I agree. Future interations will just be better. I will say, though, that the sound is becoming less of an annoyance. Perhaps I'm just habituating.
Sadly, we have all the evidence of a major downtrend. It is as if they skipped R&D, used one of their engineers on the weekend to slap some features in their design software, then Clicked "Send to Production." If anything, it should have bullet-proofed the 2015 version, the one getting me 15+ hrs of battery life without fail. Instead, problems are increasing on this iterations,online refurbished units have shot up, new price drops and so on.
In two Apple Stores, have yet to try and get three identical ones- each one responding differently trying the same sample typing. The worse is border discrimination- the new keys are wider and so much closer, flat, so one can type two keys at once. The old 2008 design, close together was mm higher so unlikely to cause these issues. The Butterfly 2.0 keyboard, I find it atrocious because of these quirks: sounds, size, double typos or simply not responding...
That's a design flaw. When sane people discover such a thing and can't live with it, they buy something else. If this drives you crazy and you already had the opportunity to return it, the problem is you. In your situation, I wouldn't touch the entire generation of them.
I had three out-of-the-box 2015 MBP shutting down/freezing, used to film it, take it to Apple Store, and the third time they were incredulous of course. Then they called Sr Apple support which repeated that if they behaved that oddly off spec, they were flawed, hardware flawed, and made them replace it.
Sure enough, the 4th version is the one am typing now, 15 hrs of life, no issues one year later... Clearly, whatever cheap hardware production supplier they used, they had entire faulty batches. This is also the case with the 2016, on top of bad design (e.g. battery and power architecture).
The only reason i would not do it even twice on the new one, it is due to the very known issues plaguing the very design, which was not the case on the 2015.