I agree with the other poster who said the iPad is a luxury item. You really don't need it. I own a 32GB 3g iPad. I mean come on it's like $730 plus taxes and when you add the accessories like the iPad Case and the iPad Camera connection kit and a spare extra long charger (those are the accessories I purchased), you are talking close to $900 for this first gen device.
Do I really need it if you have an iPhone 4, a super fast core i5 14 inch laptop, and a top of the line iMac core i7 (like I have). Not really.
It's a internet/email/book/magazine light gaming device. If you are accept it's limitations, than by all means get an iPad.
I am a techie with money to burn, that's why I will always be an early adopter. I actually try to convince my non techie family members to wait for the second gen iPad next Spring. But they took one look at my iPad and ordered one.
I can't believe my sister/brother in law ordered a 32GB iPad 3G for their 8 year daughter's birthday gift last week. No 8 year old needs an iPad. But they are in the top 0.5% income bracket with money to burn also. That's what I mean by a luxury item. Honestly I think my brother in law really ordered the iPad for himself but used the 8 year old birthday gift as a smokescreen so he could justify the gift.
Do I really need it if you have an iPhone 4, a super fast core i5 14 inch laptop, and a top of the line iMac core i7 (like I have). Not really.
It's a internet/email/book/magazine light gaming device. If you are accept it's limitations, than by all means get an iPad.
I am a techie with money to burn, that's why I will always be an early adopter. I actually try to convince my non techie family members to wait for the second gen iPad next Spring. But they took one look at my iPad and ordered one.
I can't believe my sister/brother in law ordered a 32GB iPad 3G for their 8 year daughter's birthday gift last week. No 8 year old needs an iPad. But they are in the top 0.5% income bracket with money to burn also. That's what I mean by a luxury item. Honestly I think my brother in law really ordered the iPad for himself but used the 8 year old birthday gift as a smokescreen so he could justify the gift.