I've experienced this with Generation 1 & 2. It seems to be more of a software glitch since the AirPods are operational and there are no indications during use of failure or pending doom. However, I've noticed it more with the increased releases of iOS and AirPods updates. Removing/repairing them to the iPhone didn't seem to alleviate it alone. So, you could try the steps I've taken and I only notice the issue to crop back up if another iOS or firmware release is installed.
0. Remove the AirPods from the iOS device, which should remove it from other linked iCloud devices.
1. Reset the AirPods with the Apple recommended procedure while the AirPods are in the case and connected to a power source.
2. Reset the network settings for each of your iCloud connected iOS devices, which should reset the Bluetooth module, as well.
3. If you use the AirPods with macOS, then reset the Bluetooth module using 'Shift + Option + Debug' from the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar.
4. Reconnect/repair the AirPods to your primary iOS device and the profile should be pushed to your other iCloud linked devices.
5. Test if the software error reoccurs.