I reckon it's more about memory footprint than being sluggish. Memory management pretty much tanked going from iOS 12 to iPadOS 13.
Exactly, the 9.7 pro (2GB RAM) wasn't reloading as much on IOS 12 as on 13 and 14...
I am not worried about speed, even my 10.5 pro is fast enough for me (the 2015 pro struggles a bit with heavy sites like youtube and gmail, which I use more than the apps themselves... but otherwise is fine).
So my worry is that iPadOS 1X (X=6, 7, 8, 9...) would take more RAM...
The deal is good, but I wonder if I should skip it and wait for a deal on a 2020 one, which has 6GB and is still just as light.... Even 128GB would be fine, since I would be using the 1TB 11 pro as the storage tank for my documents etc and airdrop from there if necessary...
I am not in a hurry since I have many iPads, but the deal is tempting...
The main use for me would be for things where the 11pro is a bit cramped and the 2015 is a bit too slow (occasional safari youtube, occasional lumafusion, reading some PDFs/Word) and travelling with one less lightning device to care about (all my devices are USB C except some of my iPads and airpods...)