I've had this problem with my AirPods Pro 2s with my Samsung TV for so long. I've been watching TV with my AirPods Pros for at couple of years and thought the next Gen AirPods would offer better updated tech. When I got them home and bluetoothed them to my TV as usual, I noticed the sample rate would be disrupted when I changed channels on YouTube or changed Moves or TV shows. You'd hear it cut out with that out of sync sample rate sound. I contacted apple and they actually sent me new air pod pro 2s I had a feeling that wouldn't help and I was correct. I've been waiting on new updates but nothing has helped. I also have a pair of Sony MH1000XM5s, when I got them home they had issues as well, very similar to my AirPods pros. I was at a loss and thought my TV was messed up all this time my first ten Air Pod pros were connecting fine. After 6 months Sony updated the firmware on the headphones and that fixed the problem instantly. So Apple is dropping the ball on their AirPods Pros 2s. I love them but there are better options and I don't think I'll get the next gen ones, there is no trust left for that company. I miss Steve Jobs.