They've already reached Louisville, KY. Tomorrow you will see the Import Scan from UPS and Apple order status will finally update to Shipped.So tomorrow is when our phones will show up in Anchorage and we finally get our tracking?
They've already reached Louisville, KY. Tomorrow you will see the Import Scan from UPS and Apple order status will finally update to Shipped.So tomorrow is when our phones will show up in Anchorage and we finally get our tracking?
Ok, my question is how do you always find the perfect gif so quickly every time?
Long live Ozzy!
Ok, my question is how do you always find the perfect gif so quickly every time?
Pretty sure there are no arrival scans at SDF, and the imports are scanned right before they ship them out to the local CC locations on late Thursday/early Friday.Come on UPS. Just show us KY arrival scan and we can all go to bed peacefully!
I'm posting this just to get to page 667 quicker.
Solid answerYes.
Turn the page!I'm posting this just to get to page 667 quicker.
Start a new thread Yay. Leave this as is
Cracks me up how we post similar things at almost the same time.They've already reached Louisville, KY. Tomorrow you will see the Import Scan from UPS and Apple order status will finally update to Shipped.
Start a new thread Yay. Leave this as is![]()
I feel like this page is lasting longer than other pages. 😅Quick, let's get off this number!
But ... it doesn't say ... shipped.Yessss!!!
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