you have to remember that Apple don't sell THAT many computers.
12m worldwide out of a worldwide market of 280m units, and that the resurgence of Mac is relatively new.
Also Mac users tend to believe they exist in an exclusive club in which they are priviliged to be and so in the main downplay issues.
Macs get such good satisfaction ratios for these reasons, even people who have had mainboards replaced up to 5 times count themselves as highly satisified.
Me, I've only had major hardware issues with Macs...nothing else, and I'd be willing to bet that you'll have some kind of issue that prevents you using the machine inside 2 years (needing support)
and as you are in the UK.... gawd 'elp you!![]()
What do numbers of computers sold have to do with this? Oh right..nothing. But if you want to play the numbers game...48% of retail desktop revenues in the U.S. this year came from Macs. Even though 75% of Mac sales are laptops.
Most of the many millions of Mac users around the world see it as a tool that they prefer over anything else and thats all. They don;t care about anything else. Many of us prefer the higher quality hardware, dramatically higher quality OS, and service and support. I suppose people like you who are immature and jealous can only bleat "fanboy" and the like. You should consider therapy to help you be happy with what you have instead of taking out your frustration by trolling message boards making inane comments. We are also happy because we know Apple will make it right...can you say that of the HP or Dell? As to your silly comments about all Apple hardware having issues inside of two years..well it's hardly worth commenting on but if that were true there would be no Apple Computer. As an IT Architect I have consulted in the past few years at Motorola, Oracle, and Cisco. All of those companies have many thousands of Macs and they would find your comments to be very amusing given their very high satisfaction and reliability rates.
As to the original OP question..I cannot remember any Mac as plagued with issues as the 27-inch. Something went really wrong when these went to production in large numbers. But Apple will fix it. They always do.