So, I priced a 256gB 12.9" iPad pro with LTE. Including pencil and keyboard, it's $1700! That's nearly as much as my 15" MBP!
I think there is some economics 101 involved: you can increase prices and get higher revenue, until a point, where revenue starts to drop. I'm an iPad enthusiast, and I really like the new iPads, in particular that the 12.9" is now much more compact. I would be a prime target for Apple to make an upgrade. But I'm not going to do it at $1700. If it were $1200, I might just go out and buy. Instead I will just hold on to my 9.7" iPad pro. In other words, just from a personal experience, Apple prices have reached the point of decreasing revenue.
But I guess Apple has some great market analysts, so that they know what prices optimize their revenue.