Exactly. The iPhones (and now the iPad) are breakthrough hardware for Apple. For people like myself, who have used Windows based computers for years, using the iPhone provides a direct experience of the architectural elegance of Apple's operating system(s).
I'm not any sort of Johnny come-lately to personal computers. I programed and operated IBM 1130s and 360s while in high school. Because a friend worked for Xerox PARC, I saw my first mouse and WYSIWYG in 1979 and was blown away. In the 80's, I had IBM's early PCs operating MS-DOS. I remember checking out a friend's MacIntosh when they first came out and being very impressed.
I always considered Microsoft's Windows a crude imitation of Apple's operating system. But with such a small market share, most software writers weren't writing for Apple products. That, and the fact that all my business relations were wedded to Microsoft (very clever marketing) meant that I never made the leap.
My experience with my iPhone changed all that. If you can put the Apple experience into people's hands, many of them will have the same reaction. The iPhone was a game changer in more than one way.
My first Apple computer, a 15" MPB 7i, is currently on its way to me. And I'm waiting for the iPad 3G I ordered earlier this month.