Here's a tale of woe: I have been waking up every morning and checking all the usual sites for AirPods (Target, Best Buy, Verizon, ATT, Apple) for a couple of weeks, to no avail. This morning, I groggily loaded the ATT site on my iPad a little before 7a PT and the AirPods showed in stock! I added them to my cart, and then the painfully slow page-loading began. A few minutes to load the cart page, even longer to switch from express shipping to standard... Anyway, I was still hopeful, but when I went to check out, I was confronted with the option of logging into an ATT acct (which I don't have -- I'm on VZN) or checking out as a guest. Great, option B for me please...
Well, that link just loaded the main ATT store page. I tried a few times, each time enduring the awful load times of this terrible site. I tried manually editing the page link to load the "full," not mobile, version of the cart and guest payment pages, to no avail. I checked on my laptop and discovered that the guest payment page does exist, it just HATES iOS Safari. I even tried to Handoff™ from my iPad to my laptop, but of course the cart cookie didn't carry over.
So there they were, my precious AirPods, in a cart that I could not purchase from. I tried saving my cart so that I could load it from the laptop, but that page froze. (I did eventually get the email from ATT that I had an item in my cart, but when I clicked it the AirPods weren't in there, just the iPhone case I added when testing the guest payment on my laptop.) And eventually, of course, the AirPods were gone. (In fact, they showed out of stock a minute after I was able to initially add them to the cart -- I was just hoping against hope that I had some window of time where I could purchase them because they were in my cart... and I probably did, except that I could never actually purchase them.)
Moral of the story: if you're not an ATT customer and you're trying to buy AirPods from, don't use an iOS device. Your heart will be broken like mine was, and you'll be waking up early the next morning to try again.