Right now, I am a college student with a Santa Rosa MBP which has served me well. The college student that I am, I mainly surf the web, chat, mail, word processing, Skype for video chat, use iTunes and watch movies. I dawdle with Photoshop to touch up images and to convert RAW to JPG, but not as often anymore, if at all. I have a Boot Camp Partition with XP that I don't use that often, but I have it there just in case. Overall, the MBP runs everything smoothly (and simultaneously), even with 2-3 hr. video chats in the background. I rarely use the Superdrive.
But one issue I have had since I had my 15" Powerbook back in the day is that I don't bring the computer out. It is essentially a desktop replacement. It sits at home because it is bulky. I can't just "grab it and go." As a college student, I would honestly like to be able to "grab it and go." It's hot and heavy on my lap and oversized for the tables at school. I just don't bother. It's like a portable desktop that I can move from home to school.
Everyone I know tells me I'm crazy though. It's expensive. There's less HD space. It's extremely underpowered. It has a smaller screen. It has almost no usable ports. It doesn't even have a CD drive for goodness sakes. I can't refute any of these, because they are all facts. So I'm crazy and I'm irrational.
Yet there's something that draws me back to the MacBook Air. I don't use the Superdrive at all really. I have a small USB hub if I need it. I have an Airport Express for my portable internet needs. The only things I think that the MBA could have trouble with are with Photoshop and Skype video chatting, but I don't think it can get that bad, but correct me if I'm wrong. Basically, it seems like the MBA is exactly what I need for my "grab it and go" college lifestyle here in New York, where I don't need to worry about having the computer weigh me down on my trips around the city and to class, where I don't need to think twice about carrying my computer with me wherever I go.
So am I still crazy or what?