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I mostly want a program to edit/fix/change my pictures and turn them into art. Don't need anything for organizing them.
I use LR as a standalone software option. There are people on here who swear by PS, but most photographers I know use it on maybe 10% of their images.
Others 100%. Depends on your type of photography.
There are worlds of such programs with Photoshop and Pixelmater being just two. Look in the App Store. Pixelmater was what Apple used as a demo when they introduced the round Mac Pro.
I am part of the On1 Plus program. So I should be getting the RAW program by first week of November. I will let you know what I think.

Got email from On1 this morning. They plan to release Photo RAW on November 23rd. Members of the Plus program may get it earlier; they did not state that.
I use LR as a standalone software option. There are people on here who swear by PS, but most photographers I know use it on maybe 10% of their images.
Others 100%. Depends on your type of photography.

I never use PS. If I need to do go beyond Lr capabilities, I use Lr plugins such as On1 Photo 10 or Macphun apps. I can't wait to try On1 Photo RAW as its all non-destructive....TIF or PSD files not needed.
There are worlds of such programs with Photoshop and Pixelmater being just two. Look in the App Store. Pixelmater was what Apple used as a demo when they introduced the round Mac Pro.

Got email from On1 this morning. They plan to release Photo RAW on November 23rd. Members of the Plus program may get it earlier; they did not state that.

I never use PS. If I need to do go beyond Lr capabilities, I use Lr plugins such as On1 Photo 10 or Macphun apps. I can't wait to try On1 Photo RAW as its all non-destructive....TIF or PSD files not needed.
I have DXO, Macphun, Nik collection and Pixelmater.
I gave up on OnOne when I no longer got free software through work :D.
But probably 95%+ is done in LR only.
I think if you use LR & PS every month then it does represent good value.
Agreed, and you raise a good point (better then I have ;) ). I may use LR once a month, but I barely use PS at all, in fact I fired it up last week for the first time in months. LR has a some nice things going for it, to be sure, but I'm not sold that paying that fee every month is something I'm willing to do.

Got email from On1 this morning. They plan to release Photo RAW on November 23rd. Members of the Plus program may get it earlier; they did not state that.
I got that email and I was a bit disappointed, I was hoping for something earlier in the month. I've mostly made up my mind on C1, so the question is, do I wait.

I think the one major factor that caused me to lean heavily to Capture one is that it could import the LR catalog. Given the design of On1's software, it doesn't use any catalog, so my keywords, flags, ratings, and edits will be lost to On1, but much of what I have came over to C1.
Good to read this thread, I had been thinking the same about the LR subscription. I only use LR once/twice a month and never use PS. I like LR for edits, but mainly the DAM, but definitely not getting money's worth.

I tried to bail on the subscription, but found out that I'd just missed the renewal so tied in for another year! Will keep eyes open for a good alternative. Maybe Photo's isn't that bad anymore?

**edit to add..

Just logged in to adobe account and I can cancel the remainder of the term but charged 50% of the remaining term. However, they do offer using it for another 60 days for no charge- which I'm assuming (perhaps wrongly) won't affect the current renewal date.
Yeah, I don't care much about the idea of subscription plans but I am considering finally the full Adobe CC. I use quite a bit of Adobe tools: PS, Illustrator, AE, Acrobat and ID. Adobe now also offers Portfolio, so I can have my website up. Because my wife is a teacher, I can purchase the CC for $29 p/m. So that is not a bad deal and on top of that I can drop my SquareSpace website host account that is close to $200 p/y.
Adobe won't change the model back to what used to be. Piracy was the main issue.
That said, I am still hanging on my CS6 master suite that still delivers but the clock is ticking.
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I just got an email saying my annual subscription is going to renew, since I pay monthly its odd that I'm on an annual plan. Either way, I think I'm going to take this time now and not renew. While I thought I had more time, I'll move cancel the subscription sooner then later.
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...It seems to me that all these programs are well capable of denoising and sharpening but it’s the ability to do it convincingly without the former being plasticky and the latter producing gritty artifacts. ...
Thank you for the comprehensive opinion on NetImage! I'll definitely take a closer look soon.
Looks a lot more polished than last time I looked (quite a while ago).
Agree! Darktable meanwhile makes a much more stable impression. I'd love to see more options to come for configuring the view in the file manager like one line per file with exif info next to it. For everyone not willing to pay the price of LR/C1 I think it's worth a try.
I mostly want a program to edit/fix/change my pictures and turn them into art. Don't need anything for organizing them.
In that domain Photoshop has more to offer than Lightroom. The main reason I don't want to switch away from Photoshop is the proven handling of CMYK and separation profiles for offset printing. Nevertheless, I'll test how production ready Affinity Photo is in that scope. If you don't need process color, you should have plenty alternatives to Photoshop for editing/fix/change images.
Adobe won't change the model back to what used to be. Piracy was the main issue
If less people are willing to accept the subscription and refuse renewal there is a small chance that at least both business models, subscription and lifetime licensing, could possibly exist in parallel at some point in the future. I guess piracy is not impossible with existing CC. I consider it more as some kind of philosophy to pay for something I use. If Adobe marketers are going to accept that some of us are willing to pay for the traditional desktop software license, they'd be able to sell even more not less. To top a subscription model for collaboration, servers, etc. on demand on top of a desktop license would be completing the opportunity one would have as a loyal customer. Not every software licensing model fits to all, so more different approaches in parallel would be a great benefit for customers and for software businesses like Adobe.
Either way, I think I'm going to take this time now and not renew.
You'll help to change the world and make a better one... Thank you!
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I have the whole creative cloud subscription.
The programs are amazing and constantly updated.
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Given today's demo of the Photoshop update for the new MacBook Pro Touchbar, and the presenter saying the update would be out by end of the year......I think we can safely guess there will at least one CC Pbotography upgrade between now and New Year. I hope they do likewise for Lr.
I think if you use LR & PS every month then it does represent good value.
However as a hobbiest I don't shot every week (even less this last year due to 'life issues'), so I prefer not paying for something I don't always use.
Same goes for
Amazon prime
Sky TV (or cable TV)
If you're not using them why pay for them?
(btw I have none of the above)

i am also a hobbyist, but am in and out of LR/PS/Bridge at least every other day if not daily (today I didn't open them at all, but tomorrow I will). I held off on the subscription for a really long time, but finally caved last year during Amazon's Prime Day and got a large Amazon gift card as a rebate. This year I switched Adobe IDs and got the subscription for $7.49/mo on Prime Day (I don't really recommend switching Adobe IDs if you use the mobile version of LR because stuff won't sync between accounts).

But even though I'm only a hobbyist, I use the programs as much as some pros, so I find value in the subscription (as much as I hate it), and used to only update PS every 3 versions (at which point you'd lose the update price) but would update LR every version, so I think in the end I'm spending the same amount over time, but incrementally and getting immediate updates.

I do worry what will happen down the road when I don't want to continue paying though, and I lose access to the programs. I still have LR5 and CS5, so hopefully will still be able to open things.
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i am also a hobbyist, but am in and out of LR/PS/Bridge at least every other day if not daily (today I didn't open them at all, but tomorrow I will). I held off on the subscription for a really long time, but finally caved last year during Amazon's Prime Day and got a large Amazon gift card as a rebate. This year I switched Adobe IDs and got the subscription for $7.49/mo on Prime Day (I don't really recommend switching Adobe IDs if you use the mobile version of LR because stuff won't sync between accounts).

But even though I'm only a hobbyist, I use the programs as much as some pros, so I find value in the subscription (as much as I hate it), and used to only update PS every 3 versions (at which point you'd lose the update price) but would update LR every version, so I think in the end I'm spending the same amount over time, but incrementally and getting immediate updates.

I do worry what will happen down the road when I don't want to continue paying though, and I lose access to the programs. I still have LR5 and CS5, so hopefully will still be able to open things.
What happens when you want to stop paying I believe is you can still access LR, but the developer module is greyed out.
My other concern is if the put the price up. Yes you could still afford it, but when would you say no? 15, 20, 25 a month? You would then have difficult decisions to make.
What happens when you want to stop paying I believe is you can still access LR, but the developer module is greyed out.
In lightroom all the modules work, except the edit module. I believe PS will stop working completely, but LR will function.

My other concern is if the put the price up. Yes you could still afford it, but when would you say no? 15, 20, 25 a month? You would then have difficult decisions to make.
I fully expect that in the near future in all honesty, and that's been driving my decision, i.e., if I'm not going to stick around in the future why keep paying now?
I guess it's like most things in that if you get out of it what you put in and more, it represents good value. I have the full suite and pay £45 per month. Sounds like a lot but way back in the day, Quark XPress, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop cost nearly three grand out of the box - in one hit! I think that for what I'm getting now, based upon my profession and the level of use it gets, plus the number of other applications that I otherwise wouldn't use but am having a great time learning, I think that CC is pretty good value for money.
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Both run just fine under the, in my experience, much more robust and faster macOS Sierra as well.
That's a good news! Maybe you can help with that questions:
- Are you talking of the slightly updated CS6 that you can install with CC subscription or are you talking of the old desktop version of CS6?
- Do you run InDesign CS6 on a retina display under macOS Sierra? If yes, is it disturbing to use non-retina UI on a retina display for daily use?
- Did you run After Effects CS6? I heard there were some problems with that?
- I already asked that someone else, but he couldn't answer: If you install the legacy java version to run CS6 on macOS Sierra, is it enough to just have it installed or does it need to be the active java version? In other words: Can one switch to the recent oracle java version and still run CS6. On Mountain Lion that works, but how about Sierra?
Would be great to see your answer!
If I get the subscription plan can I use PS/LR on both Mac and Windows? Would be nice to work on my Mac but also carry things over to Windows 10 and Surface.
If I get the subscription plan can I use PS/LR on both Mac and Windows? Would be nice to work on my Mac but also carry things over to Windows 10 and Surface.
That was one reason why I upgraded my PS/LR to the subscription, I can now run PS on my windows machine, It a nice feature, don't get me wrong, but in my case, I wasn't using it (PS on my Surface)
That was one reason why I upgraded my PS/LR to the subscription, I can now run PS on my windows machine, It a nice feature, don't get me wrong, but in my case, I wasn't using it (PS on my Surface)
Yeah, I'm still looking into getting a Surface Pro 4 so I'm not sure how much PS/LR I'd use on it but would be cool to have it portable.
What happens when you want to stop paying I believe is you can still access LR, but the developer module is greyed out.
My other concern is if the put the price up. Yes you could still afford it, but when would you say no? 15, 20, 25 a month? You would then have difficult decisions to make.

The Maps module doesn't work either, at least in terms of mapping itself (rumor has it that they pay Google licensing for the maps, so why give it away for free? I dunno if any other geolocation features work. But there's plenty of good software that can georeference, like Houdah Geo.

And yes, the price could go up. I don't recall that happening and I've been using the suites since v. 2, but that's possible. And of course the price of every other perpetual license could go up the day after their program ceases to function in an OS update (that happened to me with Capture One Express...useless after I owned it for less than six months). You always take your chances. Look at Aperture. But once you tip to the fact software evolves it's not too tough to design workflows so you're protected from that. And you have to also consider the hardware and OS: if you had to switch to Linux or Windows or iOS, would your software choice continue to work?
Now, I'm a hobbyist, so possibly my view is skewed.
If I was a Pro - ie, this was my only source of income, then sure a non-brainer, it's a business expense and part of your tax write off, hello (at least in USA tax laws, not sure other countries) ...

Let's see ..... it's all about the revenue stream of course here!!!

10 years ago would any of you really consider ($USD here):
  • Monthly smartphone data plans of $200/month if you have family with 4 phones?
  • Monthly internet/cable bill of $130-$150/month for 2-3 device boxes?
  • Monthly XM radio $10/month
  • etc, etc, etc
People are paying $400/month and more for their "plans" and subscriptions, just unbelievable.
This is the dot com dreams come true 16 years later after that big crash and burn.

Understand here, we are being trained to accept the monthly subscription model ....
Back in the day, and I still do, I'd pick and choose when to upgrade, and enjoyed owning the software, knowing my $$ outlay clearly upfront.

You don't think the finance people in these companies love all you subscription people?
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I'm a big believer in paying for something that I feel I'm getting value from. This is one reason, I buy Macs, I feel the hardware/software offers some nice advantages.

With that said, I'm seriously re-thinking my decision to go all in on LR, after migrating from Aperture a couple of years ago.

While 10 dollars a month doesn't sound bad, but I'm not sure I'm getting value for my 120 dollars a year. When was the last major upgrade to LR? See, for some applications, I was in the habit of not upgrading annually, and so on. I'm not sure of the handful of updates that have trickled out of Adobe make it worthwhile. Doing some googling, I see that LR6 came out in April 2015, so that means I'll have paid 240+ dollars for LR7 if that rolls out in April of 2017 but if I didn't have the subscription, odds are high that I'd not upgrade anyways.

I like the ability of using PS as well, and that was the final straw that drew me into the subscription model, but truth be told, I don't use PS very much at this point.

I'm not sure what I'm asking other then if others feel the same, either as a current subscriber or deciding against LR subscription mode from the get go.
Last time I used adobe premier (the last adobe program) was in mid 00s. Not bad but didn't excite me either.
Last year when I was considering what to get, I just refused to get anything from them as I refuse to pay subscriptions. I find it anything from annoying to insulting.
Which is why I ended up with FCPX and Lightworks.
Much cheaper in the long run, and I don't feel like I am paying rent.
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