I use an Intuos3, but I never had a problem on the PC. I don't recall PS3 crashing ever. The thing is though, that I switched to a Mac and upgraded to CS4 at the same time, so ruling out one or the other becomes difficult. What I do know is that I cannot be working through a portal (Citrix) and having PS open and working in conjunction. That I know is going to cause CS4 to crash, so I have to import whatever I need through the portal close it down and then work locally.
You know I have one other beef with my Mac (yes... yes... I still love it) and though not related to this issue I am still posting it here as someone else might read this and have the answer. On a PC when I check the ink levels, I can actually see a little illustration that gives me an indication of the different levels in the various cartridges. With the Mac this does not seem to be an option. I get the message telling me that I am running out of ink in one particular colour and can print x number of pages, but the utility more often than not says "no information available," and there is no way to actually see ALL the cartridges at the same time so that you can get an idea as to when you might be needing to replace them. Most frustrating.