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I wanted this to be in the MBA MBA fans can really give the bad points of the IPAD compared to the MBA.

Then you should have start the thread with a title like: MBA owners, why do you think the iPad is a bad idea? I bet the result would be exactly the opposite.
well said..and i agree...

i just wanted a comparison between the 2 products...

i was looking to get an MBA......but then sme people here are happy with their ipad...and hardly using the Air..and if the IPAD can do most of the job the MBA can...then may be more valuable to get the IPAD.
I'm just sorry that you were victimized by the defensive mischaracterization of your original post by a poster who should have known better. It was compounded when a moderator in the fullness of his wisdom (?) actually followed the emotional suggestion that your thread should be removed from the MBA Forum.

I have an iPad and like it a lot despite its limitations. I love the MBA, although it wouldn't work for me because of its limited of 2Gb of RAM. For what the MBA would do for me, it would not be as good a choice as the much cheaper, smaller, and lighter iPad has turned out to be.
Scotsdale wins the award for the most ridiculous overreaction on Internet forums for quarter 2 2009. By accusing someone of trolling when they clearly weren't, he ended up becoming a troll himself.
Wow!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm going to think twice about ever starting a thread around here again. You can get into some real trouble for that!
Then you should have start the thread with a title like: MBA owners, why do you think the iPad is a bad idea? I bet the result would be exactly the opposite.
In the interest of fairness, let's review the question the OP asked: "Advantages of iPad over MBA." As noted in my last post I pointed out a few of them: the iPad is much smaller and lighter than the MBA and doesn't have a lid. Thus, it's a clearly better choice than the MBA for use while one is standing up and walking around. The iPad is also much, much cheaper than the MBA. Those are all clear advantages, at least it seems so to me. That said, though the MBA is an elegant and full featured computer -- for anyone who can get buy on only 2Gb of RAM. The iPad, in stark contrast, is not a full featured computer, although it is a cleverly designed mobile computing device.

As you can see from most of the other posts to this thread who have weighed in on the charge that the OP's post was a troll, most have agreed with me that the charge was emotional and ridiculous. It seems to me that one would have to have been drinking a whole bunch of MBA Kool-Aid to contend that the OP's question was in any way unreasonable, much less a troll.
Wow!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm going to think twice about ever starting a thread around here again. You can get into some real trouble for that!

Just keep it out of the MBA section. Scottsdale is usually there, but he does pop out sometimes...

Just don't make threads about the MBA, then maybe you will be safe.
Just keep it out of the MBA section. Scottsdale is usually there, but he does pop out sometimes...

Just don't make threads about the MBA, then maybe you will be safe.
OK. If I buy a MBA and want to use the MBA section will I be required to get sensitivity training first?
OK. If I buy a MBA and want to use the MBA section will I be required to get sensitivity training first?
ROFL! Maybe sensitivity training wouldn't be a bad idea. What surprised me most about this contretemps, next only to it having been started by one of our more knowledgeable posters, was how uncharacteristic it was for an MBA Forum thread. Over in the MBP Forum, some of the posters act like adolescents and, I suspect, some are. In the MBA Forum, though, the cohort has seemed to be a little more mature and less frequently emotional than some in the MBP Forum. I think that Apple's long delay in updating the MBA has made a lot of MBA owners, and MBA owner wannabes a little nuts. :) More seriously, count me among the MBA owner wannabes. I would buy an MBA tomorrow if Apple would only give it enough RAM.
OK. If I buy a MBA and want to use the MBA section will I be required to get sensitivity training first?

I never saw the MBA community before today. I was only introduced to it after this post was moved to the iPad forums. I thought there were some pretty zealous fanboys here, but my god, the MBA forums make everyone else look like clear, open minded, civil people.
I never saw the MBA community before today. I was only introduced to it after this post was moved to the iPad forums. I thought there were some pretty zealous fanboys here, but my god, the MBA forums make everyone else look like clear, open minded, civil people.
Yeah, I came across it via new threads search, and after reading the hostility aimed at the OP (for what I thought was a reasonable post), my jaw just dropped to the floor.
I have a Rev C MBA, and a 32GB iPad WiFi.

In a week, I will have the 64GB iPad 3G, and my current one goes to my wife. Likewise, as soon as Apple releases the next generation MBA, I will replace my current MBA, and she gets to inherit my Rev C.

If she could only choose one of the devices, she would take the MBA. I would do the same. I love my iPad (especially on my frequent flights)... but as of today, it is not a laptop replacement for me. The MBA is by far the finest laptop that I have ever owned. I also own a 15" MBP for work (I will soon be replacing it with a 13" MBP). I am ditching the 15" MBP and replacing it with the 13" MBP because I find the 15" too big and bulky for my tastes. I wish my employer would provide the MBA instead.

My wife and I also have a 27" i7 iMac that we share. That holds the master copy of all our data and is double backed up (local and cloud). Everything on our laptops (or iPads) are synced to the cloud, and hence to our iMac and is automatically part of our backup set.

You know, I read this forum a lot, though I rarely post here. Scotsdale, you're totally being defensive. You don't need to be an MBA fanboy.

I have my iPad 3G ordered and I'm very curious if it's going to replace my MBA rev C. I keep going back and forth on selling it or keeping it. it's a totally legit question.


I kind of agree here.... I visit these forums on/off. Sometimes frequently sometimes not for months. I've read and enjoyed a lot of your posts and commentary Scottsdale and I have to say I'm really surprised at your reaction to this post. Really surprised.

Walk away for a bit - take a breather - get some sun and talk to other people face to face. These are just a computers. This is just a public forum where people go to talk about computers.


btw - I'm here, an MBA owner, interested in this EXACT subject.
I love my iPad (especially on my frequent flights)... but as of today, it is not a laptop replacement for me. The MBA is by far the finest laptop that I have ever owned. I also own a 15" MBP for work (I will soon be replacing it with a 13" MBP). I am ditching the 15" MBP and replacing it with the 13" MBP because I find the 15" too big and bulky for my tastes. I wish my employer would provide the MBA instead.
Although several posters have argued that the iPad is a viable replacement for a real computer, I agree with you that it really isn't a laptop replacement. I, too, use my MBP for the bulk of my work, in my case a 17 inch model. I have thought about getting the new 13 inch MBP because it appears to me that if I added RAM, it could do everything my old 17 inch MBP does but in a smaller, lighter package.

I keep waiting for Apple to put enough RAM in an upgraded MBA to allow me to get one. Unfortunately, the conventional wisdom seems to be that the upgraded MBA will have only 4Gb of RAM, which won't work for me. Thus, the heavier and far less sleek 13 inch MBP may end up being the way I have to go.

All of this MBA talk is central to the title of this thread, of course, which leaves me shaking my head over why it got moved to the iPad Forum. I won't contemplate it further, though, for this way lies madness. :)
I have a Rev C MBA, and a 32GB iPad WiFi.

In a week, I will have the 64GB iPad 3G, and my current one goes to my wife. Likewise, as soon as Apple releases the next generation MBA, I will replace my current MBA, and she gets to inherit my Rev C.

If she could only choose one of the devices, she would take the MBA. I would do the same. I love my iPad (especially on my frequent flights)... but as of today, it is not a laptop replacement for me. The MBA is by far the finest laptop that I have ever owned. I also own a 15" MBP for work (I will soon be replacing it with a 13" MBP). I am ditching the 15" MBP and replacing it with the 13" MBP because I find the 15" too big and bulky for my tastes. I wish my employer would provide the MBA instead.

My wife and I also have a 27" i7 iMac that we share. That holds the master copy of all our data and is double backed up (local and cloud). Everything on our laptops (or iPads) are synced to the cloud, and hence to our iMac and is automatically part of our backup set.


That's an excellent, excellent set up.

My wife and I are taking the same direction although we're finding ourselves using MacBook Pro's more now instead of our Air's because the Air for our needs is lacking in power. My Mac Pro acts like your 27" iMac - which I'd also very much like to own - quite screen!
Then you should have start the thread with a title like: MBA owners, why do you think the iPad is a bad idea? I bet the result would be exactly the opposite.

My point all along. The original post was so vague, and it was in the wrong section the way it was worded.

In addition, there are already COUNTLESS threads of iPad over MBA. Why cannot any of those be used? Why do we need to start a new thread for a ONE SENTENCE THREAD? The OP used no care in his wording, no effort in his desire to make a NEW TOPIC that hadn't already been done before, no proper review of threads already available, no understanding of different sections available at Mac Rumors, and all of this leads to a WORTHLESS, POINTLESS, ALREADY BEEN DONE BEFORE thread. Why waste the space?

There are plenty of rules in these forums over starting bogus repetitive threads just like this. The OP offered nothing new.

I believe that the thread should have been completely removed as a waste of space rather than moved to the iPad section. Every replier to this thread put more time and thought into it even if it were debating where the thread should be than the original poster put into the original post.

People, stop complaining about people who want a better Mac Rumors forum. Go read the rules on the need for starting a new thread. I don't waste peoples time with new one sentence threads that offer nothing new to debate and have already been done before.
Will you give it a rest already? I think you have embarrassed yourself enough. Maybe there should be a rule regarding bogus repetitive posts, huh? Since you have offered nothing new here.
I am a fanboy, and I admit that fully. But this is about respecting the MBA user, the forum, and all of the members' time. I own both of these devices, and I would share answers if we had a legitimate thread posted that had an OP that truly cared and respected the whole process at MR. But that is not what's going on here. It is a one sentence post basically written as a troll would to incite negative opinion towards the MBA in its own section at We need to reward quality threads and ignore threads without a new or valid purpose.

In addition, we have MANY of these iPad is better than MBA threads already. Why not do a search and read one of those? There is an entire iPad section at When someone wants comparison to buy a new product, they should put the product in question in the section of MR of that product. In this case it should be placed in the iPad forum. If the buyer is considering between more than one Apple product, there is a buying advice section which is where this could also be posted.

Can we not establish that there are already many threads on this very topic in
the MBA forum section? Why cannot any of those be read or used for additional debate? Can we not establish that there is an iPad section at MR? Why cannot that section be used since the advantages looking for are of the
iPad, NOT the MBA? Can we not establish that there is a Buying Tips and Advice section at MR? Is it not common that people post comparison questions there? Why cannot that section be where this thread is placed?

The bottom line is this is disrespectful for many reasons but most of all I am
concerned about our time and consideration from the OP and why the thread was placed here in the first place. Furthermore, the OP couldn't even make a valid attempt at a request for specifics about the topic. It was written like a troll would write it stirring up resentment and frustration from those calling the MBA a netbook or saying the iPad is better than an MBA.

I am an Apple fanboy, and if I want to read about the iPad I can go do so in the iPad section. If I want to read about comparison examples on which product to buy, I can read the buying advice section. If I want to know advantages of any one product, I can go to or read about it here in
its topic section. If I want to read about the iPad vs. MBA debate, I can also read about it in the one of MANY threads already active in the MBA section at MR.

This isn't about being a fanboy, it's about respecting each user groups' own legitimate reasons for loving their own products. Do you not agree that if I want to know what the advantages of the MBA over the iPad are that I should ask in the MBA or buying advice section at MR over the iPad section?

If this OP had done a thorough write up explaining concerns about buying one product over the other, had completely reviewed the existing threads, and had decided that this was the proper section for this thread, it would be a much
better debate. Since its all been done already, and this OP made no attempt to add any new questions or debate, it's ridiculous and could at least be put in the right topic forum at MR.

In addition, every one of us has put forth more time and consideration than the original poster did/has. I think all threads like this should be banned in the first place. 99% of the time there's already a thread for that no matter what the topic. However, most of the time the OP will make a clarification on something exacting that concerns or challenges an idea or opinion. Sometimes there are great debates, but often, as in this case, the OP is not willing to put forth any effort.

I have started maybe ten threads in the last six months but probably less. When I start a thread, there is a real reason for the thread. Even take the MBA non-update last Tuesday. I posted a thread that was the exact topic that four other OPs made a new thread for after me... clueless as to why we have to have four other threads for the exact same topic. But at least everyone of those OP's made a logical argument or had some point in making a new thread and each user spent time making a quality thread... where is the quality in this original post? The OP has done exactly as he/she wanted, created controversy and wasted far less of his/her own time than ours. We're all making it more relevant as we could have all ignored the worthless post in the first part.

I hope we can start making these threads more valuable and the least we can start with is a valid new thread that asks specific questions or creates a new debate in some way.

nobody has time to read your thesis.
Your analysis is like mine. As much as I would love to have had an MBA, for reasons explained in earlier posts to this thread, Its 2Gb of RAM couldn't have handled my needs. I got an iPad to use in many of the ways you use your iPod. When I travel, I take my 17 inch MBP in a nice Brenthaven bag, which is easy to carry and holds a bunch of other stuff, too. It's a decent combination for the time being but I really wish that Apple would market an MBA that could satisfy my needs.

I agree with your statements. I've been looking at an MBA and considered it several times, but in the end the 2GB RAM limit is simply too constraining from my usage perspective. It was quite unfortunate that the MBA was not updated a couple of weeks ago, together with the rest of Apple's laptops. I am not quite certain what Apple's product strategy here is. They have a product with a killer design, but at this stage it is simply begging for a refresh.

Indeed, until the thread deteriorated, for reasons of which we are both exquisitely aware, this thread had produced some very interesting posts that I believe should help the OP decide between an MBA and an iPad. I know that I found them useful. Anyway, maybe things will get better now.

I also found these comments useful. Also, I am truly puzzled by the tone of responses by what turned out to be the main contributor to this thread (and whom I respect for his many insightful contributions in other threads on MR.)
Sorry. I was trying to get rid of the double post here. I shall not mix Grand Marnier on rocks and MR again. Well....
Lets not forget we are comparing a brand new device with a laptop that hasn't had a real update for a long time. Lets see what the updated air is capable of.
Scottsdale said:
My point all along. The original post was so vague, and it was in the wrong section the way it was worded.

In addition, there are already COUNTLESS threads of iPad over MBA. Why cannot any of those be used? Why do we need to start a new thread for a ONE SENTENCE THREAD? The OP used no care in his wording, no effort in his desire to make a NEW TOPIC that hadn't already been done before, no proper review of threads already available, no understanding of different sections available at Mac Rumors, and all of this leads to a WORTHLESS, POINTLESS, ALREADY BEEN DONE BEFORE thread. Why waste the space?

There are plenty of rules in these forums over starting bogus repetitive threads just like this. The OP offered nothing new.

I believe that the thread should have been completely removed as a waste of space rather than moved to the iPad section. Every replier to this thread put more time and thought into it even if it were debating where the thread should be than the original poster put into the original post.

People, stop complaining about people who want a better Mac Rumors forum. Go read the rules on the need for starting a new thread. I don't waste peoples time with new one sentence threads that offer nothing new to debate and have already been done before.

You called the OP a troll and overreacted in a passionate temper tantrum, which had nothing to do with your explanation here.
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