Two points.they are and have been integrating technology in the fabric of our digital lives as opposed throwing refrigerators with wifi chips at its customers
1. Shouldn't he have said as much then? I mean he's basically answering to people who interface with Apple's owners, and doing as such he should plainly communicate what apple's grand strategy is instead of trotting out the same tired excuse he's done for the past 4 years.
2. Isn't putting wifi chips in refrigerators integrating technology into the fabric of our digital lives? Seems like other companies are ahead of apple. While this seems like a veiled knock on Samsung (and I'll be honest I don't need or want my fridge emailing me), they're working hard at integrating technology into the fabric of our lives. Then there's companies like Google and Amazon that seem to be head of apple. Their digital assistants are more robust then Apple's Siri, and Apple's homekit has so far not taken off