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I think it's offending and "troll"-like to put it here. Those of us who own MBAs respect them, and I think it's wrong to put this thread here.

He could have chosen to put it either in the iPad section or Buying Tips and Advice section. Either thread is much more suited.

Sure, we could all say it's freedom of speech, but the point is there are many threads about this and there are two much better sections at MR to post this thread.

One is a computer that runs Mac OS X applications, and the other is an entertainment device. It is wrong to compare them in an MBA section of MR, and I wouldn't do it either.

Finally, I start VERY FEW threads myself. If there is something I want to know, it takes less than a few minutes and I can find many relevant threads. We have been discussing this damn iPad vs. MBA topic for several months. It is ridiculous to think the iPad is a computing device capable of replacing a real computer like the MacBook Air with OS X. The people that can use the iPad to replace what they did on the MBA never needed an MBA in the first place. So the point here is the target market buyer of the MBA. For that main segment, the iPad can do a few observation tasks.

I vote to eliminate iPad vs. MBA or any other Mac from the MBA section at MR. Keep the iPad consumers off the MBA section of the forum.

I'm still trying to determine whether this is sarcastic humor. I fear it's not.
- Price
- Size
- Weight
- Ruggedness
- Battery runtime
- 3G built in
- landscape and portrait format (the latter this is a biggie for me. Makes reading scanned letter-format documents sooo much better)

Yes, very true.

But what do you mean by ruggedness? While I won't be shopping for iPad anytime soon (no MS Office and touch keypad is inaccurate), nor the MBA (too pricey), are they not both pretty tough machines?

Just go to Best Buy, Wal Mart, or Fry's and see the flimsy PC offerings on most of their PDA and laptops. All Apple gear I have seen since the Apple IIe are built like Tanks, and thankfully the newer gear from Apple is tough, yet lightweight.
Gosh... i own both...does that mean i can't use either forum? I think these are ligit questions. Why don't you help him about why the Air is better for what he (she) needs?

By the way 3Gs my MBA stayed home on my last business trip, i took the iPad and will continue to do so on most trips...

I own both the iPad and MBA as well. When home, I used the MBA mostly for email and web browsing. Since the iPad arrived, I haven't turned on the MBA. It all depends on what you need to do. The iPad is significantly easier to carry around and use while standing up or laying in bed in my opinion.
I think some of the MBA guys are far too defensive about this thread. Why? Because the existence of the MBA is threatened by the iPad.

I own or have owned just about every device Apple has created since 2005. I have a 27 inch iMac, a rev A and rev C MBA, a 3GS iPhone, and now an iPad.

I travel quite a bit and give presentations as well as edit documents and spreadsheets while traveling. I also need to occasionally connect to a remote desktop through a very lame Windows based Citrix solution. I email constantly. For entertainment, my biggest use is web surfing and Slingbox. I would say that I'm a fairly typical business user with a reasonable bit of computer knowledge. For example, my 10 year old and I are trying to master objective C together to try to design some iPad apps for fun.

I've loved all the generations of MBA, and continue to love them. My complaints are those that readers of the MBA thread are familiar with--processor overheating and slowing down of video, hard to do processor intensive tasks such as ripping DVDs, etc.

I've tried Coolbook and other solutions, but like some have mentioned, I live with the compromises for great weight and great design to do 90% of the things I need to do on the road.

In my opinion, the major issues for me preventing a complete switch to the iPad are with the iPad are the iWork apps and more importantly, the file system that is based on the iPhone OS and not Mac OS. Once Apple figures out how to get files to and from the iPad as easily as the MBA, figures out how to better get the apps to interact with files on the device, and maybe tweaks the virtual keyboard interface a bit, the MBA is going to get a run for the money (sorry MBA fans). If I can easily edit presentations and documents on the road with the iPad, it meets most of my needs at a lower size and weight, with a 10 hour battery life.

I can see the future for some people: a MB Pro hooked up to an external monitor, an iPhone (likely the 4G videophone), and an iPad.

I'd love a MBA with 4GB ram, better graphics, a longer lived battery, and improved thermal management, like all of the MBA fans. The form factor on the MBA is great.

However, if guys like me are the target demographic for the MBA, these are going to be very interesting times.
Apparently Scottsdale isn't the only one who was defensive about the MBA. Despite almost universal condemnation of his position that the OP was a "troll" and that this thread didn't belong in the MBA Forum, Scottsdale got a moderator to buy his program and move the thread here. It just shows that sometimes Scottsdale's influence exceeds his judgment. Actually, anyone who reads this thread will immediately see that (1) the OP is not a troll and (2) as indicated by its title, the thread was just as appropriate in the MBA Forum as it is here. Nevertheless, a moderator overrode the OP's perfectly reasonable decision to start it in the MBA Forum. Oh well, I learned a long time ago that I don't have to think what a moderator does is smart, I just have to live with his decision -- whether or not it makes a lick of sense. :)
Apparently Scottsdale isn't the only one who was defensive about the MBA. Despite almost universal condemnation of his position that the OP was a "troll" and that this thread didn't belong in the MBA Forum, Scottsdale got a moderator to buy his program and move the thread here. It just shows that sometimes Scottsdale's influence exceeds his judgment. Actually, anyone who reads this thread will immediately see that (1) the OP is not a troll and (2) as indicated by its title, the thread was just as appropriate in the MBA Forum as it is here. Nevertheless, a moderator overrode the OP's perfectly reasonable decision to start it in the MBA Forum. Oh well, I learned a long time ago that I don't have to think what a moderator does is smart, I just have to live with his decision -- whether or not it makes a lick of sense. :)

Well, I didn't make any fuss other than my replies in this thread. I didn't "sell" anything to a moderator. I still say that the point is there are already threads like this. The OP shouldn't start another thread just to start another thread. In addition, the OP should observe the proper place to post a thread. Finally, the OP shouldn't waste our time with a ridiculous post in the first place that reads less than one grammatically correct full sentence.

I have never gotten any special privileges at I stand by my argument here. I am very pleased that this was moved to its proper section of We can all read the forum rules the same, and if you all do that you will realize my request was more than fair. I was perfectly correct in making such a request. We are supposed to be CONTRIBUTING here. Please tell me how this OP made a contribution? Go do a search on this topic and tell me there aren't already threads on this. Read the rules and tell me how my request was unjust and how this thread is just.
Apparently Scottsdale isn't the only one who was defensive about the MBA. Despite almost universal condemnation of his position that the OP was a "troll" and that this thread didn't belong in the MBA Forum, Scottsdale got a moderator to buy his program and move the thread here. It just shows that sometimes Scottsdale's influence exceeds his judgment. Actually, anyone who reads this thread will immediately see that (1) the OP is not a troll and (2) as indicated by its title, the thread was just as appropriate in the MBA Forum as it is here. Nevertheless, a moderator overrode the OP's perfectly reasonable decision to start it in the MBA Forum. Oh well, I learned a long time ago that I don't have to think what a moderator does is smart, I just have to live with his decision -- whether or not it makes a lick of sense. :)

I agree it was ridiculous to move this thread based on his feedback. In fact scottsdale was recently highlighting in a separate thread about how the MBA has not got updated and how he's going to get a Non-Apple product to hold him over "Sony Vaio" and gave specs and reasons to why, yet when someone else looks for feedback between two products he brings emotion into it for no reason and causes a productive thread to turn into an a series of opinions on absurdity... including this one! :)

And yes... just a second set of thoughts to put this into perspective... :)

I would appreciate it if you would correct that, as I never stated that. Therefore your use of the "quote" is inaccurate and demeaning.

I would never intentionally misquote someone, and I believe you're acting inappropriately to do such here, publicly.

Why don't you do some contributing if you love this thread so much?
I would appreciate it if you would correct that, as I never stated that. Therefore your use of the "quote" is inaccurate and demeaning.

I would never intentionally misquote someone, and I believe you're acting inappropriately to do such here, publicly.

Why don't you do some contributing if you love this thread so much?

I think he was summarizing your post. Pretty good summary in my opinion.
I think he was summarizing your post. Pretty good summary in my opinion.

Do you really not get where it's ethically wrong to quote someone incorrectly intentionally in an attempt to criticize them? The person could have at least been forthright with the attack... you know, been a person with integrity in their attacks! I would respect a person 10X more for being clear rather than altering my quote as I find it grossly unethical.

Do people really not care about being honest and ethical anymore? Sad, truly sad this is going on and people like you support it in an open forum. Sad also that Mac Rumors has members that think these sorts of actions, or calling people names, or flat out misleading people is acceptable in any way.

It is truly disappointing that you cannot debate someone over computers and Apple products without attacking someone via any method rather than good old fashioned debate. I hope Mac Rumors starts stopping forum members from acting the way you promote and condone.

I am here to debate people on Mac/Apple topics. I never act the way people have been acting here lately and I certainly never condone such lack of taste in the attacks.
That isn't necessarily the case. For me they [the MBA and iPad] are not in two different categories, they are in the category of: devices that compliment my desktop. Now, you may mean market segments, but what consumer cares about market segments?
I couldn't agree more. The MBA and iPad are both ultra portable computing devices. In some ways, many of which were discussed earlier, they are very different but the reason for the existence of both the MBA and iPad is to provide a computer that is lightweight and portable. That one stresses light weight and a very small form factor at the sacrifice of some computing power, while the other provides a fully functioning computer but is larger, heavier, and has a lid, does not mean the two are "two different categories."

As the owner of a Macbook Air and an iPad, I will make the decision as to whether or not I am the audience to answer this question.

I would also like to add that this thread was not a controversy until you showed up.
Indeed, until the thread deteriorated, for reasons of which we are both exquisitely aware, this thread had produced some very interesting posts that I believe should help the OP decide between an MBA and an iPad. I know that I found them useful. Anyway, maybe things will get better now.
I just don't understand why this thread should have been moved. If the question were reversed to say "Advantages of MBA over iPad", would it then be acceptable in the MBA forum? And if so, should we deduce that these forums are only meant for cheerleading and praise of the product at-hand, barring all criticism? IMO, that would make this website much less informative.
I just don't understand why this thread should have been moved. If the question were reversed to say "Advantages of MBA over iPad", would it then be acceptable in the MBA forum? And if so, should we deduce that these forums are only meant for cheerleading and praise of the product at-hand, barring all criticism? IMO, that would make this website much less informative.

It could go either way, but since this thread started off with a lot of complaining about the topic I decided to move it to the iPad forum.

However I'm considering closing it since it's not really going anywhere. Let's keep it on topic guys. Thanks :)
It could go either way, but since this thread started off with a lot of complaining about the topic I decided to move it to the iPad forum.

However I'm considering closing it since it's not really going anywhere. Let's keep it on topic guys. Thanks :)

That's cool with me.

Getting back on topic, I think it's pretty hard to compare these two products objectively because I think they're dramatically different devices. After a couple weeks of use, I think the iPad is not a device that lends itself to getting real work done (office apps, etc), but it's an ideal device for consuming media. You can't even easily store and view files on the iPad, which is a core limitation that will frustrate you when the iPad's allure wears off. But it's a heck of a user experience and it's hard to imagine having this much "fun" with an MBA.

You have to look at your needs/requirements and then perform a subjective evaluation of each product.
That's cool with me.

Getting back on topic, I think it's pretty hard to compare these two products objectively because I think they're dramatically different devices. After a couple weeks of use, I think the iPad is not a device that lends itself to getting real work done (office apps, etc), but it's an ideal device for consuming media. You can't even easily store and view files on the iPad, which is a core limitation that will frustrate you when the iPad's allure wears off. But it's a heck of a user experience and it's hard to imagine having this much "fun" with an MBA.

You have to look at your needs/requirements and then perform a subjective evaluation of each product.

Well that isn't exactly true. With GoodReader I have been connecting to what I need quite easily. Of course I have a few bits most don't have, but this could be done with standard OS X.

1. OS X Server running VPN
2. GoodReader supports FTP, so my (Portable) Home Directory gets synced from my main machine to the server, which is then made available via FTP.
3. In Good Reader, I can pull down any docs I need. Lately I have been going through a lot of PDFs and GoodReader works well for those.

I think it all comes down to what we mean by "real work." You note Office Apps, I have found pages to work pretty well for the times I have needed it. As well as Keynote. I used it for a presentation and it went extremely well. They need to add some things in like presenter notes and a more robust presenter view, but it worked well.

As far as other types of work, I think the apps will fill those out, but I don't think we should expecting Logic on the iPad. But maybe compliments, for example putting together a quick idea in one of the piano apps that are out there.

I am sure there are people who work with Logic with their portable and this device just isn't for them, and that is fine. But if their usage is limited, they could possibly get by with an iPad.

I do agree though, Apple needs to really rethink the idea of unified storage and inter-application operations.

I think you said it right, and it was as I said from the start of this thread. You have to look at what you would be doing to make a decision either way.
Well that isn't exactly true. With GoodReader I have been connecting to what I need quite easily. Of course I have a few bits most don't have, but this could be done with standard OS X.

1. OS X Server running VPN
2. GoodReader supports FTP, so my (Portable) Home Directory gets synced from my main machine to the server, which is then made available via FTP.
3. In Good Reader, I can pull down any docs I need. Lately I have been going through a lot of PDFs and GoodReader works well for those.

I think it all comes down to what we mean by "real work." You note Office Apps, I have found pages to work pretty well for the times I have needed it. As well as Keynote. I used it for a presentation and it went extremely well. They need to add some things in like presenter notes and a more robust presenter view, but it worked well.

As far as other types of work, I think the apps will fill those out, but I don't think we should expecting Logic on the iPad. But maybe compliments, for example putting together a quick idea in one of the piano apps that are out there.

I am sure there are people who work with Logic with their portable and this device just isn't for them, and that is fine. But if their usage is limited, they could possibly get by with an iPad.

I do agree though, Apple needs to really rethink the idea of unified storage and inter-application operations.

I think you said it right, and it was as I said from the start of this thread. You have to look at what you would be doing to make a decision either way.

Agreed, Goodreader is great and makes getting files onto the iPad easier, but it's no substitute for an exposed directory structure and file browser. Apple's productivity apps (Pages, Keynote, etc) are pretty good and they may allow you to "get by" on the iPad, but it's hard to refute that the MBA is superior for this type of work. These are mediocre solutions and in some cases they're just workarounds for obvious limitations in the iPhone OS. I mean, I can't even print a document or change the font of my email text. There are dozens of little limitations like that. Some of them have workarounds with apps, some don't. Some are more bothersome than others. But when I'm under the gun to get something completed at work in a short amount of time, I'm not reaching for the iPad. (but in many other situations I am!)
I own both and going forward, will continue to own both!

Each device has things it does best. They compliment each other well. If I was one of the technology items in our house and was the 4 month old HP netbook, I'd be a bit nervous now and read up about e-Bay. Because that is the one on the bubble and if I get rid of any device now that we have an iPad (with another one coming 4/30..), that's the one we part with.

We thoroughly enjoy the new iPad and the MacBook Air remains very cool in my opinion.
I think it's offending and "troll"-like to put it here. Those of us who own MBAs respect them, and I think it's wrong to put this thread here.

He could have chosen to put it either in the iPad section or Buying Tips and Advice section. Either thread is much more suited.

Sure, we could all say it's freedom of speech, but the point is there are many threads about this and there are two much better sections at MR to post this thread.

One is a computer that runs Mac OS X applications, and the other is an entertainment device. It is wrong to compare them in an MBA section of MR, and I wouldn't do it either.

Finally, I start VERY FEW threads myself. If there is something I want to know, it takes less than a few minutes and I can find many relevant threads. We have been discussing this damn iPad vs. MBA topic for several months. It is ridiculous to think the iPad is a computing device capable of replacing a real computer like the MacBook Air with OS X. The people that can use the iPad to replace what they did on the MBA never needed an MBA in the first place. So the point here is the target market buyer of the MBA. For that main segment, the iPad can do a few observation tasks.

I vote to eliminate iPad vs. MBA or any other Mac from the MBA section at MR. Keep the iPad consumers off the MBA section of the forum.

Touchy much? If you simply reversed the positions of MBA and iPad in your thesis, your argument would be equally invalid. The thread is no more or less suited to the MBA forum than it is to the iPad forum.

I would appreciate it if you would correct that, as I never stated that. Therefore your use of the "quote" is inaccurate and demeaning.

I would never intentionally misquote someone, and I believe you're acting inappropriately to do such here, publicly.

Why don't you do some contributing if you love this thread so much?

If your username reflects on where you live, that explains everything. Go for a swim and relax man!
I own both and going forward, will continue to own both!

Each device has things it does best. They compliment each other well. If I was one of the technology items in our house and was the 4 month old HP netbook, I'd be a bit nervous now and read up about e-Bay. Because that is the one on the bubble and if I get rid of any device now that we have an iPad (with another one coming 4/30..), that's the one we part with.

We thoroughly enjoy the new iPad and the MacBook Air remains very cool in my opinion.
Although I don't own an MBA for reasons explained in other posts, I really wish that Apple would add enough RAM so that I could buy one. As a stopgap I bought an iPad. It is very limited now but promises to get better as time goes on. Based on a couple of posts earlier in the thread, I bought the GoodReader app and installed it today. It is now setup as a device on my MBP but I haven't done any downloads with it yet. It's a start, anyway. Thanks to those of you who mentioned GoodReader. At only $.99 it seemed to fall into the same category as a Jewish mother's chicken soup: it can't hurt but it might help. :)

so this thread has moved to the Ipad section.

I wanted this to be in the MBA MBA fans can really give the bad points of the IPAD compared to the MBA.

Iv loved the MBA and still do. If i dont need as powerful computer as MBA and all my browisng net can be done with an IPAD...i may just get the Ipad.

Nevertheless...people here should not get upset or angry coz i posted in the MBA section regarding IPAD. I did want MBA fans to comment on the IPAD as it was a comparison between and Ipad and MBA.

Thanks to those with their useful and helpful comments.
well said

Apparently Scottsdale isn't the only one who was defensive about the MBA. Despite almost universal condemnation of his position that the OP was a "troll" and that this thread didn't belong in the MBA Forum, Scottsdale got a moderator to buy his program and move the thread here. It just shows that sometimes Scottsdale's influence exceeds his judgment. Actually, anyone who reads this thread will immediately see that (1) the OP is not a troll and (2) as indicated by its title, the thread was just as appropriate in the MBA Forum as it is here. Nevertheless, a moderator overrode the OP's perfectly reasonable decision to start it in the MBA Forum. Oh well, I learned a long time ago that I don't have to think what a moderator does is smart, I just have to live with his decision -- whether or not it makes a lick of sense. :)

well said..and i agree...

i just wanted a comparison between the 2 products...

i was looking to get an MBA......but then sme people here are happy with their ipad...and hardly using the Air..and if the IPAD can do most of the job the MBA can...then may be more valuable to get the IPAD.
I have both and can understand why the MBA folks are upset. The MBA has been lagging behind with the needed updates. This puts all of us on the defense when something like the iPad (The Mack Daddy) of the touch device series, gets Apples attention first.

I love my iPad, but in no way, shape or form does it trump having a true computer that can run full blown OSX, Windows, Flash, and any and all software out there for general computing consumption. I like to play CoD Modern Warfare 2 on mine!

That being said, the iPad is a wonderful traveling and entertainment device. I prefer to use it now for casual surfing and having access to the App Store. That is one place the device obviously excels. However, Apple still has a ways to go with this device. (No Integrated Printing/Scanning Option or Drivers, Mobile Safari Limitations -Java Script, Flash Ect.) If Apple would just put the full version of Safari on the iPad and full printing capabilities, I could use it SO much more in the business field. Without these features, it will remain, in my mind, a media consumption device.

Honestly, I wonder if the MBA wont be a hybrid version of the iPad with a touch screen. If Apple would have released something like that, it would have been game over for the MB line and eaten into the 13" MBP sales. This is the device I am hoping we will see in the not so distant future.

So, its like this... the iPad is my entertainment, traveling device and the MBA is the workhorse that is the best ultra portable i have ever owned. Sheesh.. both combined weigh less than a normal MBP!

My bitch about the iPad? Apple can cram a freaking camera into the iPhone 4, but they release the iPad with better battery life and omit it from version one? Thats not even sneaky, thats just plain greedy! :mad:
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