What’s the first thing you’ll do with your phone after you’ve set it up?
I had an entire playlist - such as:i can’t imagine there being a better song to play at such a golden time? 😂
Me me me!!!!! 🙋♀️Who's with me from SDF to MSP today? Narrowed down from 10 UPS flights to these possible. We'll see what our departure times are. Let's fly!
I would request to have it sent to a pickup location if I was in your situation, and that isn’t even a good option because everyone’s who’s requested, including me, hasn’t had any verification that they will actually reroute it. (Expect @boxermansr who contacted them to confirm)
Last year, mine didn't make it to my CC until 8am on launch day and I got it same day even though I had to chase it down, but that's a whole other story.If your iPhone is in transit to ANC/SDF it WILL be available for delivery tomorrow, if that is the date Apple gave you. to remind everyone, last year my phone got to SDF after midnight on delivery day, to DEN around 6AM and I had it by 11:30.
There's a scene where that song is played during a pregnancy. That's all I'm gonna say.I remember it being on, never watched it. Not much for TV these days.
Thanks. Unless the policy has changed, I thought you could indefinitely use a basic version without having to subscribe to the paid version.As a kid I remember I used to stare up at the sky when I saw jet trails and wonder where they were coming from and going to. That is so very cool that I can actually know that now, thanks for the recommendation!
I downloaded the app and am in the trial. Lots of very nice features. I may very well let the $35 annual subscription stay in place past the trial period. This will be fun to use for a couple upcoming flights I'm on later in the year. (As well as tracking the much-anticipated new iPhone 😁)
What matters, of course, is if you enjoyed it and it fits your preferences, but, I have to say: the only detectable real food here are some sliced onionsCelebratory big late lunch for iPhone eve.
Take a picture for the picture thread!What’s the first thing you’ll do with your phone after you’ve set it up?
My CC will let you pick it up the same evening as long as the truck is back in time.If the UPS guy can't get to you, he'll return it to the distribution point and you'll be waiting until Monday anyway. You should be able to arrange collection tomorrow.
Combine that with my favorite brand of TV commercial - Geico:There's a scene where that song is played during a pregnancy. That's all I'm gonna say.
Ah I see, thanks for the clarification.Delays in confirmation are normal. UPS pulls the package and adds labels to it to reflect the change. It happens at various points in the process, but usually at the end. So I would expect to see the confirmation on changes as your device arrives at your destination sort center.
They have far too much volume at World Port to be pulling boxes aside for special label changes.
Nice! The first phones are finally on their way. Looks like mine is leaving KY at 3:30 to jfkJust departed from KY at 1:17! I don't know which flight I'm on (maybe a truck?) to NOLA, but safe travels iPhone!!
Yes, thought it was great.You ever see the show Chuck?
"And why you should too!"I'm looking forward to the "Why I returned my iPhone 14 Pro Max 1TB for an iPhone SE" threads.
Take a picture of my iPhone 13 to post in the iPhone 14 camera threadWhat’s the first thing you’ll do with your phone after you’ve set it up?