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I try using my Max as a substitute to my iPad Mini but still not good for reading stuff and movies! The 4:3 ratio is why - I like a wider field of view!
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This is probably what Apple wants you to do.

It used to be that your $1300 got you a $750 top-of-the-line iPhone (as is the XSMAX) and a $500 iPad. With high profit margins.

Now for the same $1300 you only get one phone with what I must assume is a stratospheric profit margin.

Good for Apple, because they got there by being competitive, but this is monopolistic behavior - which baffles me, because Apple is not a monopolist and people should be switching brands, but they're not - as a poster said in another thread, this may be the Veblen effect. This, or we should drink Apple's Kool Aid and admit the iPhone really is something else.
IPhone XR + iPad 2018.
Apple is still there, offering similar, or even lower price points if you account for inflation. Its actually amazing theyve managed to lower prices insoute of their demand. Im still not sure why they do it.

But if your going to be optioing in every extravagant option to compare the past, might as well include the $10,0000 gold Apple Watch as well.
Shot with my iPhone Xs Max.
I want the new iPad Pro as well; not “need”. :D It was planned along with Max.

I will sell my 10.5 inch afterwards to offset the cost
If you can finance at 0.00% interest it makes no sense NOT to finance. Paying the lump sum up front may be worth a warm fuzzy, but it isn't prudent money management. Free money? I'll take it every time.
How many providers are really giving anyone "interest free" in their monthly payment plans for new iPhones?
Here in Canada Quebec i paid 1,746$ for the 64gb Max model. Yup that’s really a chunk of money let me tell you!
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