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Nov 8, 2007
I agree that costs are part of the hobby. I just wish Apple would reintroduce Aperture at half the cost of what Abode is offering its software for. That would make it hobby friendly.

I also miss Aperture. Creative suite is cool and all that, but I need these sorts of tools once in a while eg. when back from a trip or vacation. You could argue that I could just subscribe for the months that I use the tool and then cancel but life is far too short to have to be subscribing and canceling all the time!


macrumors 68040
Dec 31, 2007
Milwaukee Area
Capture One costs $299 to buy and no longer includes any features updates, nor is upgrade pricing available. If you want to upgrade for whatever reason you need to fork over an additional $299. That means you need to wait at least 2.5 years between upgrades of Capture One to break even over the cost of the Photography Plan, and that doesn't even include an image editor.
Affinity Photo is the image editor of choice. But wow, I didnt realize C1 got so expensive. We must have scored a deal on our seats when we bought their cameras, bc our first seat came with the first PhaseOne, & when everyone liked it more than lightroom, we added several more but nowhere near $300 per every couple years.
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macrumors 68000
Jan 1, 2005
Subscription is a deal breaker. No way! Why? Subscription could have worked when it started with one or a few applications, but with many applications now is a deal braker! No more subscriptions!


macrumors regular
Jul 28, 2022
I wasn't a fan of the old model, i.e paying £600 just for Photoshop on it's own with no major updates ever. If you wanted updates/version upgrade you had to buy the upgrade license for not much of a discount from the full RRP. At least subscriptions make the products available to all.

And lets face it, your work should be covering the costs of the tools to do your job anyway....

You make a good point, but you also miss an important point. It is not just about money, it is about independence and freedom.

You lose access to your own creations as soon as you decide to use a competitor's software instead of the existing one.
Moreover, in all other matters, including politics, you are in the hands of the other side of this continuing obligation relationship.

Adobe has given all its Venezuelan customers 20 days to find an alternative and migrate all their creations to it.
After those 20 days, they would all have lost access to their own creations on their local storage because the software would have stopped working due to the sanctions.
In the end, a last-minute solution was found, but who knows what will happen next.


macrumors 68000
Sep 18, 2018
I don't buy a subscription or a perpetual license for 15-20 different apps/services/plugins when all I want and need for my setup is 1-2 of them.

Depending on the discount, Adobe requires I pay some $23/month for After Effects or $36-$60/month for CC.

I really want and need After Effects, and maybe Premiere Pro. But I'm most certainly not paying $46/month or $36-$60 to get them plus a bucket load of great apps that I'm never going to use.

On top of that, there'll be about 1-2 months in total per year where I'm not using these products. But Adobe requires that you commit to 12 months at sign-up or you pay $35 per app.

And then there's the whole "early termination fee" awfulness where you get punished if you cancel your subscription before the 12 months is over. You'll then get charged 50% of the remaining subscription fees in that year.

Great value if you use most stuff in CC or just need what's in the "Photography" bundle, and you use it several times a week.

But if you just want a few of their apps and not using Adobe products every week, year round, then it's awful value.


Apr 24, 2024
I don't buy a subscription or a perpetual license for 15-20 different apps/services/plugins when all I want and need for my setup is 1-2 of them.

Depending on the discount, Adobe requires I pay some $23/month for After Effects or $36-$60/month for CC.

I really want and need After Effects, and maybe Premiere Pro. But I'm most certainly not paying $46/month or $36-$60 to get them plus a bucket load of great apps that I'm never going to use.

On top of that, there'll be about 1-2 months in total per year where I'm not using these products. But Adobe requires that you commit to 12 months at sign-up or you pay $35 per app.

And then there's the whole "early termination fee" awfulness where you get punished if you cancel your subscription before the 12 months is over. You'll then get charged 50% of the remaining subscription fees in that year.

Great value if you use most stuff in CC or just need what's in the "Photography" bundle, and you use it several times a week.

But if you just want a few of their apps and not using Adobe products every week, year round, then it's awful value.
If you contact support, you can generally get the subscription price down. I'm paying $29.99 a month for everything.
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macrumors 604
Aug 20, 2015
Not all of us are pros. Some of us are hobbyist where our hobby doesn't bring in cash.
I would really argue that hobbyists would want to be using something cheaper and/or not a software rental like this. I'm all in on Adobe because I have it through work, but I think there are some really good alternatives at this point that make more sense if you're not generating income using something like Creative Cloud.


macrumors 604
Aug 20, 2015
Pro tip. You have the ability to enter a reminder a year in advance in your calendar or reminders. you are welcome. :D
You can also just turn off auto-renew. In Apple's App Store subscription system, you can just cancel immediately and the subscription remains active until it expires. I always do this with free trials -- enable the trial and then before you do anything else, go cancel in the App Store so you don't get charged inadvertantly.


macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2016
You get Adobe's full suite of apps and updates so frequently, it's almost a streaming app. The AI masking has no viable competition, great stuff.
I'm a fan.
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macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2016
Nah. Everyone's sick of Adobe and their subscription nonsense. This move isn't gonna convince anyone to use their software.

They really need to bring back perpetual licenses.
That's not true. lol. They've been on a subscription model for quite some time to know if it's successful. Spoiler alert, it's successful.
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macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2016
Everyone hates it, genius.
It's just an operating expense. Also new features regularly are nice. Affinity's model wasn't sustainable. They needed a buyer and got one, it won't be static forever.
Either find a perpetual license that is sky high at several hundred dollars, pay an upgrade price every year to get new features or go subscription. The inbetween only works when your funding doesn't run out. Developers aren't cheap.
And no, not everyone hates it.
If you want to start the flame war, just accept only filthy casuals hate it. The rest will get by just fine.


macrumors 68030
Dec 3, 2016
I wasn't a fan of the old model, i.e paying £600 just for Photoshop on it's own with no major updates ever. If you wanted updates/version upgrade you had to buy the upgrade license for not much of a discount from the full RRP. At least subscriptions make the products available to all.

And lets face it, your work should be covering the costs of the tools to do your job anyway....
I owned the full $1k+ Design Collection and bought upgrades for years. The issue around subscriptions was not cost, it was Adobe taking away access to work one had done using Adobe products (e.g. access to layers) if one failed to maintain a subscription. After more than a decade I left Adobe usage and will not go back.

Forcing a subscription to maintain full access to one's I.P. is wrong on every level.


macrumors 68030
Dec 3, 2016
Something happened way back when Macromedia merged with Adobe that made the entity evil thereafter. This coming from someone who evangelized Photoshop for free 20+ years ago.
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macrumors 6502
Jan 3, 2012
Before you get the annual subscription, please remember Adobe’s predatory practices when it comes to cancelling trials and subscriptions. They are even getting investigated by the FTC because of their practices, and there’s plenty of horror stories online about paying extra fees and penalties for early cancellation



Jan 19, 2004
Adobe is now so expensive that if it is not how you make your living and can expense it, it’s not worth it.
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macrumors regular
Sep 20, 2017
How can people be so limited in their mind to pay the official price? Just do it via turkey and you’ll end up for ~45$ A YEAR.
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