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I keep hearing that Apple fixed the freezing issue with Leopard. However, I just upgraded my late 2006 white iMac 20" and it has froze-up on me about 12 times since Saturday. I have been able to download and install all updates that it detected.

Side issues, possibly related, are weird graphic events happening... an icon on the desktop went all pixelated; then a finder list was pink for 2 seconds... weird stuff.

Is there something I should download that was not part of the updates?

I've had my HD 2600 iMac for some 4 months now & experienced my first screen-freeze 2 days ago - in fact, it happened 3 times whilst playing "Age of Empires 3" when nothing much was going on, with neither processor nor graphics card being taxed. Turned down the shadow quality from very high to high (everything else at max settings) & no problems since, despite 100s of troops & cannons going all out, etc. Still, rather odd, to say the least.
Ignore my previous post. I've been so busy recently that I've overlooked downloading a firmware update (along with a few other updates I didn't need). Everything now back up at max settings & my iMac running sweetly for hours non-stop, without any screen-freeze issues since downloading firmware update. Sorry Apple. :eek:
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