When I got my used 2009 Mac Pro baseline 4-core, I was ASTOUNDED at how much faster it is than my 2010 MacBook Pro (with upgrade to fastest i7). Like at least EIGHT, maybe TEN times as fast at compiling/linking in XCode. Absolutely bliddy astonishing. It's gone from "time to take a pee now" to "just blink twice and it's done".
So, yeah, I don't even bother commenting anymore when someone says a mobile i7 can whack a pack of Xeons. It's just plain darn silly, that's all.
It does, of course, depend on how well-suited to multithreading the application in question is.
I write my own software, and I pay serious attention to optimal use of hardware, but I still don't see near 10x speedup in my own app (though I am after all very GPU-dependent). So, the boost in XCode was very surprising -- how much can you multithread a compiler? -- leading me to believe that something else under the hood in the Xeon architecture is just so much better organized than the i5/i7 setup as to provide jawdropping performance differences under certain circumstances....
Does anyone know if the Mac Pro 2012 will have thunderbolt display port?
New poll over at french site macgeneration
"What will be your next computer".
6% vote Mac Pro, again more than Mac Mini !
More voted for getting a PC than mac pro should tell you something. Plus beating the mini isn't a big deal, worthless machine not fit to be a desktop yet can't be used as a portable - utterly useless.
More voted for getting a PC than mac pro should tell you something. Plus beating the mini isn't a big deal, worthless machine not fit to be a desktop yet can't be used as a portable - utterly useless.
So, the boost in XCode was very surprising -- how much can you multithread a compiler? -- leading me to believe that something else under the hood in the Xeon architecture is just so much better organized than the i5/i7 setup as to provide jawdropping performance differences under certain circumstances....
How much? By a lot if bother to gather very basic information about the project (dependency information between files/targets. Some basic IDE editor scanners can gather this automatically in most cases. It was easily done when had to create "make files" by hand. )
xcodebuild -ParallelizeTargets
But how many are in the market for a Pro workstation compared to a consumer computer? I'm guessing not many.
True, more and more pros have moved onto BOXX, Dell, HP, DIY Newegg and hundreds of other boutique builder workstations configured anyway they want with any possible option. They know that updates will be available sooner without all the super secrecy of Cupertino's version of the North Korean magic kingdom.
I don't think new Mac Pros being available have anything to do with them being announced. Apple could announce there will be new Mac Pros today and it changes nothing if you still can't actually get one.
So Apple can be a North Korean magic kingdom all they want for I care up until they day they release new ones. It's the actual releasing of new ones I care about.
There's way too much angst in this forum about Apple showing, instead of more well directed angst about Apple doing.
True, more and more pros have moved onto BOXX, Dell, HP, DIY Newegg and hundreds of other boutique builder workstations configured anyway they want with any possible option. They know that updates will be available sooner without all the super secrecy of Cupertino's version of the North Korean magic kingdom.
I don't think new Mac Pros being available have anything to do with them being announced. Apple could announce there will be new Mac Pros today and it changes nothing if you still can't actually get one.
I don't think new Mac Pros being available have anything to do with them being announced. Apple could announce there will be new Mac Pros today and it changes nothing if you still can't actually get one.