When I try to use that 3GS file with redsn0w - it says it is unable to recognize the IPSW...
Same here on the 3G!!!

When I try to use that 3GS file with redsn0w - it says it is unable to recognize the IPSW...
Same here on the 3G!!!
Thanks for your quick reply!
I havent tried 0.8 yet, and I dont know where to find it either lol
Could you give me any pointers please?
** I just looked on the Dev Team site and there is only version 0.7.2 available to download, could you give me a link to where I can download version 0.8 please?
I believe you want to use the 3.0 firmware with Redsnow after updating to 3.0.1 with iTunes.
posted this int he other forum but no reply....... so yeah. I admit, I'm a noob at all this. I have my 3G JB right now...
do I install 3.0.1 first, then re-jailbreak it?
or just open redsn0w and select the 3.0.1 ipsw file and update it that way? hmm. thanks in advance.
How does one "accidentally update" ??
Guess this could then apply to you.... Of course you have to JB first
MuscleNerd (member of DevTeam) states this on twitter
"3.0.1 baseband is same as 3.0 so ultrasn0w is safe even if u accidentally update (& temporarily lose JB+UL)"
Connect to iTunes, Update, then open Redsn0w and point it to 3.0 and not 3.0.1 .... and jailbreak how you would normally do it
only problem i'm having is that i can't SSH into my phone. Also, Cydia keeps crashing.
I've had no problems with OpenSSH after the 3.0.1 update. I don't have the other apps so I can't comment on that.
I posted this in another thread, but will say it here too. Saurik has said that he is working on a way to do the patch provided by 3.0.1 without having to restore/rejailbreak. He said to just wait a few days to like a week. For me, I am fine with waiting and seeing what he comes up with. No rush for this update.
i have a iphone 3g it was jailbroken and unlocked but after the update came out i updated and re-jailbroke the phone in order to unlock it but for some reason it wont connect to my wifi network and i cant d/l ultrasnow to unlock now can anyone help pls thanks i appreciate any help anyone can offer
Try restoring and redoing the jailbreak again.
I didn't read any information on the forums about 3.0.1 firmware and just updated as soon as I saw it. Then right while I was updating I realized it could mess up my current JB.
Oh well though, now I know what I have to do when 3.1 comes out lol.
anyone else having these issues after JBng 3.0.1?
from what i've read so far, the apps that are having trouble with the new FW are:
3g unrestrictor
Your Tube
Open SSH (based on above post)
I posted this in another thread, but will say it here too. Saurik has said that he is working on a way to do the patch provided by 3.0.1 without having to restore/rejailbreak. He said to just wait a few days to like a week. For me, I am fine with waiting and seeing what he comes up with. No rush for this update.