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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 29, 2009
Anyone else experiencing this?
Have had all betas and this one is killing my battery.
Yeah, my battery seems to be going faster today too. I checked and everything is set the same. Weird.
Surprisingly my battery only went down 2 "pixels", to about 80-90% on an average day of usage (sending many texts, not much else). Normally my battery would've gone down to 50% by 7pm. Plus, I kept wifi on all day, normally I don't.
Not here, i just got 5 hours and 20 mins usage at 20% with all 3G internet, beejive, calling, and a little iPod. I love 3.0
You guys can always get the new iPhone 3GS next week, to have better battery life, lol.
I saw on another thread that those with lag issues on 3.0 GM need to do a restore to factory settings, then reinstall, and it's night and day better. Probably would help battery life too.
Its actually a battery status indication problem.... and of course Apple's bump to the processor is evident through both the amount of charge consumption and heat production... the thing runs HOT!
Much lower battery life for me. I am going to do a total restore tonight and see where I'm at after that. The battery life improvement alone might push me to the 3GS.
Maybe it's going faster because your now spending more time farting around on it?
Well since you guys/girls have 3.0gm and it's sucking up your battery don't you think it might just be because you just have a 3g???? The 3gs will have a better battery so therefore your iPhone 3gs will last.

Just my 2cents.
Noticed exactly the same battery issue. Beta 5 didn't eat up my battery at all as fast as the GM is. With lighter use than normal actually, my iPhone couldn't make it even close to the end of the day without recharging. I hope this issue is resolved soon.
3.0 destroys my old 2.2.1 jailbroken with every jailbroken app ever.

Before i upgraded i would get half a day (warranted buying a car charger), now i went a whole day with a little 400 texts and it is only at 45%, i love 3.0
Mine died for the first time in months last night after upgrading to 3.0GM.

Could be because I was playing with it, but I don't think I was using it all /that/ much.
Maybe it's going faster because your now spending more time farting around on it?

Well, yesterday that could be the case. Today I am at 1/2 full with the only thing turned on is push for one email account. I have sent and received about 15 txt messages, and I have not used any apps or Safari. I have not made any calls either.

I'll repost again tomorrow after I give the phone a good wipe.
3.0 drain

3.0 has made those using push email unable to get through the day without battery dying.

My phone is now unusable.
Ive had mine off the charger for 2 hours with 35 mins of talk time (55 mins of usage) and im at 90%, i feel like with 2.2.1 id still be showing full life...we'll see though.
Its most likely perception combined with your using the phone more because of the new features. You really should have done a controlled test before you upgraded OSes.
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