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Wow, this guy writes like a 5th grader. I stopped counting the missed commas after the first page.

David Ciccone said:
Apple has used a magnetic enclosure to keep the unit from opening. One would think it would not actually keep the screen closed but I can tell you it has a tight grip that takes some effort to open. As I slide the screen open I immediately hit the power button and booted up.

Did he just pull the lid open? "Slide the screen open"...that doesn't even make sense.

David Ciccone said:
One of the next things you will notice is the stylistic keyboard. How the heck can a keyboard be stylistic you ask?

Um, do you mean stylish? He just adds in irrelevant details in the middle of paragraphs by saying "Another thing I liked..." Wow.

Haha, I just watched the video. He says "the first thing you're going to notice is the brightness of that screen." Haha, if I'm watching it on a regular PowerBook screen, how am I going to notice the brightness??

Are the MBP and PB so delicate that they would not be able to handle a drop as the one shown in the video?

I'm just curious because one of the reasons i am intrested in macs and more importantly ordered a MBP is because i heard macs are made pretty tough and aren't made from cheap material. I dont plan on base jumping with my MBP or anything but it seems like everyone is freaking out over this vid and it doesnt seem like a drop like that should be freakout worthy. ya dig?
nothing like that will damage them at all. it is just a little careless to do with a computer that costs 2g. mbps are very durable, but dent and scrach fairly easily.
yeah powerbook/macbook pros are among the toughest notebooks available. of course, a computer is only as tough as its most delicate component, but Apple does buy good quality components, for what its worth.

the reason people are freaking out is that some of these people are fanboys who would give their left testicle to for a new macbook pro. like me. anyone have testicular cancer and need one? i'll mail it priority. for your MBP. please? ill send both for a 2.16 model with extra ram and faster HD so you can have an extra one for backup. please?
Peligro said:
Are the MBP and PB so delicate that they would not be able to handle a drop as the one shown in the video?

I'm just curious because one of the reasons i am intrested in macs and more importantly ordered a MBP is because i heard macs are made pretty tough and aren't made from cheap material. I dont plan on base jumping with my MBP or anything but it seems like everyone is freaking out over this vid and it doesnt seem like a drop like that should be freakout worthy. ya dig?
Actually, they are very tough, even more tough than PC's. We Mac users are so paranoid, though, that we go crazy whenever anyone poses a threat to their Mac. :D
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