Yeah they aren't Apple, but their behaviour tells a lot.
If you look at Dell and HP, none of their Xeon E5 configurations are shipping yet.
True, but have they been announced, and they are on their site! At least Hp's are. Seems to me that by now their should be some real rumors. I'm sure Apple has had those chips for months already.
Intel claimed to have shipped 10,000 processors by March 6th. Reports are chipset shipments were also very limited so manufacturing can't really have begun months ago.
Apple is always one of the first to get these chips. They have them make no mistake about that. They've had them for a while. I have never seen the rumor so void of rumors this close to a release.
in 2006. It's rumor about dual optical drive, and WWDC2006 delayed.No, Apple can probably get them if there is good supply and they use their leverage. It doesn't mean they would and they didn't in 2010.
If you go back and look at other launches there were no real rumours in 2006, 2007, 2009 or 2010. Only one in 2008.
in 2006. It's rumor about dual optical drive, and WWDC2006 delayed.
in 2007. Apple leaks "8-Core" mac pro in their site.
in 2008. there are last hour leaks spec.
Apple is always one of the first to get these chips. They have them make no mistake about that. They've had them for a while. I have never seen the rumor so void of rumors this close to a release.
I was pretty sure Apple would release at least one more Mac Pro this year. I have to admit I am starting to have some doubts now. It is deathly quiet about them. I think that with each Tuesday that goes by, starting tomorrow, without an announcement starts to point more in the direction of end of line or a substitute product.
I also think it is just kind of mean that they haven't said something by now. They may not read these threads but they know of the angst.
Wirelessly posted
Well, here we are almost the end of March, and no new Mac Pro or any creditable rumors of one. The chips are out, the gpu's are out,
Y The fact that HP has the new machines on their site, and the fact that Apple has released no statements at all, just tells me they could care less about the professional community. !
While there is no definite date where we will see the next Mac Pro, at least there is a definite date where we will see what happens to the Mac Pro, and that is June at WWDC.
a. Apple announces Mac Pro in April
b. Apple announces Mac Pro in WWDC
c. Apple announces end of line for Mac Pro at WWDC
I don't think anything else can happen.
There is always the chance nothing will happen. No mention for a couple more years. They just sell the Mac Pro as 2010 and leave the page up forever until the graphic links start to break. Webmaster forgot about it, etc.
Wirelessly posted
In the whole realm of things, don't you think if they were going to discontinue it, they would have already done so?
Wirelessly posted
In the whole realm of things, don't you think if they were going to discontinue it, they would have already done so?