When the iPhone 6 Plus came out, I had an iPad Mini 2.....after a while i realized that time after time, when I left the house I was no longer bothering with the larger bag that would comfortably hold the iPad Mini 2, I was just grabbing a smaller purse which nicely held the iPhone 6 Plus....and more often than not, during the time I was out the iPhone 6 Plus did whatever was needed. For me, that eventually signaled the end of using that iPad Mini, especially since at that time I also had a 9.7 iPad in the household and used that when I was at home, anyway, as I found it was easier to navigate in and things were easier to read. I had loved using the iPad Mini 2 in bed but honestly, the larger iPad really suited my eyes and my needs much better. Time went on....the iPad Mini 2 sat collecting dust while I was busy living life with my other devices. Eventually I sold it and never bothered replacing it, as instead I am much happier with larger iPads. No need for the mini any more, as my current iPhone X, just like its Plus predecessors, takes care of anything I might need to see and handle while out and away from home for a few hours.
That said, while for myself I don't mourn the eventual disappearance of the iPad Mini altogether, I do know that a lot of people have been using and depending on it for various uses, and that will be a sad day when there is no longer a new iPad Mini available...... All I can suggest is that those of you who are really keen on it, grab another new iPad Mini 4 before it becomes extinct.....