Very interesting

. Unfortunately I'm on vacation right now in Canada so I can't do any testing for now. I'll see if I can snag another adapter on the way back home for testing.
Heyo. I was searching this topic since this exact topic was bugging me, and I was really impressed to see so much
informed discussion about this. Glad to see everybody is as concerned as I am about cross-compatibility, even the Fruitier Side of the Force.
(USB-PD spec now says BC1.2 DCP is the only permitted D+/D- advertisement on Type-C, but iPads and iPhones require Apple 2.4a/12w advertisement. It's been causing some headaches when talking with companies... they're interested in "compatibility" with Apple devices, to the point of
breaking everything else, even vanilla USB!)
I noticed you guys can't get very good data since Apple locks down the system. I actually have a USB-PD Analyzer from TotalPhase (donated, they were very generous) and a Google/Plugable "Twinkie" (donated from Plugable, again -- these guys rock). This lets me see
exactly what is being negotiated and drawn from the Type-C USB-PD interface.
Normally I go to my local Apple Store and futz around with their floor models. (They're kinda gotten used to me walking in and taking datalogs with lab equipment.

) And I actually bought an 87W Apple Charger and C-to-Lightning cable recently too, even though I don't own a Macbook Pro nor iPad Pro.
If you guys are interested (and can point me to where the data would do the most good), I can make a trip to the store today and log how the 87W
actually behaves on an iPad Pro. Would need to get the Store Manager's permission though.
Ah good spot, they're using the MFI logo illegally then.
Nevermind, I tested it and it works, so it'll be useful for the one time a year I connect my iOS devices to a computer to backup before restoring to the new one.
The original Apple C-to-Lightning cable has some fancy USB-PD controller chip jammed into it. That's what makes it so expensive (beyond the typical Apple premium), and allows it to fast-charge the iPad Pro at 14.5v/2a using USB-PD.
The iPad Pro (likely) communicates over the TI SDQ onewire protocol to the USB-PD chip inside the C-to-Lightning cable, which then (likely) negotiates 14.5v/2a as a USB-PD SNK. This is all super-duper proprietary, hence why I say likely, and I sincerely doubt someone's managed to reverse engineer it yet.
I'm willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that counterfeit C-to-Lightning cable is just a "dumb resistor" C-to-femaleA (legacy device) adapter chained to a A-to-Lightning (legacy host) internally. Lightning cables have been cracked by now, so that's likely how and why they're faking MFi.
Counterfeit BC Master
In other words: the counterfeit (likely) entirely lacks the USB-PD chip. Therefore can only charge like a regular A-to-Lightning cable at 5v/2.4a rates, only on chargers with Apple 2.4a/12w signaling on the D+/D- lines. The only way to
prove this would be to probe the counterfeit with some USB-PD traffic on the CC line. If it responds, it has a PD chip. If it doesn't, it's a "dumb" resistor.
And all this is happening because Apple is breaking spec in a highly proprietary manner. First with Lightning [which isn't USB], then with 14.5v [which isn't a standard voltage level]. Now end users have no way of telling what will or won't work short of using a $500 USB-PD analyzer.