But that's not a long-term solution either, it'll just be a matter of time until you need RAW support for a new camera model or LR5 stops working with the version of OS X du jour. Either you accept that you'll pay for a subscription or look for another solution. It's not a coincidence that there are alternatives to several Adobe products that have bubbled up (e. g. Serif's Affinity as a replacement for Illustrator).
I am quite happy with the buying your software outright option (whilst it's still an option). However as lots of people think it's okay to torrent software for free, Adobe (and others) have little choice but to find a different option. I like to buy everything outright (car, house, camera etc.), instead of renting. That's just the way I am. £85 for LR5 verses £10 a month. If you upgrade once a year, your still worse off. I'd rather that extra cash was in my pocket.