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I agree with the other poster who said the iPad is a luxury item. You really don't need it. I own a 32GB 3g iPad. I mean come on it's like $730 plus taxes and when you add the accessories like the iPad Case and the iPad Camera connection kit and a spare extra long charger (those are the accessories I purchased), you are talking close to $900 for this first gen device.

Do I really need it if you have an iPhone 4, a super fast core i5 14 inch laptop, and a top of the line iMac core i7 (like I have). Not really.

It's a internet/email/book/magazine light gaming device. If you are accept it's limitations, than by all means get an iPad.

I am a techie with money to burn, that's why I will always be an early adopter. I actually try to convince my non techie family members to wait for the second gen iPad next Spring. But they took one look at my iPad and ordered one.

I can't believe my sister/brother in law ordered a 32GB iPad 3G for their 8 year daughter's birthday gift last week. No 8 year old needs an iPad. But they are in the top 0.5% income bracket with money to burn also. That's what I mean by a luxury item. Honestly I think my brother in law really ordered the iPad for himself but used the 8 year old birthday gift as a smokescreen so he could justify the gift.
IMO Apple SAVED me/us $600+, I always wanted a MacBook Pro not just for on the go but I wanted to be free my 24" iMac.

I had a BlackBerry 9700 (sold it, getting iPhone 4) and 16GB 5G nano, I still use my 32GB iPad.
I was looking at my 32g wifi today and thinking about how its just a big ipod touch... I debated selling it because I use the phone more than the ipad, then the computers when I am sitting in my office. I will keep it for a few things I want to do with work but if they do not pan out the way I want I will probably sell mine too. The only advantage over the iphone or ipod is the larger screen which also becomes a disadvantage when you need something portable. The iPad is a nice toy but it certainly is not "magical" nor did it "change everything" its just a bigger ipod and thats fact. Theres actually things I will not do with the ipad because certain apps are not built for it. I wanted it to read news, the ipad new york times is only the editors choice.... thats lame. The iphone app looks HORRIBLE on it so I just grab the iphone to read news in the morning. I look forward to a few of these apps getting redesigned then maybe a few more purposes will pop up for it in my house:)
hope that makes you feel better about your decision

sorry to see you leave the club!

It's not a club, you just purchased something that most adults in the developed world could probably pay for if they really wanted to.

I see the OP's point - that camera is something that people can base a career upon. The iPad hasn't got that sort of quality (I'm not talking about build quality). Producing anything at professional standard is just not the dimension that the iPad is at.

Enjoy the camera and don't forget to buy some nice lens!
Hehe, I think you have it backwards. I use my iPad instead of my iPhone for all of those activities that you do the reverse. The iPad is way better across the board for me. :p

Me too, in fact my 2 year iPhone is up this week and I can't wait to dump att for Verizon.
I can't believe my sister/brother in law ordered a 32GB iPad 3G for their 8 year daughter's birthday gift last week. No 8 year old needs an iPad. But they are in the top 0.5% income bracket with money to burn also. That's what I mean by a luxury item. Honestly I think my brother in law really ordered the iPad for himself but used the 8 year old birthday gift as a smokescreen so he could justify the gift.
Well I settled for the 16 gig wifi for my four year old daughter. Had I not gotten one for her aswell, im sure she would have hijacked mine. The iPad is bad-ass. Im never getting rid of it.
I have to say, if you didn't have a dslr before, then swapping your ipad for one when you already have an iPhone and MacBook does make sense.

As i already have a dslr, desktop and iphone, the iPad really does fit into that space for me. I don't know just how useful a laptop would be for me. I feel my most productive at a desk with one or more large monitor in front of me...
I did the opposite. I bought one launch week and returned it.

I just bought another one less than a week ago because I missed it.

Not for everyone, I guess.
Wow, I would never sell my iPad. All the things the OP mentioned, I now do on my iPad. Especially, the photos. Showing people photos on ipad as opposed to iphone is ridiculously better in my opinion.

Anyway, good luck with your decision. iPad is the greatest piece of electronic gadgetry i have ever owned (to date).
I actually need mine since I use it for work and they created an app specifically for the ipad and iPhone for us to use. Although I have an iPhone, and it runs the same programs, it's convenient when I'm looking up something while on the run...literally. While I'm waiting, for example before boarding a flight, it's the iPad... Pretty much 80% of the time. The screen makes it a whole different machine. If I decide to sell one of my mobile devices, it'll be the netbook or umid. My desktop covers anything else. I haven't yet, but I'm just waiting to see if I'll ever have to do something on one of them that I can't do on the iPad (and then some with the 3G and thousands of apps, gps, etc.) Still waiting.
I wanted it to read news, the ipad new york times is only the editors choice.... thats lame. The iphone app looks HORRIBLE on it so I just grab the iphone to read news in the morning.

Well yes, the "editor's choice" NY Times app is lame, but I just go to the NY Times website in Safari. Much better than reading the news on the iPhone, imo.

I own an iPhone 3GS and a Macbook, but as the fanboy I am, I decided to venture out and spend extra money to get the iPad a month before its release (I live in Canada).

Now, 3 months later, I've decided to sell it. Well. Technicaly trade. A guy is offering a Nikon D80 with an 18-135mm lens for my iPad + Case +$150.

Why, you may ask.

Don't get me wrong. The iPad is an extraordinary device. It's fast, it's bright and crisp, and it's pretty damn sexy.

However, with an iPhone and a Macbook, the iPad becomes an awkward device to use.

For example.

For short little lists and notes, I would jot them down quickly on my iPhone. For long essays and papers, I would use my Macbook. The iPad becomes an awkward device in regards to writing.

To show pictures of something I took to a friend, I would just use my iPhone. To actually view, organize, and edit photos, I would use my Macbook. Again, iPad is not useful.

For quick Google searches, or Wikipedia articles, I would just use my iPhone. For heavier websites (not just the ones with Flash), I would use my Macbook.

For short games I play on the bus, I would use my iPhone. For full out FPS gaming or RTS, I would use my Macbook.

In short, I only used my iPad to read. And I don't do that alot. And with the release of iBooks for iPhone, the iPad has become more useless.

Anyways. That's it. My last night on my iPad.

I guess I'm done on this forum too.

Thanks everyone.


So why would you even buy it in the first place?
I don't get the point of these threads. Are you trying to find someone to talk you out of your decision? These threads are like people that are always fishing for complements. "I'm not pretty." "Of course you are!" Either sell it or keep it, but why come to a forum for people who own and like the iPad and bag on it?
I don't get the point of these threads. Are you trying to find someone to talk you out of your decision? These threads are like people that are always fishing for complements. "I'm not pretty." "Of course you are!" Either sell it or keep it, but why come to a forum for people who own and like the iPad and bag on it?

Well, to be fair, "Tried it but it didn't work out" stories could be useful for someone contemplating buying an ipad.
Can't believe the amount of attention this thread is getting. Well, I am replying too. I don't really see why I should even care about OP's story as we are talking about grown up toys. Be it iPhone, iPad, or even MB, there is no need; just plenty of want. I don't see a point of trying to justify our purchase in that regard. I am happy with my toys, and that's all it matters to me unless someone else is going to pay for mine.
I currently have a Macbook Pro and an iPhone 4, and I've been thinking about how/if an iPad would fit in. I'm a college student and the Macbook Pro is my main computer now, no desktop. It spends most of the time on my desk, though, so I could maybe see the iPad as a device that would be easier to take to class.

The main thing I do on the MBP that couldn't be done on an iPad is music production. I can take projects from the studio on a drive and work on them on my macbook, and I also do MIDI sequencing on the macbook. (One thing about an iPad that totally intrigues me here is using it as another monitor while working on projects, that would be so nice!) The others uses for my MBP are writing papers, browsing, and email.

Besides calling and texting, I use my iPhone for browsing on the go, catching up on news, mobile email and calendar, media consumption on the go, and the occasional game.

I'm starting to think that the MBP could pretty much become a desktop and only leave my desk when I take trips and I need some of it's functions. Would the iPad be able to take over that many functions? Could the iPad be a device I carry with me most of time (along with my iPhone)? The thing I'm worried about is having too much redundancy between a laptop, an iPad, and an iPhone.

I also have the nagging thought in the back of my head that I should wait the 6-10 months for iPad 2, but in writing this post I've started convincing myself that I need an iPad sooner!
iPad is for lounging around the apartment and the Student Union. iPhone is everywhere else. Laptop is for class and serious essay writing. :)
A deluxe need...

The iPad is a luxury, not a need, for those who already have MacBooks. I can see why one would purchase an iPad for the iMac, but as for the MacBooks, there is some contradiction in between, especially if you have an iPhone.

I have a MacBook Pro that I used to take everywhere. Now I only carry it with me when it's absolutely necessary. My iPad goes everywhere now, and has become a complement and sometimes a replacement for my MBP. Also, it provides me with instant remote access to my MBP when I leave it at home.

In just 3 weeks, it has paid itself about 50% of it's cost based on it's functionality and portability.

A Luxury? Maybe.... It's like a diamond ring used to escape a glass prison.:D
I have a MacBook Pro that I used to take everywhere. Now I only carry it with me when it's absolutely necessary. My iPad goes everywhere now, and has become a complement and sometimes a replacement for my MBP. Also, it provides me with instant remote access to my MBP when I leave it at home.

In just 3 weeks, it has paid itself about 50% of it's cost based on it's functionality and portability.

A Luxury? Maybe.... It's like a diamond ring used to escape a glass prison.:D

Agreed. I think a lot before doing my purchases and saw this coming from people like you who fell in for the new device spell. I bought mine because I know I will use it more than my laptop and indeed that is how it is. No matter carrying 5 lbs when I can carry 1.5 lbs. Starts up faster and does my work in a jippy... exactly what I needed from my iPod touch but the screen was too small. This is just perfect.
This is a pretty interesting analysis. This forum has just dropped off A LOT in the months since the ipad launched. At first it seemed if you dropped any criticism on it everyone would defend it like i just insulted their kid. Now it is finally getting seen as the big ipod touch it is, which can be great for some, but too limited for most.

For the student looking to get one, i can drop some insight on that. I just bought all in to apple this year, macbook, iphone, and ipad. I got my ipad first, took it to class to take notes only a couple of times cause it was new and i didnt want to look like the douche that as an ipad and has to bring it to class to show it to the world. But i used it a ton. The first thing i noticed when i got my macbook about 4 months later was how much better of an experience the web and typing is on a computer. There wasnt constant reloading (fixed now by the update), and it was much easier to type. Typing essays on pages sucked especially since their is no tab button, which is needed every 5 minutes. Im gonna give the ipad another shot again when school starts up at the end of next month, but i find myself reaching for my iphone for quick browsing, or my macbook to type anything out. I am struggling to find a point for keeping it besides it was awesome on my trip to watch videos, read books, etc..

And to the people who are wining about him being on here and just to sell it, thats kinda the point of this forum. To discuss the product, even it's faults. It is helping answer peoples questions about how it is fitting in peoples lives. I would be interested to hear how you are using it and if it has "changed everything" for you. I just dont see it as this device, and i hope 4.0 brings some huge changes. Widgets are on the top of my list, and i cant wait for multitasking to be brought on board. Its just ridiculous trying to take notes, go to the web to look something up or kill time, and have to wait 3 minutes just to get back to where you were while it loads up. Its killer.
Interesting thread, an honest one. I have had mine since launch. I bought an iphone 4 and with the high res screen, I feel like the ipad has less use now.

For my usage I notice that I read less rss feeds on the ipad than iphone.
I noticed HORRENDOUS typos regularly with the ipad

On the plus, it's REALLY easy to take it to my girlfriend's place for web browsing.
I really like the pdf options I have.

Other observations to the negative - it's too big to game for most occasions compared to the iphone (casual games ) and not big enough to game compared to the macbook or windows machine (fps and the like)
Every case but the apple case sucks for usability - and the apple case is annoying in some ways (dirt, no close strap, etc)
I think they need to shave some weight
it definitely needs more ram
It's not as good at books as a dedicated ereader (kindle), and ibooks is consistently more expensive with no library checkout (that i can fathom)
I'ma photographer - loading photography forums is a pain

On the plus - it works great to present photography work to people.
It works great to share youtube and the like compared to iphone
It definitely has room to grow,but it needs ios 4

I'm absolutely on the fence 50/50 right now on getting rid of it. The absence of 256 megs of ram and ios 4 is very obvious to me at this point after using iphone 4. Compared to a 3 yo macbook web surfing is so slow. On the other hand it's light and convenient, so long as I don't have to type.

It's a tough call, but right now I'm guessing my mom would appreciate it more than me, and it will go away in the next 4 weeks. I'd definitely reconsider on next release.. the page reloading and general slow surfing (compared to iphone 4 even) annoys me. As does having to proof read everything I type even when typed correctly, because the iPad seems to have a mind of its own when interpreting text. I did a reset today and didn't restore from backup just to retest what I'm experiencing,we'll see.

Again, I'm on the fence. It has positives and negatives, but I'm not sure a device that starts at this price should be so neutral in that respect, especially with pending options.

Also, perhaps i'm spoiled, it needs a better display. retina or similar.
Interesting thread, an honest one. I have had mine since launch. I bought an iphone 4 and with the high res screen, I feel like the ipad has less use now.

For my usage I notice that I read less rss feeds on the ipad than iphone.
I noticed HORRENDOUS typos regularly with the ipad

On the plus, it's REALLY easy to take it to my girlfriend's place for web browsing.
I really like the pdf options I have.

Other observations to the negative - it's too big to game for most occasions compared to the iphone (casual games ) and not big enough to game compared to the macbook or windows machine (fps and the like)
Every case but the apple case sucks for usability - and the apple case is annoying in some ways (dirt, no close strap, etc)
I think they need to shave some weight
it definitely needs more ram
It's not as good at books as a dedicated ereader (kindle), and ibooks is consistently more expensive with no library checkout (that i can fathom)
I'ma photographer - loading photography forums is a pain

On the plus - it works great to present photography work to people.
It works great to share youtube and the like compared to iphone
It definitely has room to grow,but it needs ios 4

I'm absolutely on the fence 50/50 right now on getting rid of it. The absence of 256 megs of ram and ios 4 is very obvious to me at this point after using iphone 4. Compared to a 3 yo macbook web surfing is so slow. On the other hand it's light and convenient, so long as I don't have to type.

It's a tough call, but right now I'm guessing my mom would appreciate it more than me, and it will go away in the next 4 weeks. I'd definitely reconsider on next release.. the page reloading and general slow surfing (compared to iphone 4 even) annoys me. As does having to proof read everything I type even when typed correctly, because the iPad seems to have a mind of its own when interpreting text. I did a reset today and didn't restore from backup just to retest what I'm experiencing,we'll see.

Again, I'm on the fence. It has positives and negatives, but I'm not sure a device that starts at this price should be so neutral in that respect, especially with pending options.

Also, perhaps i'm spoiled, it needs a better display. retina or similar.

Agree with this. I considered whether to keep mine for a good two weeks or so after getting my 32 gig wifi. However, for surfing the web it is awesome, and whilst it is a stupidly expensive web surfer, i love sitting on the sofa surfing with it, and reading magazines on it etc. I barely use my imac or macbook now (although when i have any work to do, i'll get them out again) - the idea of using the ipad for work is a joke!!!!!
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