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awesome QC you see....

some people round here would have you believe that Apple refurbs are all stringently tested...100%.

guess an OS isn't a crucial part then...!

use Apple products if you want, just don't buy into the kool aid spin rubbish that Apple spew forth.

They aren't ANY different to any manufacturer making cheap hardware in 3rd world conditions, plain and simple.

the image is immaculate but the substance is no different to anyone else's.

i agree to a certain extend , you could get better quality ,higher performance somewhere else , but not the pretty design and most important NO OSX ,
so there is no choice , i want osx
i agree to a certain extend , you could get better quality ,higher performance somewhere else , but not the pretty design and most important NO OSX ,
so there is no choice , i want osx

pretty design is subjective, especially with those ridiculously polished screens.

migraine inducers...

you want Build a Hack, Apple's knows their EULA etc is worthless over here in the EU thats why they haven't pursued the german guys who did a Psystar (albeit on a smaller scale)
i was thinking about that already , but the thing is you have to choose the hardware carefully in order to get everything working , as the driver availability is limited in osx
its not like windows or linux where you just can take any board ,processor and graphic card you like
i was thinking about that already , but the thing is you have to choose the hardware carefully in order to get everything working , as the driver availability is limited in osx
its not like windows or linux where you just can take any board ,processor and graphic card you like

buy one off ebay then ;)
I think "trolling" means "deliberately posting offensive remarks in an attempt to instigate an argument." Examples might include posting "all smokers are idiots" in a lung cancer patient forum, or "Windows is superior to OS X" in a Mac forum.

Another example would be telling people with iMac problems (such as yellow screens) that they don't know what they are talking about, its all in their imagination and they are deluded, whining cry babies.
Another example would be telling people with iMac problems (such as yellow screens) that they don't know what they are talking about, its all in their imagination and they are deluded, whining cry babies.


Unfortunately, if we attempt to strictly enforce anti-trolling rules, we end up stifling the free flow of ideas. And some people are in such dire need of stifling... sigh...
Another example would be telling people with iMac problems (such as yellow screens) that they don't know what they are talking about, its all in their imagination and they are deluded, whining cry babies.

Did someone actually write that in here? I don't recall reading that but it is unfortunate if so.

I've seen pictures so I know that there are very bad yellow screens out there. I also happen to own an i7 without a yellow tint though so I also know it is not a universal issue across the line.

And yes, trolling is writing inflammatory comments for no other purpose than to incite an emotional reaction. This is how a troll gets his jollies. One doesn't want to feed them, but it's sometimes so hard not to.
1st gen macbook air had a lot of problems

the original iphone was neat but a complete waste of money
we should forget the yellow tinge and other problems now apple will sort it out one day , and the ones not effected yet should hammer on the next tree(touch wood) , that their iMac doesnt develop the yellow tinge and the other problems over time

there had always been products with some sort of problem , but thanks to apple care most people forgot about that very quickly , and when apple care runs out most end anyway at ebay ,
so the problems are sold too
or have you ever read on a ebay add
"this mac line had problems with or might develop that problem "
if you are lucky the sellers state that it does not work like it should ,
but they are not able to tell why, because they are not into mac's
and found this 27" imac i7 in someones living room :)
we should forget the yellow tinge and other problems now apple will sort it out one day , and the ones not effected yet should hammer on the next tree(touch wood) , that their iMac doesnt develop the yellow tinge and the other problems over time

I'm not endorsing forgetting anything. I urge everyone with the slightest yellow tinge to return their iMacs. Having been through the ringer with Apple over gradient issues in the past I am pretty sure it is not a problem that "develops" in time. However, if mine DID develop one it'd be on the next flight back to Tokyo.

I'm not apologizing for Apple selling yellow-tinged iMacs, Mr. Hamster. I'm only saying that mine doesn't have a yellow tinge (yet) :eek:.
i hope you are right there with it wont develop it over time
good luck and enjoy it ;)

but then the sollution cant be that difficult , if some went out of production without problem ,then there is a serious QC and production problem at the manufacturer of these screens ,
i guess apple will sue them for all the hassle and lost profits
You said you want the best, well I agree with you that if you like OS X then you have the best os on the planet. Now for internals, you are seriously kidding yourself if you think you are getting the "BEST". Apples products are ultra sexy with relatively cheap internals.
The difference between and Apple computer and a PC is the OS. And Windows 7 has closed the gap instead of SL leaping ahead even further.

PROVE IT!!! This argument is getting so tired and never a day comes with anyone backing up what they are trying to call "facts". So what a Mac has the same Intel processor and GPU as you will find on any other PC but prove it that the rest is exactly the same cheap crap in a Dell or HP.

SURE, you can get a 500GB hard drive in both a Mac and a cheezy Dell. SURE you can an optical drive on both the Mac and the crappy HP, but are they the exact models? If you think they are then back that up rather than stating non-facts. Apple's screens in the Macbooks certainly show that they are far superior to anything in the PC market unless you go for the elite business line of PC which are either the same or higher in price than a Mac with even less features. I think W7 has "closed the gap" in YOUR world, not everyone's.
I'm not endorsing forgetting anything. I urge everyone with the slightest yellow tinge to return their iMacs. Having been through the ringer with Apple over gradient issues in the past I am pretty sure it is not a problem that "develops" in time. However, if mine DID develop one it'd be on the next flight back to Tokyo.

I'm not apologizing for Apple selling yellow-tinged iMacs, Mr. Hamster. I'm only saying that mine doesn't have a yellow tinge (yet) :eek:.

You make me think there might be hope SaSaSushi . It sounds like if you had yellow, you'd see it, being an experienced user.

The sad thing is what if say only 1/20 of these things are good or something. I remember the negative black on the first gen iPhone I went through about six of them, most were bad.

Keep enjoying your machine!
You make me think there might be hope SaSaSushi . It sounds like if you had yellow, you'd see it, being an experienced user.

Thanks, I am sensitive to color uniformity and am particular about it.

The sad thing is what if say only 1/20 of these things are good or something. I remember the negative black on the first gen iPhone I went through about six of them, most were bad.

Man, I HOPE it's not as bad as 19/20 yellow! :eek:

If so, then Apple really should do a recall. I don't think I'm lucky enough to win a 1 of 20 lottery though. I went through three mid-2007 24" iMacs before getting a keeper. Only one had a gradient but the other two had separate display problems.

If you have a yellow tinge and haven't given a replacement a try I think you should. If you're just on the fence about whether to give one a try I wouldn't recommend against it despite the problems you read about in here. When I returned my 24" for the gradient I told the Apple repair center to check the replacement panel and make sure it did not have one. They acknowledged the problem and sure enough the replacement screen they sent me was much much better.

Keep enjoying your machine!

Thanks, and I hope you get a good one too.
PROVE IT!!! This argument is getting so tired and never a day comes with anyone backing up what they are trying to call "facts". So what a Mac has the same Intel processor and GPU as you will find on any other PC but prove it that the rest is exactly the same cheap crap in a Dell or HP.

SURE, you can get a 500GB hard drive in both a Mac and a cheezy Dell. SURE you can an optical drive on both the Mac and the crappy HP, but are they the exact models? If you think they are then back that up rather than stating non-facts. Apple's screens in the Macbooks certainly show that they are far superior to anything in the PC market unless you go for the elite business line of PC which are either the same or higher in price than a Mac with even less features. I think W7 has "closed the gap" in YOUR world, not everyone's.

Mate, the only internal component that a Mac has that is considered BEST in a component class is the CPU. Fact is that an i7 920 is the same on a mac or a PC. Frankly macs are PCs so this argument is kinda pointless.

The truth is that you get the SAME crappy components inside a Dell, HP or a Mac, Apple does not make thier own!, they just buy in the same stuff that everyone else does. The FACT is there is NO proof that apple components are any better, a WD drive in a mac or dell is the same thing, a samsung memory module is the same thing, etc etc etc. What totally stings is that say a 2TB WD in a mac pro costs $550 for the exact same 2TB you get in a dell or a HP, you would have to be daft to pay that, that is the same price as an Intel x-25 160 GB SSD.

Now for your claim about the Macbook screens being far superior, no way! The original MB 13" unibody had a horrific screen. Where are you pulling this superior screens facts from? The fact is, when they released the unibody series(i have 2) they had different manufactures produce screens for the same model and some were better then the others depending on peoples preference (excluding the 13" ones which we aweful), I have a MBA rev B and it has feint bloody horizontal lines, so do not tell me about far superior! Though having those lines was much better then owning a glassbook (my 17 is matte). My 24 ACD has a yellow tinge, still love it but BS about it being better then the samsung i use at work. My current i7 that i have has a yellow tinge on the bottom, my first one flickered like crazy.... that was just total BS how i could receive a product so flawed. If i was doing photo editing on my these screens, the yellow tinge makes them the worse screens that i have. My 17" matte screen is my best screen, and only screen with no issues of all my mac products, i consider this somewhat pissweak.

Though I believe we are debating different issues. I was responding to a post that stated that in a mac you get best of the best components, which for someone like myself who builds PCs this is total BS. I guess you are comparing mac internals to internal of other computer such as HP, DELL, Samsung, Sony etc etc. I believe that a Mac, Dell, HP etc, all have components that are at about the same level, except for the Super Drive, that is total crap in 2010.

Though here is a quick lesson for you, you want an examples of the some of the "BEST" compontents that go inside a PC. Here is what i built this year.

CPU - i7 920
CPU cooling - Corsair H50
HD - Intel x- 25 160
GPU - 2xMSI 275 lighting
PSU - Corsair 1000W
Mem - Corsair DDR3 1886 GT
Drive - LG HD/BR combo drive
Sound - Asus Xonar

Everyone of these components is far superior then what you get in a Mac Pro, and the manufactures stand by the quality as most of them have between 2 years to lifetime warranty on them. I am not talking about $$ so lets not go there, just discussing what components are available out there and the

I have owned macs since early 1990, I love them, I will continue to buy them but i am under no illusion that I am getting top notch hardware in them, there is so so so much better out there in every single component except for the CPU. I would never ever ever buy a pre build PC like a dell or HP etc, cause i refuse to pay $$$ for ***** components. So that this is where i am coming from in relation to macs being no where near having the best components. The external casing is best of the best.

As for Win 7, you would have to be a huge MS hater not to even acknowledge that Win 7 is a big jump from Vista and stable at launch. So you think that SL launch was smooth? I think it was quiet buggy at release compared to win 7. I went back to 10.5.6 till 10.6.2 came out. Some of us use their macs for actual work and not just surfing the net, so yes things like firewire not working at launch is a huge fark up! Something your average starbucks coffee sipper would not care about as a MB with iLife is all they will ever need/use.

And in relation to this thread, I am awaiting my third 27 iMac. Not fussed about the yellow tinge etc, I just want one that does not flicker like crazy or have its CPU fan blow up within 2 days, I do not think i am being unreasonable, and all too aware that I am buying a Apple Rev A products which is generally a no no, though this is one of those things about being a mac user, you know that Rev A will have issues.
PROVE IT!!! This argument is getting so tired and never a day comes with anyone backing up what they are trying to call "facts". So what a Mac has the same Intel processor and GPU as you will find on any other PC but prove it that the rest is exactly the same cheap crap in a Dell or HP.

SURE, you can get a 500GB hard drive in both a Mac and a cheezy Dell. SURE you can an optical drive on both the Mac and the crappy HP, but are they the exact models? If you think they are then back that up rather than stating non-facts. Apple's screens in the Macbooks certainly show that they are far superior to anything in the PC market unless you go for the elite business line of PC which are either the same or higher in price than a Mac with even less features. I think W7 has "closed the gap" in YOUR world, not everyone's.

i agree half way ,
i think osx is the better operating system and was the reason i got mac's (not the newest and fastest but still mac's )
the thing with the hardware ... you can get nearly the same hardware inside a pc
, , but then it does not come cheaper ,
see the sony vaio rt in another post of me , did post it for a bit of sarcasm , as its just a black square box with a screen inside , but offers a quad core intel , but only ddr2 ram , ok it offers a blue ray writer ,so just break it even on the hardware side ,
but its more expensive then the iMac 27" i7
so even both are expensive in my view , but the iMac offers the better design (it is a beauty), the better processor and the faster ram , ok it lacks the blue ray writer , but still it is in total actually a good value for money and includes osx for free
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