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This all hinges on what you would use a mobile device such as an iPad or MBA for.

There may not be any advantages or there may be overwhelming advantages.

To properly consider this question, the planned usage must be given.

Reading those two Apple links might give you an understanding what an iPad is and what a MacBook Air is and how they differ and how one has an advantage over the other and vice versa.

It all depends on how and for what you want to use either device.

I will be mainly using for :

- browing net (internet usage)
- also needed to use a programe for study via a cd/dvd player (BPP cds)
Browsing the net
This is going to depend on the site you visit. If they are very Flash heavy, you will be missing some content.

From my perspective as a MBA and iPad owner, the iPad wins for me. The simplicity of pulling it out and being on the web in a few seconds is fantastic.

I block Flash on all my machines. Unless the content is something I cannot do without (not very often) I just don't enable the Flash objects.

Well the iPad has a native Youtube app. I don't use YouTube a lot, so I can't comment on whether or not all the videos are available. But from what I have seen, it works really well.

CD program for study
Well, neither the Air nor the iPad would be useful for this as they do not have an optical drive. The Air has the option, but it is a $99 add-on.

If you have another computer, you could rip that content and make it available to an Air or an iPad.
Browsing the net
This is going to depend on the site you visit. If they are very Flash heavy, you will be missing some content.

From my perspective as a MBA and iPad owner, the iPad wins for me. The simplicity of pulling it out and being on the web in a few seconds is fantastic.

I block Flash on all my machines. Unless the content is something I cannot do without (not very often) I just don't enable the Flash objects.

Well the iPad has a native Youtube app. I don't use YouTube a lot, so I can't comment on whether or not all the videos are available. But from what I have seen, it works really well.

CD program for study
Well, neither the Air nor the iPad would be useful for this as they do not have an optical drive. The Air has the option, but it is a $99 add-on.

If you have another computer, you could rip that content and make it available to an Air or an iPad.

Thank you for the advice.

Regarding ripping the content from cd how would i do that?
Thank you for the advice.

Regarding ripping the content from cd how would i do that?

That depends on the contents and the type of CD or DVD.

Video DVDs need other procedures than audio CDs. Applications will not be possible, except with the MBA and Mac OS X applications, which means a simple drag and drop should suffice.
Documents like PDFs or other ones can be also dragged and dropped.

So what specific kind(s) of CD/DVDs are you talking about?
- Price
- Size
- Weight
- Ruggedness
- Battery runtime
- 3G built in
- landscape and portrait format (the latter this is a biggie for me. Makes reading scanned letter-format documents sooo much better)
Moderator, please move to iPad section of MR.

Go post this in the iPad section.

Seriously, get this ***** off the MBA forum section. If you wanted to know the advantages of MBA over iPad then fine. But if you're focused on the iPad go to where the iPad lovers are.

I am sick of TROLLS like this invading the MBA section here at MR.

Would a moderator please move this thread to iPad section please???
Go post this in the iPad section.

Seriously, get this ***** off the MBA forum section. If you wanted to know the advantages of MBA over iPad then fine. But if you're focused on the iPad go to where the iPad lovers are.

I am sick of TROLLS like this invading the MBA section here at MR.

Would a moderator please move this thread to iPad section please???

He wants opinions on what people thought on both of the products, I don't see the need to limit ones opinion if they only own one device as the whole point is to gather how the devices can be incorporated into ones lives and in what ways they are. Getting both side of it does not make you a "troll" unless there is a post that's in here that was deleted before I read this thread...
I don't like these iPad vs MBA posts either, first because if you read around here it's been well discussed already.

But mainly, I wish people didn't think of comparing the iPad and the MBA .... they're in completely different categories.

Price is understandable the iPad has that beat but if you're creating content or doing any kind of work the iPad is a poor option because it will take you longer to do 'input' tasks.

For me the iPad is a coffee table computer, take to bed device and that's about it.

Too often I'm sitting on the couch enjoying my iPad then I come across something I want to do, like view a Real Estate website, ( ... oops can't do that, no flash, so I reach for my Air .... then I may go back to my iPad ... again numerous times I bump into things that the iPad does poorly and I'm constantly reaching for my Air ... such as replying to emails, any kind or writing, content creation the iPad is slow and a no go.

Certainly not a device I need, on the other hand my MacBook Air I need, love and use often it does 90% of what I need to do and it does it well. Much more pleasing to use and work on than a Sony Z for example, I know this now I've had a new Z for a week now ... not impressed.

Long live the MacBook Air! ... come on Steve Jobs give us a glimmer of hope for the MBA !!
He wants opinions on what people thought on both of the products, I don't see the need to limit ones opinion if they only own one device as the whole point is to gather how the devices can be incorporated into ones lives and in what ways they are. Getting both side of it does not make you a "troll" unless there is a post that's in here that was deleted before I read this thread...
I agree entirely. If the mods want to move the thread that's their right. It seems to me, however, that because the thread starter's question was whether he should buy an iPad or an MBA, he came to the right place to ask it and should not have been attacked for doing so.

To the issue at hand, though, I agree with another poster's opinion that the choice between an iPad and an MBA should be governed by the prospective buyer's needs. The MBA is far more capable than the iPad but it is also twice as heavy and has to have its lid opened to be useable. This makes walking around use difficult, in stark contrast to the iPad. But an iPad would be an incredibly poor choice to use as one's only computer. Not only will it not handle Flash, it can't even print without add on software and typing on its virtual keyboard is far slower and more laborious than doing so on an MBA would be. But the MBA is exponentially more expensive than the iPad.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Any ultra portable computing device is made up of a series of compromises. Which of them to buy, if any, then, depends on which strengths you need most and which weaknesses you think will harm you the least.
I think it's offending and "troll"-like to put it here. Those of us who own MBAs respect them, and I think it's wrong to put this thread here.

He could have chosen to put it either in the iPad section or Buying Tips and Advice section. Either thread is much more suited.

Sure, we could all say it's freedom of speech, but the point is there are many threads about this and there are two much better sections at MR to post this thread.

One is a computer that runs Mac OS X applications, and the other is an entertainment device. It is wrong to compare them in an MBA section of MR, and I wouldn't do it either.

Finally, I start VERY FEW threads myself. If there is something I want to know, it takes less than a few minutes and I can find many relevant threads. We have been discussing this damn iPad vs. MBA topic for several months. It is ridiculous to think the iPad is a computing device capable of replacing a real computer like the MacBook Air with OS X. The people that can use the iPad to replace what they did on the MBA never needed an MBA in the first place. So the point here is the target market buyer of the MBA. For that main segment, the iPad can do a few observation tasks.

I vote to eliminate iPad vs. MBA or any other Mac from the MBA section at MR. Keep the iPad consumers off the MBA section of the forum.
Owning both, a rev. C MBA and an iPad I can say that they both have legitimate uses in everyday life.
This all hinges on what you would use a mobile device such as an iPad or MBA for.

there's one for ya - no hinges that may fail on the iPad. ;-)

i own both, and to me the biggest difference is the failure of the iPad to manage, save, and transfer docs. it makes it an epic fail to do more than view media and email.
I think it's offending and "troll"-like to put it here. Those of us who own MBAs respect them, and I think it's wrong to put this thread here.

He could have chosen to put it either in the iPad section or Buying Tips and Advice section. Either thread is much more suited.

Sure, we could all say it's freedom of speech, but the point is there are many threads about this and there are two much better sections at MR to post this thread.

One is a computer that runs Mac OS X applications, and the other is an entertainment device. It is wrong to compare them in an MBA section of MR, and I wouldn't do it either.

Finally, I start VERY FEW threads myself. If there is something I want to know, it takes less than a few minutes and I can find many relevant threads. We have been discussing this damn iPad vs. MBA topic for several months. It is ridiculous to think the iPad is a computing device capable of replacing a real computer like the MacBook Air with OS X. The people that can use the iPad to replace what they did on the MBA never needed an MBA in the first place. So the point here is the target market buyer of the MBA. For that main segment, the iPad can do a few observation tasks.

I vote to eliminate iPad vs. MBA or any other Mac from the MBA section at MR. Keep the iPad consumers off the MBA section of the forum.
Scottsdale -- I have a high regard for your technical expertise and appreciate your many valuable contributions at Mac Rumors. Nevertheless, in this instance, I think that you are being unduly defensive about the MBA, which has led you to an uncharacteristically emotional reaction to the OP's perfectly reasonable question. Anybody who is considering an MBA will inevitably also consider the iPad. Both do many of the same things but the MBA does much more, albeit at a much higher price.

You seem to have assumed that the OP was asking whether it would be a good idea to replace an MBA with an iPad. That wasn't what he asked, though. He asked for advice to help him decide whether to buy an MBA or an iPad.

Finally, are we to interpret your post to mean that you think those of us who don't own an MBA but bought an iPad have no business posting here? If so, yikes! All I can say is that i'm glad you aren't a moderator. If you were, I wouldn't be able to post to the MBA Forum, either. :)
Scottsdale -- I have a high regard for your technical expertise and appreciate your many valuable contributions at Mac Rumors. Nevertheless, in this instance, I think that you are being unduly defensive about the MBA, which has led you to an uncharacteristically emotional reaction to the OP's perfectly reasonable question. Anybody who is considering an MBA will inevitably also consider the iPad. Both do many of the same things but the MBA does much more, albeit at a much higher price.

You seem to have assumed that the OP was asking whether it would be a good idea to replace an MBA with an iPad. That wasn't what he asked, though. He asked for advice to help him decide whether to buy an MBA or an iPad.

Finally, are we to interpret your post to mean that you think those of us who don't own an MBA but bought an iPad have no business posting here? If so, yikes! All I can say is that i'm glad you aren't a moderator. If you were, I wouldn't be able to post to the MBA Forum, either. :)

You know what happens when you follow a comment with a "nevertheless" or "but"? It renders the comment void and is nothing more than an attempt to get the person to agree.

I don't feel this is about emotions, I feel it's about respect. Don't respect me... respect all forum members. How? By reading one of the many threads about this topic? Or, by reading the benefits of two at Finally, if still there are questions, post the question in the relevant forum, iPad... or post the question in the exact forum for this, Buying Tips and Advice section.

Really honestly, if one is to assume this thread was necessary and legitimate, it would have been posted in the iPad section. People that own an MBA are not the audience to question if the poster wants information on how/why the iPad is better than the MBA. An iPad owner/user should be able to answer questions about how an iPad is better than any other device. An MBA user has no certainty on how the iPad might be better than an MBA.

Finally, look at the replies for justification of this troll-ish thread.
You know, I read this forum a lot, though I rarely post here. Scotsdale, you're totally being defensive. You don't need to be an MBA fanboy.

I have my iPad 3G ordered and I'm very curious if it's going to replace my MBA rev C. I keep going back and forth on selling it or keeping it. it's a totally legit question.

You know, I read this forum a lot, though I rarely post here. Scotsdale, you're totally being defensive. You don't need to be an MBA fanboy.

I have my iPad 3G ordered and I'm very curious if it's going to replace my MBA rev C. I keep going back and forth on selling it or keeping it. it's a totally legit question.


I am a fanboy, and I admit that fully. But this is about respecting the MBA user, the forum, and all of the members' time. I own both of these devices, and I would share answers if we had a legitimate thread posted that had an OP that truly cared and respected the whole process at MR. But that is not what's going on here. It is a one sentence post basically written as a troll would to incite negative opinion towards the MBA in its own section at We need to reward quality threads and ignore threads without a new or valid purpose.

In addition, we have MANY of these iPad is better than MBA threads already. Why not do a search and read one of those? There is an entire iPad section at When someone wants comparison to buy a new product, they should put the product in question in the section of MR of that product. In this case it should be placed in the iPad forum. If the buyer is considering between more than one Apple product, there is a buying advice section which is where this could also be posted.

Can we not establish that there are already many threads on this very topic in the MBA forum section? Why cannot any of those be read or used for additional debate? Can we not establish that there is an iPad section at MR? Why cannot that section be used since the advantages looking for are of the iPad, NOT the MBA? Can we not establish that there is a Buying Tips and Advice section at MR? Is it not common that people post comparison questions there? Why cannot that section be where this thread is placed?

The bottom line is this is disrespectful for many reasons but most of all I am concerned about our time and consideration from the OP and why the thread was placed here in the first place. Furthermore, the OP couldn't even make a valid attempt at a request for specifics about the topic. It was written like a troll would write it stirring up resentment and frustration from those calling the MBA a netbook or saying the iPad is better than an MBA.

I am an Apple fanboy, and if I want to read about the iPad I can go do so in the iPad section. If I want to read about comparison examples on which product to buy, I can read the buying advice section. If I want to know advantages of any one product, I can go to or read about it here in its topic section. If I want to read about the iPad vs. MBA debate, I can also read about it in the one of MANY threads already active in the MBA section at MR.

This isn't about being a fanboy, it's about respecting each user groups' own legitimate reasons for loving their own products. Do you not agree that if I want to know what the advantages of the MBA over the iPad are that I should ask in the MBA or buying advice section at MR over the iPad section?

If this OP had done a thorough write up explaining concerns about buying one product over the other, had completely reviewed the existing threads, and had decided that this was the proper section for this thread, it would be a much better debate. Since its all been done already, and this OP made no attempt to add any new questions or debate, it's ridiculous and could at least be put in the right topic forum at MR.

In addition, every one of us has put forth more time and consideration than the original poster did/has. I think all threads like this should be banned in the first place. 99% of the time there's already a thread for that no matter what the topic. However, most of the time the OP will make a clarification on something exacting that concerns or challenges an idea or opinion. Sometimes there are great debates, but often, as in this case, the OP is not willing to put forth any effort.

I have started maybe ten threads in the last six months but probably less. When I start a thread, there is a real reason for the thread. Even take the MBA non-update last Tuesday. I posted a thread that was the exact topic that four other OPs made a new thread for after me... clueless as to why we have to have four other threads for the exact same topic. But at least everyone of those OP's made a logical argument or had some point in making a new thread and each user spent time making a quality thread... where is the quality in this original post? The OP has done exactly as he/she wanted, created controversy and wasted far less of his/her own time than ours. We're all making it more relevant as we could have all ignored the worthless post in the first part.

I hope we can start making these threads more valuable and the least we can start with is a valid new thread that asks specific questions or creates a new debate in some way.
I have a MBA,Rev B, and an iMac 24" which does most of my computing work. I take my MBA with me when I travel as an adjunct to my iMac. This works very well since I use it for e-mail, surfing and keeping track of expenses. I also have a iPod Touch that I use for reading books. It fits easily in my pocket and I can enlarge the type face so it is easy to read in any kind of light in most any situations. This combination works well for me. Had the iPad come out a year earlier, I would have probably bought that instead of the MBA due to the cost differences, but I am not ready to give up my MBA just yet!
I have a MBA,Rev B, and an iMac 24" which does most of my computing work. I take my MBA with me when I travel as an adjunct to my iMac. This works very well since I use it for e-mail, surfing and keeping track of expenses. I also have a iPod Touch that I use for reading books. It fits easily in my pocket and I can enlarge the type face so it is easy to read in any kind of light in most any situations. This combination works well for me. Had the iPad come out a year earlier, I would have probably bought that instead of the MBA due to the cost differences, but I am not ready to give up my MBA just yet!
Your analysis is like mine. As much as I would love to have had an MBA, for reasons explained in earlier posts to this thread, Its 2Gb of RAM couldn't have handled my needs. I got an iPad to use in many of the ways you use your iPod. When I travel, I take my 17 inch MBP in a nice Brenthaven bag, which is easy to carry and holds a bunch of other stuff, too. It's a decent combination for the time being but I really wish that Apple would market an MBA that could satisfy my needs.
I don't like these iPad vs MBA posts either, first because if you read around here it's been well discussed already.

But mainly, I wish people didn't think of comparing the iPad and the MBA .... they're in completely different categories.

For me the iPad is a coffee table computer, take to bed device and that's about it.

That isn't necessarily the case. For me they are not in two different categories, they are in the category of: devices that compliment my desktop. Now, you may mean market segments, but what consumer cares about market segments?

there's one for ya - no hinges that may fail on the iPad. ;-)

i own both, and to me the biggest difference is the failure of the iPad to manage, save, and transfer docs. it makes it an epic fail to do more than view media and email.

Very true. The hinges on my "Rev B" failed. I contacted Apple and they asked for some pictures. When I sent them, they said they had never seen such detailed photos of the failure and approved the repair straight away.

Any time I use the Air, I am always worried they will snap again. Not much longer, since I have it up for sale.

As far as tranferring Docs, I have had a good experience with GoodReader. I have a network home on my OS X Server, so I connect to it with GoodReader and pull my docs, books, etc. I think it works pretty well. When I am away from home, I VPN into my server and get what I need which is exactly what I did with my Air.

I still think there is room for improvement on Apple's end, but then again, I didn't buy this to be a "work" computer. But in the times when I have needed it, I was definitely impressed.

Really honestly, if one is to assume this thread was necessary and legitimate, it would have been posted in the iPad section. People that own an MBA are not the audience to question if the poster wants information on how/why the iPad is better than the MBA. An iPad owner/user should be able to answer questions about how an iPad is better than any other device. An MBA user has no certainty on how the iPad might be better than an MBA.

As the owner of a Macbook Air and an iPad, I will make the decision as to whether or not I am the audience to answer this question.

I would also like to add that this thread was not a controversy until you showed up.
Go post this in the iPad section.

Seriously, get this ***** off the MBA forum section. If you wanted to know the advantages of MBA over iPad then fine. But if you're focused on the iPad go to where the iPad lovers are.

I am sick of TROLLS like this invading the MBA section here at MR.

Would a moderator please move this thread to iPad section please???

There are a lot of people on this forum that don't know what a troll is. Some of you think anyone that doesn't agree with you on everything is a troll. There is no reason why this thread should be in either or neither is wrong. Get off your high horse.
Go post this in the iPad section.

Seriously, get this ***** off the MBA forum section. If you wanted to know the advantages of MBA over iPad then fine. But if you're focused on the iPad go to where the iPad lovers are.

I am sick of TROLLS like this invading the MBA section here at MR.

Would a moderator please move this thread to iPad section please???

Gosh... i own both...does that mean i can't use either forum? I think these are ligit questions. Why don't you help him about why the Air is better for what he (she) needs?

By the way 3Gs my MBA stayed home on my last business trip, i took the iPad and will continue to do so on most trips...
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