I think it's offending and "troll"-like to put it here. Those of us who own MBAs respect them, and I think it's wrong to put this thread here.
He could have chosen to put it either in the iPad section or Buying Tips and Advice section. Either thread is much more suited.
Sure, we could all say it's freedom of speech, but the point is there are many threads about this and there are two much better sections at MR to post this thread.
One is a computer that runs Mac OS X applications, and the other is an entertainment device. It is wrong to compare them in an MBA section of MR, and I wouldn't do it either.
Finally, I start VERY FEW threads myself. If there is something I want to know, it takes less than a few minutes and I can find many relevant threads. We have been discussing this damn iPad vs. MBA topic for several months. It is ridiculous to think the iPad is a computing device capable of replacing a real computer like the MacBook Air with OS X. The people that can use the iPad to replace what they did on the MBA never needed an MBA in the first place. So the point here is the target market buyer of the MBA. For that main segment, the iPad can do a few observation tasks.
I vote to eliminate iPad vs. MBA or any other Mac from the MBA section at MR. Keep the iPad consumers off the MBA section of the forum.
I'm still trying to determine whether this is sarcastic humor. I fear it's not.