What I don't understand (though it has been slowly but steadily changing) is how Windows users can continue to buy all these Apple peripheral products, ostensibly because they see them as best in class, and yet still cling to their PC boxes for dear life.
You bought an iPod because it was clearly the best mp3 player. You bought an iPhone because it was clearly the best smart phone. You're buying iPads because they're game changing netbook/tablets. But you can't bring yourself to switch to a Mac? You can't make that leap of faith, even though the iPod and iPhone have utterly changed the way you listen to music and use a phone? You don't think a Mac will do the same for your computing?
Baffling. Baffling I say.
PC user 1998-2005
The Mac does not do all that the Windows machine will do for the cost.
The iPod, iPhone, and iPad all have one thing in common, they do not run OSx. They interoperate with Windows and OSx but they do not run it. I am not pigionholing myself into anything by buying one of those devices.
The cost to get the same effectiveness out of a Mac is too high for the majority of users and mostly I am talking business users who have to work with others.
Mac's do not talk to AD, they do not support AD policies completely, they severely lack in data encryption and security(no TPM support), there Office apps are behind the times until 2010 is released. No business application support
BTW if anyone says the Mac does work fine with AD then maybe you can answer the questions that Apple does not seem to be, don't claim it does unless you can show me it working.
The browsing experience is still not as good although Chrome goes a long way towards helping it but it's still not as good as IE on the PC and people can say all they want about IE it still is the standard in the business world.
Plus as I've said, Apple does not want to play in that market. They just don't, otherwise the would address these issues. They are making plenty of money where they are and seem to be happy doing it.
Why fight a large market to increase profits 10 percent when you can pump out a design like the iPod that hasn't changed in a long time for 50 percent?
In the end it doesn't matter which one I like better, its which one will interact with the rest of the world. Macs in business situations are alway the compromise machine.
Plus the investment on the iPad/iPhone is much lower and it does do a better job of what it does than the competition.
On the production side the Mac does not and not only that it does it as a much higher cost.
They will pick up a bit of market share here and there because of people buying them for home after buying iPod's, iPhone's, etc....but they will never get mass market acceptance, and like I said, they don't want it.
Connecting the iPad to the new version of iTunes corrupted my iTunes library on the PC's. I'll rebuild it once and if it fails again and Apple will not address it then I'll be done with the Mac because the PC is where most of the work is done.
All I care about is something that works for myself and our customers. The higher cost of the Mac doesn't justify the learning curve, infrastructure changes or compatibility problems.
OSx has caused me more lock ups and other problems than Win7 has too, it is not the perfect robust system like some claim. Win7 has its problems too but I've turned this Macbook off/on far more times to get out of a lockup than I ever did on any of my Win7 boxes.