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Apple has raised the price by $100!n a price increase on refurbs! Same for the i5, which was $1699 and is now $1799.
Are you freaking kidding me!!!! Nice going Apple, raise the price in this economy.....really?
I saw the 27" i7 back in stock two days ago and finally pulled the trigger. Glad I did, because now I see that the i7 is out of stock again and Apple has raised the price by $100! Same for the i5, which was $1699 and is now $1799. First time I've ever seen a price increase on refurbs!

I just checked the store and the i5 is at $1699. Perhaps the particular one you saw had some boosted specs?
I see that Apple has raised the price by $100! Same for the i5, which was $1699 and is now $1799. First time I've ever seen a price increase on refurbs!

I was using the links from this post:

After careful reading, I just realized they point to the Canadian Apple Store, so the prices must be in CAD whereas I thought they were in USD. My bad!
Psyched for the arrival of my i7 refurb unit. Ordered yesterday, on a truck for delivery currently :eek:

hoping for a great looking display!
posting from just delivered i7, sadly a yellowing display issue.....

If people are still receving iMacs with yellow screens then this certainly proves that Apple didn't really address this issue.

At this point, ALL the iMacs will have some yellow, it would seem. Very unfortunate.

Are you returning for a refund or getting a replacement?
Despite the issues I'm probably going to jump on an I7 refurb this week. There's just too much mounting evidence that a refresh won't happen until the Fall and that it won't be substantial.

Clearly these machines are incredible if they function as they are suppose to. If not then I'll just keep exchanging it until I get a "good" one. Not ideal but I'm just going to keep my old iMac until I'm sure which makes me not worry about it as much. I use to just sell my old iMac almost immediately after buying a new one but this time I'll just wait awhile. Fortunately I already have a friend who wants to buy it but he doesn't need it for awhile.

I was wondering if a regular Apple Store will deal with (repair or exchange or both) refurb units or do you have to ship them back? Also, do you need AppleCare for them to "take you seriously" for this process? I will be buying AppleCare for this iMac (the first time I've purchased AppleCare in my 25 years, 7 Mac span) but not until I've had the iMac for a few months.

Thanks in advance.

If people are still receving iMacs with yellow screens then this certainly proves that Apple didn't really address this issue.

At this point, ALL the iMacs will have some yellow, it would seem. Very unfortunate.

Are you returning for a refund or getting a replacement?

not sure which way to go to be honest....gonna play with this machine for a few days, and see if it's worth the risk of dealing with multiple exchanges to find one with a good display. Seems like I'll prob. end up getting a refund...don't really want to gamble on an inconsistent model.
called apple today and bounced around from technical support to sales support and finally back to the highest tier of technical support.

They're sending me a new refurb 27" i7 - although the guy I spoke with mentioned that Apple's script for him is that there is inconsistent color associated with LCD technology. He also mentioned that if it was his machine, he'd get it replaced, but that Apple's policy is that a certain amount of inconsistency is acceptable.

We'll see how try #2 goes. My first unit was a week #11 build....
called apple today and [...] They're sending me a new refurb 27" i7
did you have the option to go to an Apple store and exchange it there, opening it up first to confirm it is good before you take it home? I'm getting my refurb 27" i7 tomorrow and have been waiting anxiously over a week for it to arrive. I'd hate to think that if I have a similar problem, I'm going to have to wait all over again, not knowing what the quality of the replacement will be.
i7 Arrived Today :)

I got the 2TB HD like many others have documented. I haven't tested the screen, but it looks fine to me.

Production week 11
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