it back 3 days later, and 3 DIFFERENT keys are makinng the same noise. So now at my wits end I ended up scheduling a call with support and gave the service rep an earful. Within 5 minutes he had me on hold waiting for the senior advisor, after about 10 minutes I ended up speaking with James. He proceeded to tell me that from what my situation sounds like, it's simply expected behavior, although undesirable (really apple? Your whole brand is starting to look undesirable...) I went into all the details about what the definition of expected behavior would be, as in the behavior should be uniform across the board, not intermittent etc. etc. We go back and forth, and eventually we settle on the ridiculous idea of contacting the engineering team to confirm that these intermittent, high pitched, varied key noises are in fact "expected behavior" from these 2000+ USD machines. I hope to hear back from him by Thursday of this week, I have a feeling I may not even hear back, as a previous post in this thread shared a similar experience regarding the consult of the engineering team for this issue...

Apple Technician said "It's definitely defective."
Just wanted to weigh in here: I just got a 2016 rMBP – Escape Edition, and the D, F, G, and H keys all had the OP's popping sound. Within a few hours of heat-cycling with the lappy, only the G and H keys remained effected.

I took it back to BestBuy for an exchange (it's amazing otherwise!), and told them that this was a known issue. I remarked that Apple may have ironed out the issue with newer-manufactured batches, and that BestBuy may want to look for newer inventory for the exchange. The service rep searched through her stock, and said they had received new items within the previous month. She swapped outlay defective unit with, presumably, a newly-stocked item, and it was, and continues to be, flawless (this keyboard is something else! I agree it's louder than my mid-2014 rMBP, but I don't feel it's intrusive, and I like the feel of the keys, and the shorter travel).

Hope this helps anyone out there!

"Apple may have ironed out the issue with newer-manufactured batches."
This is what I felt.
I have the high pitched key issue too
Apple reseller repaired my MacBook and installed new top case with new keyboard, and the keyboard has issue too but on different key and just one key.... I wonder if it fix itself or not...

Apple might have ironed still.
None of people in here didn't get any clear response from Apple.
I have the same issue. Do any of you guys happen to know whether the fix part is available at Genius bar? I don't want to waste my time at the Apple Store for a day.

We Don't Know except Apple.
I've had enough. Tonight my 3 key feels like it's 'sticking'. The key strike/travel feels different than the rest. This key previously made the high pitched clicking sound along with tab and caps. Taking this thing to  Thursday. Wish me luck... :(

From others experience, will the employees look at me like I'm from Mars? Or have they been pretty understanding about this annoyance?

EDIT: Video removed while I attempt to better capture the issue
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I've had enough. Tonight my 3 key feels like it's 'sticking'. The key strike/travel feels different than the rest. This key previously made the high pitched clicking sound along with tab and caps. Taking this thing to  Thursday. Wish me luck... :(

From others experience, will the employees look at me like I'm from Mars? Or have they been pretty understanding about this annoyance?

Any chance I can convince them to let me pay an uncharge for a different unit? Kinda wishing I had gone with a bigger SSD than 512.
I'm not doubting you but that video is very hard to hear any issues. It's hard to video a sticking key, I can't see or hear anything wrong with #3. Yes I turned up the volume all the way. The only issue I hear is the tab key that is a little clicky but still sounds ok to me. It's nothing like some of these other video where they were really loud popping sounds. Apple might just say it's within reason unless you can duplicate that sticking key in person.
I've had enough. Tonight my 3 key feels like it's 'sticking'. The key strike/travel feels different than the rest. This key previously made the high pitched clicking sound along with tab and caps. Taking this thing to  Thursday. Wish me luck... :(

From others experience, will the employees look at me like I'm from Mars? Or have they been pretty understanding about this annoyance?

Any chance I can convince them to let me pay an uncharge for a different unit? Kinda wishing I had gone with a bigger SSD than 512.
If it's under 14 days since you bought it I wouldn't worry about how they'll look at you. You'll be able to return and get whatever configuration you want to pay for. If it's been longer than that you may be told it's working within specs, so no return or repair under warranty. (If that happens, there may be things you can try yourself to fix it.) Good luck.
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I'm not doubting you but that video is very hard to hear any issues. It's hard to video a sticking key, I can't see or hear anything wrong with #3. Yes I turned up the volume all the way. The only issue I hear is the tab key that is a little clicky but still sounds ok to me. It's nothing like some of these other video where they were really loud popping sounds. Apple might just say it's within reason unless you can duplicate that sticking key in person.

As you can hopefully see/hear I wasn't pressing hard at all. Surprised you can't hear the difference between keys. Obvious to me, at least. Mysteriously goes away when cooled. I'll make a new video in a bit with more illustration.

If you don't think they will do anything with this I might cancel the appt. No reason to waste time and get laughed at.

@Sanpete had it for a few months what it is I suppose.
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^^I wouldn't get hung up on the 2 week thing or even if you've had it for months. If your having issues bring it in there not going to laugh at you, just be professional about it and show them the issue. I'm sure they will offer a solution if the key is sticking and they see it. Let us know how it goes.
I've had enough. Tonight my 3 key feels like it's 'sticking'. The key strike/travel feels different than the rest. This key previously made the high pitched clicking sound along with tab and caps. Taking this thing to  Thursday. Wish me luck... :(

From others experience, will the employees look at me like I'm from Mars? Or have they been pretty understanding about this annoyance?

EDIT: Video removed while I attempt to better capture the issue

They are aware this issue already.
After 2 iterations of 15" with a "clicky" keys, I went with a new 13" only to find out that it suffered from the same problem.

I am starting to believe that most 2016 macbook pros suffer from this (what apple calls by design) and most people just don't notice it. Participating in this forum definitely sensitized me to this issue. In any case, clearly the design needs more fine tuning. Maybe butterfly v.3 will be great.

Which is .. wait til next MacBook Pro... :0
Tried capturing a new video of the sound/activity on my 3 key and it completely stopped working. Was no movement to it at all, very bizarre. Wouldn't register any clicks. Thought I could take a deeper look and pop off the key cap with a needle, the desire to explore got the best of me. Should have listened to the warnings...Broke the damn thing. I wasn't even using force. Highly advise anyone reading not try to remove the key caps at home.

Ordered a replacement key from replacement laptop keys...maybe it will resolve my original issue.
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^^I wouldn't get hung up on the 2 week thing or even if you've had it for months. If your having issues bring it in there not going to laugh at you, just be professional about it and show them the issue. I'm sure they will offer a solution if the key is sticking and they see it. Let us know how it goes.

I Got Three words from them
Replace, Repair, Refund-
If you passed 15 days? just one word for us. Repair (+ 5~7 days)
I've had enough. Tonight my 3 key feels like it's 'sticking'. The key strike/travel feels different than the rest. This key previously made the high pitched clicking sound along with tab and caps. Taking this thing to  Thursday. Wish me luck... :(

From others experience, will the employees look at me like I'm from Mars? Or have they been pretty understanding about this annoyance?

EDIT: Video removed while I attempt to better capture the issue

In my experience they didn't take me seriously until I brought in video proof and heated up the computer to reproduce the issue in front of them. I think I may ask the guy who is supposed to be scheduling an appointment with me this week for a call to either replace my top case with one manufactured in February or see if I can get them to refund my month old machine to replace it with a whole new February manufactured one.
Tried capturing a new video of the sound/activity on my 3 key and it completely stopped working. Was no movement to it at all, very bizarre. Wouldn't register any clicks. Thought I could take a deeper look and pop off the key cap with a needle, the desire to explore got the best of me. Should have listened to the warnings...Broke the damn thing. I wasn't even using force. Highly advise anyone reading not try to remove the key caps at home.

Ordered a replacement key from replacement laptop keys...maybe it will resolve my original issue.
Sorry to hear. Did you watch that video on how to remove the key first? It looked like the guy used a guitar pick. Did you try using compressed air first?
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In my experience they didn't take me seriously until I brought in video proof and heated up the computer to reproduce the issue in front of them. I think I may ask the guy who is supposed to be scheduling an appointment with me this week for a call to either replace my top case with one manufactured in February or see if I can get them to refund my month old machine to replace it with a whole new February manufactured one.

That's a huge bummer...I've never been more nervous for an appointment, and I'm a former genius (12 years removed). I guess I'm just shy/upset I spent so much money on something with ticks that can only be reproduced when the damm thing warms up. I haven't purchased extended AppleCare for the unit yet, thinking I'll definitely do that with this unit.

With my key cap now removed, I can tell exactly where the sound is coming's the cup under the hinge.
Sorry to hear. Did you watch that video on how to remove the key first? It looked like the guy used a guitar pick. Did you try using compressed air first?

Yeah, I've watched all the videos and tried as much compressed air as one can throw at it. I first tried gently popping the key back up with a sewing needle. After that didn't work, I thought I could just pop it off following the guide.
That's a huge bummer...I've never been more nervous for an appointment, and I'm a former genius (12 years removed). I guess I'm just shy/upset I spent so much money on something with ticks that can only be reproduced when the damm thing warms up. I haven't purchased extended AppleCare for the unit yet, thinking I'll definitely do that with this unit.

With my key cap now removed, I can tell exactly where the sound is coming's the cup under the hinge.

I can definitely understand the nervousness part. It has really been quite terrible lately customer service wise with Apple...
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