I've owned 5 Mac's and hated everyone of them
I've had an iPhone since the 3G and now we both have 3GS's. I would not get another phone right now but will wait and see how the Win7 phones are later on in the year.
I ordered the iPad because it fits well into our business both for us and our customers.
As far as Apple products. I have a Macbook 13" unibody. I got it for free and the reason I got it was that I had to use it for 6 mo and give me honest feedback.
Now that I've used one I do like the hardware. OSx is still not the greatest thing since sliced bread and its interaction with Windows servers is horrendous.
The laptop itself when I look at costs/pricing....$999...$350 more than a 13" business class Windows laptop from Dell. But the battery life is incredible...that'll cost you another $120 from Dell...so $230. The IPS/LED screen is perfect in sunlight...never seen a Dell IPS but it is so much better that I don't miss my old D620 which the Macbook replaced.
So by the time your all said and done I think a 13" Macbook in reality, point for point is maybe a $100 premium.
But Apple purposely and don't tell me for one second that the people at Apple are not smart enough to make this work, they purposely jack up the trackpad drivers in Windows.
I had to boot into Win7 to do some work in CS4 and it was impossible. For real work like that I need a higher res screen too...my old 1440x900 was enough but 1280x800 is too little.
The driver implementation is so poor though...if it came down to having to us this in Windows with the way the current drivers are, out the window it goes.
Windows pays the bills and that is why there market share is where it is.
So I looked at a Macbook Pro 15"...now they are smoking...$1,800!
While the 13.3 Unibody and the 27" iMac are great deals the rest of the line is wildly priced.
BTW the other 4 Mac's were for testing for customer software, they mostly sat and collected dust. The Macbook is the first one I've used consistently.
We'll probably get the wife a 27" iMac because of the screen res and size. Apple doesn't make a fast enough machine in my price range for a desktop.
Plus there is no real added value. The laptop gets me a good form factor and a long battery life...desktops are just overpriced but as I said for a solid LED/IPS screen the 27" is a small premium over a standard desktop with a similar 2560x1440 monitor if you can live with a moderately powered machine.
Apple has no real designs on increasing their market share in the desktop/laptop arena. I bet most of their revenue is from mobile devices. If they were truly interested in making a bigger market impact on Windows then they would adjust pricing and other factors.
For the moment they are making money other ways and to a shareholder they don't care if your selling buckets of ****, so long as your selling.