My fresh-out-of-the-box $4800 MBP has "restarted due to a problem" during sleep twice in three days. Apparently, I'm not alone:
In my reading, I found that users of the Mac Pros are having the same issues:
The symptoms are crashing during sleep or high I/O activities (with a Bridge OS error), and a report of "Warning: crypto_val: object" when running Disk Utility (which may be unrelated). Note that these are the only two machines that use the new T2 chips.
Note that I reinstalled only the bare minimum software I use from scratch and avoided using Migration Assistant just so I could be sure nothing bad was transferred from my old computer.
Any of you other new MBP users experiencing the same?
In my reading, I found that users of the Mac Pros are having the same issues:
The symptoms are crashing during sleep or high I/O activities (with a Bridge OS error), and a report of "Warning: crypto_val: object" when running Disk Utility (which may be unrelated). Note that these are the only two machines that use the new T2 chips.
Note that I reinstalled only the bare minimum software I use from scratch and avoided using Migration Assistant just so I could be sure nothing bad was transferred from my old computer.
Any of you other new MBP users experiencing the same?