Exact same problem here. Apple Care told me to reboot into Safe Mode, then reboot again into normal mode because "Safe Mode fixes things." I asked if there was a log to see if anything was fixed, he said no. I don't have much confidence that rebooting twice did anything other than fulfill the support checklist. His next step is to reinstall Catalina.
Anyway, I just unticked every single setting in the power control panel and we'll see if that fixes things. I have external drives, including Time Machine. I bet it was trying to run TM while sleeping.
I was not expecting this to do anything but it worked for me. I had recently updated to Catalina 10.15.7 on a MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014). Not only had I recently updated OS, but updated all the apps including Xcode and had swapped out an external USB disk, one of two on USB bridge, because it was showing SMART errors indicating near end-of-life. So there were at least a handful of possible culprits, including DriveDX to be able to read SMART on external USB drives, and booting in safe mode seem a very long shot.
I booted in safe mode (restart with shift key) and used the laptop for several hours that way with no disk issues.
After booting in normal mode I expected to have to tediously try to find why the crash "Panic_IOUSBMassStorageInterfaceNub..." but I have been running a couple of days now with our issue.
Booting in safe mode and running that way a few hours seems to have fixed this issue for me....
(I spent the day in safe mode just be able to exclude the new disk itself.)