The moment you start earning money from something, that thing changes what it was, money changes people, it is something they want more and more of, and are not prepared to give up earning more...
Motorsport has always been about money, since the 1st motor-race, back in the early 1900's.. Racing was used to sell, F1 was the ultimate advert medium.. Race Sunday, Sell Monday.. everyone wanted a slice of the pie, in some form or another, cheating, scandal, corruption, built in to the process, as it is part of human nature...
The FIA publishes "Regulations" a set of rules by which a formula is defined.. The teams use technology, brains, to push the limits of the regulations, this is a subtle form of cheating, the closer to the edge of cheating you get, the better..We welcome this as "innovation" and some as "cheating"..
People want more money, more power, and will do anything to keep it, they enjoy the rewards that come, and lose sight of where they came from, they cannot see what they are doing...
F1 is no different, F1 was and is 100% a tool for advertising, it is a weekend long advert, we see product name placement on race suits, on the cars, banners with names of brands plastered everywhere..Brands being abused and tarnished and strangely yet, there seems to be no issues raised by the brands about "bringing the brand of F1 into ill-repute"
A very very vague memory from cinema history, I think it was in the early days of cinema, before "talkies" in which Douglas Fairbanks, I think it was him, he created scandal, of some kind, and this drove interest in his movies, as his name was in the papers more and more, his lifestyle glamourised, this drove sales of movie tickets..
Scandal, evil villains, conflict is the fuel that drives sport as a whole, local derby days, this club v that across town club.. Lando v Max, Senna/Prost, Hill/Schumacher.. Bernie v The industry, MSB v Max Verstappen..
The more scandal it seems the better off the sport is.. Then we have an absolute howler of end of year in 2021, then 2024, and we have seen this before in other years, Schumacher-Hill/Villenuve.. It helps build interest into the upcoming season...
Without the spice, food would be so dull, might as well just eat rice cakes...We need, the sport demands conflict, it is healthy and vital to ensure the long term viability of any event.. No conflict, no reason to watch.. F1, cricket, chess, netball, golf.. All have villains, and hero's.. We love to hate the corruption, but it is as much part as the great of the event..