All of these specs of ASi speculations seems amazing. It's just that we would need software support for some and maybe more of those multidisciplinary softwares we use daily. Haven't seen but a couple of support yet. I can't see that is coming in floods as of now. So the 68k era compare was kind of spot on. Or PPC era. The "only we and us" attitude with Apple is troublesome.
Apple concentrates on profits now. And they are good at that, exceptionally good I think. Maybe It's not gonna last, mybe it is. Consumers are stupid, I know that, but I hope not that stupid, and not forever. And then there is this 1% sector, the group of the professionals. The firms. The big. The smaller. And the companies consisting of 1-5 persons like us are.
I think the firms exlusively using Apple today, are of about video and audio and film. They are supporting Apples own businnes,. aka. money making, the service, the monthly billings that is. That's why Apple serves them. kind of. There's nothing wrong with that neither. It's business.
Surely it feels good to make money. It's just that all the others than these money makers are going to apart, and get away from the platform. I mean apart from the Apple ecosystem (services and pay per month and whatever apple). They (Apple) have not left any space nad/or products and opportunities for others to proceed.
They are doing it all to dispart us from users, and interact through them instead. And get paid in the middle. They want to be the middleman for anything and everything.
They want to get paid for it. Tim is a genious of a money maker.
And I am an architect. And I don't f**** like it. I would want Epic support, fully (UE5). I would want nVidia support (40x0), fully. I would want AMD (7x00). I would want AEC software support, fully. I can't see any of that coming. Nor can I see Apple commenting anything about that.
I would state that Apple is a consumers services/products company only, today. Apple is a Moneymachine.