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The new imacs are junk. From their crappy screens to their freezing to their nominal performance. The White 24" c2d 2.33 with the 7600 is the apex of the line this is de evolution. The cheap PC looking black plastic and partial aluminum ijoke looks like an HP $600 desktop. I still can't believe apple released this machine.
The new imacs are junk. From their crappy screens to their freezing to their nominal performance. The White 24" c2d 2.33 with the 7600 is the apex of the line this is de evolution. The cheap PC looking black plastic and partial aluminum ijoke looks like an HP $600 desktop. I still can't believe apple released this machine.

Oh no a pigment change in the plastic! It's so cheap now that it's not white!

The new imacs are junk. From their crappy screens to their freezing to their nominal performance. The White 24" c2d 2.33 with the 7600 is the apex of the line this is de evolution. The cheap PC looking black plastic and partial aluminum ijoke looks like an HP $600 desktop. I still can't believe apple released this machine.

;) But Steve listened when they said 'Get rid of the chin'
The chin is still there-- it's just not as obvious as part of it is now the black bezel. A clever sleight of hand perhaps, but they by no means 'got rid' of it.
The new imacs are junk. From their crappy screens to their freezing to their nominal performance. The White 24" c2d 2.33 with the 7600 is the apex of the line this is de evolution. The cheap PC looking black plastic and partial aluminum ijoke looks like an HP $600 desktop. I still can't believe apple released this machine.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I disagree.

I just see that sentiment (said for real) a lot, and I wonder if the people saying that are missing that point.
choice is good

After buying my new in the box white 20" imac, I noticed apple had it's newer, shinier, refurbed sister for $9 more, not including sales tax.

Wow, I had no idea some people were so opinionated as to the differences between the imacs. In my opinion, the differences are relatively so minor as to make the choice one of aesthetics. Paper or plastic? Plastic or aluminum?

What I am thinking is that it's good we have a choice in the matter for now. Don't like glossy displays? Great, buy a refurbed for a discount! Think white plastic looks tacky and dated? Splendid, run down to the Apple Store or to a Best Buy!

BTW, I'm keeping my big, white, jay leno imac. I'm not a gamer, the card handles my screen and the 22" lcd next to it, and 3gig of cheap ram helps me run xp on parallels faster than it goes on many windows machines. I just think it's a great time to be a mac owner.
Its not aesthetics, its the LCD panel that is causing the uproar. The white 20" has an LCD panel thats worth around $300 more than the garbage in the aluminum one. Despite apple massively downgrading the LCD inside the machine they didnt pass any savings to us. They could have gone with a cheaper S-IPS panel, or even a much cheaper but still decent PVA panel, but they didnt, they went with the cheapest and worst technology available: TN. The kind of LCD's only found in sub $200 monitors and the kind you get for free when ordering a PC.
Given that I bought a white iMac back in March, I was a tad envious (and miffed) when the aluminum iMacs were announced over the summer, sporting those eyecatching metallic finishes, glossy screens (yes, I prefer glossy screens), and ~$300 price cut for comparably configured models. But, that's life in the tech world, and at that time my wife and I needed a new computer. Plus, we'd already been very happily using our iMac for 5 months before the aluminum iMacs arrived in stores.

Now, I'm wondering if I should count my blessings. Seems that among the Intel iMacs, the aluminum models have more issues with Leopard than the white ones. Also, the aluminum iMacs have the ongoing freezing issues with both Tiger and Leopard. I've also noticed that several retailers still have the 24" white iMacs available for around $1,500 (and they now come with a Leopard upgrade DVD).

For anyone in the market for an iMac, does it make sense to go with the older models? Here's how I see the pros and cons lining up for each version. (Keep in mind that I'm not assessing the Pros and Cons for design features that the aluminum and white iMacs might have in common -- i.e., the Mighty Mouse, the expansion options or lack thereof, the basic all-in-one design, etc.)

White Intel iMac


- matte LCD screen (for those who prefer this option)
- reportedly higher quality 20" LCD screen
- sleep indicator (can't imagine not knowing the power status)
- magnetic remote mount (nice convenience feature that shows attention to detail)
- proven reliability
- seemingly fewer reported problems with Leopard than other Mac models
- 24" iMac uses Nvidia GeForce 7300 GPU (gamers seem to prefer the Nvidia chipsets)

- slower benchmark performance (800 MHz v. 667 MHz bus speed)
- USB 1.1 ports in the keyboard
- horrible keyboard (bad key feel, poorly designed function keys, shows dirt, difficult to clean)
- plastic case scratches easily
- 24" iMac still cannot run Boot Camp (a fix is supposedly in the works)

Aluminum Intel iMac


- faster benchmark performance with comparable CPUs
- glossy LCD screen (which I would prefer)
- improved keyboard (controversial design, but I find it much better than the keyboard that came with the white iMacs)
- more unified look overall (no big chin, iSight camera nicely hidden)
- solid feel to the case
- USB 2.0 ports in the keyboard
- 256 MB video memory now standard with 2.4 GHz 20" and 24" models
- option for 2.8 GHz CPU

- reportedly mediocre 20" LCD quality with narrower viewing angle than previous model
- no sleep indicator
- no place to hang the remote
- random freezes common (purportedly an issue with the GPU)
- seems to have more issues with Leopard

Freezing problems are old, apple fixed them ages ago. There are no problems with Leopard.
My 24" Al iMac has been trouble free. The 20" Al iMac we have was an intermittent freezer before the last Leopard/firmware update. Now it's solid.
I owned a 17" white Core Duo iMac before I switched to a 20" aluminium one. The aluminium one is ugly as hell. I don't know what Apple were thinking when they decided on all this black but it's ghastly. Seems like they were merely changing things for change's sake and didn't spend long enough refining the design.

Gaming performance on both is rubbish. I've not noticed any flaws with my new iMac, with the exception of one stuck pixel. You definitely get better value for money with the new ones, but the white is 100% the better looking machine.

The 2.8GHz upgrade is the biggest nonsense upgrade Apple has ever sold. The machine has a HUGE bottleneck in it already with the graphics card and throwing an extra 400MHz to the CPU isn't going to help. One thing I am confident of though is that the keyboard is the best part of the new machine. It's incredible, absolutely without a doubt the best keyboard I have ever used in my life so if you get either machine, make sure you get the new keyboard.
The 2.8GHz upgrade is the biggest nonsense upgrade Apple has ever sold. The machine has a HUGE bottleneck in it already with the graphics card and throwing an extra 400MHz to the CPU isn't going to help. One thing I am confident of though is that the keyboard is the best part of the new machine. It's incredible, absolutely without a doubt the best keyboard I have ever used in my life so if you get either machine, make sure you get the new keyboard.

I am considering it. I don't know what it is, but my typo percentage has increased 100% ever since I got my imac (with the 'white keyboard') It's not uncomfortable or anything, but damn.

Cool thing is the new keyboard (white + alu) looks more at home with the good ol' white mac than it does with the alu/black new imacs.
The new imacs are junk. From their crappy screens to their freezing to their nominal performance. The White 24" c2d 2.33 with the 7600 is the apex of the line this is de evolution. The cheap PC looking black plastic and partial aluminum ijoke looks like an HP $600 desktop. I still can't believe apple released this machine.

When are you living? The Freezing problem was fixed by apple on november 17th or something like that, freezing is no more. They do not have crappy screen, if you say so, then yours is crappy too, Apple uses the same panels used in the white 24" iMac in their new iMac. The only thing they did was put a TN panel in the 20", not effecting you, and because of that, the 20" is now thinner. and I'm more than sure that my 2.8 C2E beats your 2.33 C2D. and if you think thats unfair, so does the 2.4 C2D. And how does it look like a cheap PC HP $600 computer? More than half the world knows very well that HP's and other PC manufacturers use silver and black in their computers. Hell my old sony vaio desktop was glossy black, and silver. My iMac is made of HIGHER quality smoother black plastic, glass, i mean for F*cks sake, what damn computer manufacturer uses GLASS in their computers other than the LCD (given)?? And my iMac uses Aluminum, last time i checked, apple is the only manufacturer that uses aluminum in their products. I have a new printer (canon mp470), its glossy black and silver, same colors as my imac, totally different.

A lot of manufacturers are adopting the white look of apple products, so stop showing off your white imac, its a great machine, but u have no right to call the Al iMacs sh*t.


;) But Steve listened when they said 'Get rid of the chin'

The chin is still there-- it's just not as obvious as part of it is now the black bezel. A clever sleight of hand perhaps, but they by no means 'got rid' of it.

You just said it.
I was wondering about the keyboard myself, but the only trouble is that it looks wider than the white one. Is it? I'm limited on space where I am now.

wider? i think if anything it must be less wide

i'm sure you can find the measurements on apple's site. i'm only working off memory here
Apple uses the same panels used in the white 24" iMac in their new iMac.

Simply not true. The TFT panel matrices are (probably) very similar,
but the panels have different part numbers. I suspect that the ALU
iMac panel required a different backlight/diffuser/inverter assembly
to fit inside the new "slim" cabinet.

24" white: LG.Philips LM240WU2-SLA1

24" alum: LG.Philips LM240WU2-SLB1

Whatever the reason, many of the 24" aluminum iMacs have (had?)
serious problems with brightness uniformity. For example:

I own both...

...and I love them both. I know, too easy but they are both fantastic machines. I will say though that IMHO, the white iMac seems to be a bit more... "solid". The build quality seems higher... but perhaps it's just from the fact that the white iMac is made with thick plastic in the classic apple clear/white setup. The back of the Al iMac seems thin in comparison... but it's not the side of my iMac that interests me anyway :rolleyes:

Now I've been inside my 24" Al a couple times, and it's put together fine. Feel free to check out the interior in this thread: AL Pics Every manufacturer is going to make compromises to keep the cost as low as possible. If you compare the first G5 iMacs with all the modular design they had to the current line, there is no comparison. But as I've mentioned in another post, it cost a LOT of $ from a production standpoint to make things modular, user servicable with rails, clip in's/out's etc.

I do give the nod to the Glossy screen. I feel that the Al iMac is a very sophisticated and more serious looking piece of hardware where the whites are a bit more "toy like".

I will also say that every transcriptionist should buy one of the new keyboards... I can type so much faster on the new Al keyboard it's crazy! :eek:
Simply not true. The TFT panel matrices are (probably) very similar,
but the panels have different part numbers. I suspect that the ALU
iMac panel required a different backlight/diffuser/inverter assembly
to fit inside the new "slim" cabinet.

24" white: LG.Philips LM240WU2-SLA1

24" alum: LG.Philips LM240WU2-SLB1

Whatever the reason, many of the 24" aluminum iMacs have (had?)
serious problems with brightness uniformity. For example:


Why is it you always have to comment on something that has to do with the iMac display?:p

Well I can say one thing, the iMac display is glossy (I know that cuz i took the glass off and saw it), whereas the white imacs arent glossy. but either way, taking the glass off the imac, you will still have glossy. They look like similar models, except with different little specs. I don't see anything wrong with the pictures given, i think its an allusion, ive seen worse.

...and I love them both. I know, too easy but they are both fantastic machines. I will say though that IMHO, the white iMac seems to be a bit more... "solid". The build quality seems higher... but perhaps it's just from the fact that the white iMac is made with thick plastic in the classic apple clear/white setup. The back of the Al iMac seems thin in comparison... but it's not the side of my iMac that interests me anyway :rolleyes:

Now I've been inside my 24" Al a couple times, and it's put together fine. Feel free to check out the interior in this thread: AL Pics Every manufacturer is going to make compromises to keep the cost as low as possible. If you compare the first G5 iMacs with all the modular design they had to the current line, there is no comparison. But as I've mentioned in another post, it cost a LOT of $ from a production standpoint to make things modular, user servicable with rails, clip in's/out's etc.

I do give the nod to the Glossy screen. I feel that the Al iMac is a very sophisticated and more serious looking piece of hardware where the whites are a bit more "toy like".

I will also say that every transcriptionist should buy one of the new keyboards... I can type so much faster on the new Al keyboard it's crazy! :eek:

Well, the white imacs should feel more solid since they are heavy pieces of one material plastic:p. Whereas the iMac is made of Aluminum, glass, and plastic, different materials, making it seem more "open" and un-solid. But IMO, they are the same build quality.
The only thing the white has over the Alum is the screen and maybe the Nvidia GPX. Everything else is a matter personal taste

I personally think the Alum design is the second best design ever with the first being the Lamp/G4 iMacs. I've never like the white plastic on any of the product line line except maybe the iPod and have avoided anything white like a plague. Every non-mac user i've shown the iMac has loved it's design

The remote can conveniently be placed on the base of the iMac and its the easiest access. I still dont get the complaints about them not sticking to the side on this one. The iMac would rarely move so just place it (remote) on the base and move'd come back to find it there

I find the glossy screen to be really good even though i admit it has horrible viewing angles and gradient issues. Overall the image is very palatable and good enough for me

The graphics card on the 2.4GHz models and higher is not bad either. Its the Radeon HD2600 XT clocked down to HD2600 Pro specs and is more than capable for most iMac users' needs

The freezing issue has been addressed as well (i never had it btw) and when i was running Leopard at 10.5.0 i had no issues but i downgraded back to Tiger (not because i had problems but just general dislike for Leopard itself) so i don't know what it's like now
Freezing Fixed? iMac upgrade to Leopard with FREEZING!

Freezing problems are old, apple fixed them ages ago. There are no problems with Leopard.

I keep hearing that Apple fixed the freezing issue with Leopard. However, I just upgraded my late 2006 white iMac 20" and it has froze-up on me about 12 times since Saturday. I have been able to download and install all updates that it detected.

Side issues, possibly related, are weird graphic events happening... an icon on the desktop went all pixelated; then a finder list was pink for 2 seconds... weird stuff.

Is there something I should download that was not part of the updates?
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