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you have to remember that Apple don't sell THAT many computers.
12m worldwide out of a worldwide market of 280m units, and that the resurgence of Mac is relatively new.
Also Mac users tend to believe they exist in an exclusive club in which they are priviliged to be and so in the main downplay issues.
Macs get such good satisfaction ratios for these reasons, even people who have had mainboards replaced up to 5 times count themselves as highly satisified.
Me, I've only had major hardware issues with Macs...nothing else, and I'd be willing to bet that you'll have some kind of issue that prevents you using the machine inside 2 years (needing support)
and as you are in the UK.... gawd 'elp you! ;)

What do numbers of computers sold have to do with this? Oh right..nothing. But if you want to play the numbers game...48% of retail desktop revenues in the U.S. this year came from Macs. Even though 75% of Mac sales are laptops.
Most of the many millions of Mac users around the world see it as a tool that they prefer over anything else and thats all. They don;t care about anything else. Many of us prefer the higher quality hardware, dramatically higher quality OS, and service and support. I suppose people like you who are immature and jealous can only bleat "fanboy" and the like. You should consider therapy to help you be happy with what you have instead of taking out your frustration by trolling message boards making inane comments. We are also happy because we know Apple will make it right...can you say that of the HP or Dell? As to your silly comments about all Apple hardware having issues inside of two years..well it's hardly worth commenting on but if that were true there would be no Apple Computer. As an IT Architect I have consulted in the past few years at Motorola, Oracle, and Cisco. All of those companies have many thousands of Macs and they would find your comments to be very amusing given their very high satisfaction and reliability rates.

As to the original OP question..I cannot remember any Mac as plagued with issues as the 27-inch. Something went really wrong when these went to production in large numbers. But Apple will fix it. They always do.
Nothing childish about it. Winblows sucked for 25 years. In contrast, the Macs were and are a joy.

Windows is indeed crap. Including their latest mediocrity, Windows 7. Wake me up when they get rid of the registry, clear out all of the cruft code, close off the malware sieve, provide decent scalability for multiple procs and large amounts of ram, realize the Start Menu is a joke, provide a modern file system, etc, etc. But Microsoft will never do that because they don't have the skill or the balls to do what Apple just did with Snow Leopard. So its lipstick on that pig of a 90's OS. It just good enough given the cost of the OS and cheapo PC hardware. But life it too short for good enough as far as I am concerned. i want the best and that sure as hell ain't Winblows. Go ahead and argue with me archipelago..I know Windows internals inside and out for both desktop and server OS'. Tell me where I got it wrong instead of making snide remarks about things you don't like to hear.
I believe that Apple had some real issues with the iBook frying motherboards near the end of the G3 line. I don't remember the whole issue, but it seemed to be a big deal around here at the time. When they replaced it with the G4 processor it seemed to make the iBook reliable again.

The G3 iBook had an issue with the logic board cracking which in turn caused massive issues with the display. At one point the only way I could get my data off the system was to push very hard down on the keyboard with a pint glass and several text books on top. In the end I got a new machine as I could do without the machine and I didn't have applecare, about a month later Apple admitted there was an issue and did a fix for the old laptop.
microsoft windows is not all rubbish ,
they had some good operating systems in the past
windows nt and windows 2000

but back to the issues

the big difference is ,like somebody pointed out already
if a apple product has some flaws its still a perfect product
and customers are still happy even if they had to return
it several times to get a working one
if a dell(just for example, replace dell with hp/packard bell/....
if you like ) has the exact same flaws , then its complete
rubbish and dell is anyway only producing cheap rubbish
so its your own fault if you buy one and got a problem
Other recent flawed products:

(1) Macbook Air, rev a
(2) iPhone 3g (mostly due to the 2.0 software which was atrocious)
(3) Mobile Me (complete disaster for about a month or two)

Apple's quality control has gone done in recent years without question. I really hope they fix whatever is causing it to get so poor.
dead pixels

the OP forgot the iSight and screen dead pixels.

I have had many macs over the years and been lucky but the latest ones have been of worse/lower reliability.

i was lucky with 2 eMacs that didnt have the cap problem and both r running well to this day as is an iMac 3g(grape) though slow is generous about its speed now. then 2 MacBooks a white and black the white had a bad batt once and the strange palm rest cracking three times now (apple fixed it out of warranty) the black had 2 batts 1 magsafe 1 logic board and 3 HDD replaced well the last HDD got me a free upgrade to a MBP i upgraded a bit to a 15" which had a loose screen/lid so i need to get that tightened. i have a 24" iMac which has dark patches on the screen (have apple care need to get it looked at) and now my 27" iMac has dead pixels in the iSight a noisy HDD and a yellow tinge prob.. But new one due today :) (hope its perfect) and at crimbo a 13" MBP which so far is great.

so yes there have been issues but apple have always fixed them, this helps knowing that if i have an issue that it will get fixed and shows that they do want to keep there customers happy.

only ever used a mac at home hate works pcs though, i dont think id like to see a mac at work, they dont deserve them lol

P,S i have had 3 iPhones all been perfect though my GF white one cracked (do you think its the white plastic cos my black macbook never did it though the white did as with the iPhone??) also her iPhone started to behave funny she had it replaced twice now.
the big difference is ,like somebody pointed out already
if a apple product has some flaws its still a perfect product
and customers are still happy even if they had to return
it several times to get a working one
if a dell(just for example, replace dell with hp/packard bell/....
if you like ) has the exact same flaws , then its complete
rubbish and dell is anyway only producing cheap rubbish
so its your own fault if you buy one and got a problem

Hmm, have to agree that there is some flawed logic in this thread...

It's impossible to say which product is the most flawed. We must know the amount of sold products and the amount of defective ones so we could do a conclusion. MBPs with 8600M are ALL defective and will die sooner than later.

Because this update was so major, many people bought a new iMac, much more than with previous updates, so bigger amount of sold products means more defective ones.

All updates have their own problems and there can always be lemons too.
I am not touching a PC even if I was paid to do so. Seriously guys stop this windows bullsht. I rather live with constant flickering and yellow screen than running Windows.

Did you hear about Windows 7 yet?

Tom B.
My first iMac has really bad flickering and blackouts.

My second imac had its fan go after 48 hours. The screen had no flicker though , but the yellow tinge was present. Also looking at it closely the glass screen is too far left, this might be remedied by removing it and replacing it.

I hope my third on work fine. fingers Crossed.
if windows 7 is the answer ,then please can i have the problem back

I don't know if I'm even interested in hearing the rationale here but would you care to qualify that flippant remark? Was it a joke??

I love Snow Leopard. I love Windows 7. I own both. That's one of the main reasons I bought a Mac to begin with, so that I can run both legitimately (and in the case of the i7 iMac, impressively) on one beautiful and powerful computer. I have to laugh at the running notion in these forums that it's a war between the two and one needs to choose sides or that you're a partisan 'fanboy' if you prefer one to the other. They each have their own advantages and weaknesses. Frankly, I don't even really see a need to compare them if you're not making a choice between the two.
Powerbook 5300 Rev. A was a total lemon especially since it holds the record for a Mac price wise over $5,000.
MacBook Air Rev. A was plagued with issues, another very pricey notebook.

Both of those had their issues resolved with Rev. B.
I don't know if I'm even interested in hearing the rationale here but would you care to qualify that flippant remark? Was it a joke??

I love Snow Leopard. I love Windows 7. I own both. That's one of the main reasons I bought a Mac to begin with, so that I can run both legitimately (and in the case of the i7 iMac, impressively) on one beautiful and powerful computer. I have to laugh at the running notion in these forums that it's a war between the two and one needs to choose sides or that you're a partisan 'fanboy' if you prefer one to the other. They each have their own advantages and weaknesses. Frankly, I don't even really see a need to compare them if you're not making a choice between the two.
An excellent rebuttal, but probably lost on the person you were responding to :)
Windows is indeed crap. Including their latest mediocrity, Windows 7. Wake me up when they get rid of the registry, clear out all of the cruft code, close off the malware sieve, provide decent scalability for multiple procs and large amounts of ram, realize the Start Menu is a joke, provide a modern file system, etc, etc. But Microsoft will never do that because they don't have the skill or the balls to do what Apple just did with Snow Leopard. So its lipstick on that pig of a 90's OS. It just good enough given the cost of the OS and cheapo PC hardware. But life it too short for good enough as far as I am concerned. i want the best and that sure as hell ain't Winblows. Go ahead and argue with me archipelago..I know Windows internals inside and out for both desktop and server OS'. Tell me where I got it wrong instead of making snide remarks about things you don't like to hear.

Ill jump in here. I was actually shocked at the quality of windows 7, given the long beta testing by so many people the shipped product is actually really solid. Just because you do not like using windows does not mean its crap. I would argue this has been thier least sucky launch of an OS. SL for me has been disappointing, feels like it was rushed out with too many bugs as can be seen by how many updates have been released and frankly there is very little benefit right now till we get 64bit apps.

You said you want the best, well I agree with you that if you like OS X then you have the best os on the planet. Now for internals, you are seriously kidding yourself if you think you are getting the "BEST". Apples products are ultra sexy with relatively cheap internals. There are so many specialized PC hardware companies that create awesome hardware. I build an i7 gaming machine and every single component in that machine is vastly superior to what you get in a Mac pro.

The difference between and Apple computer and a PC is the OS. And Windows 7 has closed the gap instead of SL leaping ahead even further.
I don't know if I'm even interested in hearing the rationale here but would you care to qualify that flippant remark? Was it a joke??

I love Snow Leopard. I love Windows 7. I own both. That's one of the main reasons I bought a Mac to begin with, so that I can run both legitimately (and in the case of the i7 iMac, impressively) on one beautiful and powerful computer. I have to laugh at the running notion in these forums that it's a war between the two and one needs to choose sides or that you're a partisan 'fanboy' if you prefer one to the other. They each have their own advantages and weaknesses. Frankly, I don't even really see a need to compare them if you're not making a choice between the two.

should know me by now, i like a bit of sarcasm that sounds serious

but ok

if windows 7 and osx snow leopard are the answers ...can i please get the problems back :) ;)
What do numbers of computers sold have to do with this? Oh right..nothing. But if you want to play the numbers game...48% of retail desktop revenues in the U.S. this year came from Macs. Even though 75% of Mac sales are laptops.
Most of the many millions of Mac users around the world see it as a tool that they prefer over anything else and thats all. They don;t care about anything else. Many of us prefer the higher quality hardware, dramatically higher quality OS, and service and support. I suppose people like you who are immature and jealous can only bleat "fanboy" and the like. You should consider therapy to help you be happy with what you have instead of taking out your frustration by trolling message boards making inane comments. We are also happy because we know Apple will make it right...can you say that of the HP or Dell? As to your silly comments about all Apple hardware having issues inside of two years..well it's hardly worth commenting on but if that were true there would be no Apple Computer. As an IT Architect I have consulted in the past few years at Motorola, Oracle, and Cisco. All of those companies have many thousands of Macs and they would find your comments to be very amusing given their very high satisfaction and reliability rates.

As to the original OP question..I cannot remember any Mac as plagued with issues as the 27-inch. Something went really wrong when these went to production in large numbers. But Apple will fix it. They always do.

so the revenue proves that there's no value in Apple Computers..?? Thanks for clearing that up.;)

Are you happy paying over the odds for PC parts in a pretty case..? Do you get a warm glow from giving a large uncaring corps your money? A sad state of affairs....

lets see... (real world, not fruit flavoured)

better quality hardware - are you having a laugh..?

better OS - as you haven't used 7 for any length of time then that isn't really valid. All I would say is that it's personal choice. 7 is at least as good as OS X and in may ways much better.

better service & Support - again are you having a laugh? My experience with support was apalling... (more on that later)

Apple make it right? Really? What about the ridiculously poor iPhone call performance? The 24" ACD yellowing (and imacs) guy went thru 16 yellow ACD's! and they still aren't right... I could go on..and on..... and on.....

If all those companies have modern MAcs then good luck to them I don't know of ANY apple products (out of 50+) that I or any of my friends have had that have lasted without fault for 2 years.

Trolling is posting without merit or experience... I'm not troling

1/ Between us (me and the wife) we have had 7 different iPhones. The first 5 returned for various reasons... screen malfunctions, cracking cases, faulty antennaes. hers now works, I sold my last replacement.

2/ iMac 20" faulty superdrive within 5 months, Apple store (30 miles away) confirmed it was faulty but then said they couldn't take it in as they were 'too busy' with warranty work, said I had to drive a further 40 miles to a different Apple store to get it fixed..... yeah that works ! :rolleyes: Eventually fixed and sold.

3/ iMac 17" Poly.. got the vertical screen lines after 14 months. After much to-ing and fro-ing ended up in small claims court and me winning.

4/ brand new Mac Mini ordered, received with broken audio card..out of the box...refund.

5/ iPod nano suddenly no sound, 14 months old....

6/ Mac mini from refurb store, IR broken out of the box, no OS installed and then the HDD failed after about 4 months.

the last Mac I had that worked right was G4 eMac. Still tip top after 3.5 years and then sold it..

The satisfaction and reliability rates are highly misleading. One guy on this very forum had the logic board on his Macbook replaced 5 times in 8 months!!! and yet still proclaimed his satisfaction with the product!

Look at the people going through 2,3 and 4 iMacs...why do they keep going back?

Easy, no one likes to admit they are wrong... especially when they've fallen for the Apple kool aid.

I have no problem with any person buying or using a Mac if thats what they won't to do. If cheaply made computers made in Chinese sweatshops are what they want then fine...

what i do have a problem with is Apple's constant spin and misleading advertising and marketing...... most people would call it lying...

Macs just work - really?

Ultimate display - ultimate yellow?

safe online - what about phishing?

all I want is accurate representation, not much to ask I think...
So, how much time do you guys think will it take Apple to solve the problems? Are we talking about weeks? months?

they cant solve it as long as they get screens delivered which are faulty ,
apple does not build the screens, so they have to wait too until the manufacturer solves the problem , and as some are good and some bad ,it seems they do not really know which ones are effected , as they still deliver iMacs with yellow tinge ,but can repair them with working screens , but cant exchange and promise they will be without yellow tinge
most people i know who want a iMac 27" wait to summer now and keep their old 20" and 24" iMacs
Trolling is posting without merit or experience... I'm not troling

I think "trolling" means "deliberately posting offensive remarks in an attempt to instigate an argument." Examples might include posting "all smokers are idiots" in a lung cancer patient forum, or "Windows is superior to OS X" in a Mac forum.

1/ Between us (me and the wife) we have had 7 different iPhones. The first 5 returned for various reasons... screen malfunctions, cracking cases, faulty antennaes. hers now works, I sold my last replacement.

2/ iMac 20" faulty superdrive within 5 months, Apple store (30 miles away) confirmed it was faulty but then said they couldn't take it in as they were 'too busy' with warranty work, said I had to drive a further 40 miles to a different Apple store to get it fixed..... yeah that works ! :rolleyes: Eventually fixed and sold.

3/ iMac 17" Poly.. got the vertical screen lines after 14 months. After much to-ing and fro-ing ended up in small claims court and me winning.

4/ brand new Mac Mini ordered, received with broken audio card..out of the box...refund.

5/ iPod nano suddenly no sound, 14 months old....

6/ Mac mini from refurb store, IR broken out of the box, no OS installed and then the HDD failed after about 4 months.

Man, I'd stay away from Vegas if I were you! :)
so the revenue proves that there's no value in Apple Computers..?? Thanks for clearing that up.;)

Are you happy paying over the odds for PC parts in a pretty case..? Do you get a warm glow from giving a large uncaring corps your money? A sad state of affairs....

lets see... (real world, not fruit flavoured)

better quality hardware - are you having a laugh..?

better OS - as you haven't used 7 for any length of time then that isn't really valid. All I would say is that it's personal choice. 7 is at least as good as OS X and in may ways much better.

better service & Support - again are you having a laugh? My experience with support was apalling... (more on that later)

Apple make it right? Really? What about the ridiculously poor iPhone call performance? The 24" ACD yellowing (and imacs) guy went thru 16 yellow ACD's! and they still aren't right... I could go on..and on..... and on.....

If all those companies have modern MAcs then good luck to them I don't know of ANY apple products (out of 50+) that I or any of my friends have had that have lasted without fault for 2 years.

Trolling is posting without merit or experience... I'm not troling

1/ Between us (me and the wife) we have had 7 different iPhones. The first 5 returned for various reasons... screen malfunctions, cracking cases, faulty antennaes. hers now works, I sold my last replacement.

2/ iMac 20" faulty superdrive within 5 months, Apple store (30 miles away) confirmed it was faulty but then said they couldn't take it in as they were 'too busy' with warranty work, said I had to drive a further 40 miles to a different Apple store to get it fixed..... yeah that works ! :rolleyes: Eventually fixed and sold.

3/ iMac 17" Poly.. got the vertical screen lines after 14 months. After much to-ing and fro-ing ended up in small claims court and me winning.

4/ brand new Mac Mini ordered, received with broken audio card..out of the box...refund.

5/ iPod nano suddenly no sound, 14 months old....

6/ Mac mini from refurb store, IR broken out of the box, no OS installed and then the HDD failed after about 4 months.

the last Mac I had that worked right was G4 eMac. Still tip top after 3.5 years and then sold it..

The satisfaction and reliability rates are highly misleading. One guy on this very forum had the logic board on his Macbook replaced 5 times in 8 months!!! and yet still proclaimed his satisfaction with the product!

Look at the people going through 2,3 and 4 iMacs...why do they keep going back?

Easy, no one likes to admit they are wrong... especially when they've fallen for the Apple kool aid.

I have no problem with any person buying or using a Mac if thats what they won't to do. If cheaply made computers made in Chinese sweatshops are what they want then fine...

what i do have a problem with is Apple's constant spin and misleading advertising and marketing...... most people would call it lying...

Macs just work - really?

Ultimate display - ultimate yellow?

safe online - what about phishing?

all I want is accurate representation, not much to ask I think...

hmm i had no os installed when i received my imac :eek::confused:
I think "trolling" means "deliberately posting offensive remarks in an attempt to instigate an argument." Examples might include posting "all smokers are idiots" in a lung cancer patient forum, or "Windows is superior to OS X" in a Mac forum.

Man, I'd stay away from Vegas if I were you! :)

except I stated that OS is purely opinion, when all is said and done. The 2 OS's are now so close that they aren't really a differentiater.

I have many examples of Apple FAIL.... they were just a handpicked selection ;)
hmm i had no os installed when i received my imac :eek::confused:

awesome QC you see....

some people round here would have you believe that Apple refurbs are all stringently tested...100%.

guess an OS isn't a crucial part then...!

use Apple products if you want, just don't buy into the kool aid spin rubbish that Apple spew forth.

They aren't ANY different to any manufacturer making cheap hardware in 3rd world conditions, plain and simple.

the image is immaculate but the substance is no different to anyone else's.
Being a Mac user for over 14 years now I've seen many Apple products with issues but I think their most flawed product at launch (and the problems were never resolved) was the G4 Cube. The translucent case kept cracking in several areas. Apple ended up discontinuing the line.
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