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Again, the iPad was probably the most over-hyped as well as critiqued product launched, excluding he new iPhone of course. Before I purchased my iPad i thought about the uses of my MBP as well as the uses of my iPhone and decided that the iPad fills a niche. Being that I had money to burn, you brought up the chest thumping and pissing contest, I bought a wifi only version just to test it out before I decided to spring for the 3G version. Unlike you, i took my research to the next level and made an informed decision based on practical, everyday experiences. Thus my iPad performs and provides the same level of satisfaction that it did when I first bought it. I am not looking for it to do more than that because I know it is not capable.

I think you may be absolutely right. Looking back at it, my research on the iPad did not extend beyond an article I read on the Onion website. You convinced me, I'm going to go sell my piece of **** iPad wifi and buy an iPad 64gb with 3G with a data plan ;) Sorry. I can't use my iPad for work because the Bloomberg app isn't as good as a real Bloomberg terminal :(
I was giving you an answer on all the things the ipad does, some of which are its core functionality. That core functionality does not have to be exciting, but it keeps me from lugging around 100lbs. of books, newspapers, my medical periodicals, pictures, movies, my television set (stream TV), hell I can even make a case that it saves me from carrying my desktop PC as with remote connection I can completely control my home PC! Now those may not be exciting for you, but for me they are. That's the reason why if there were not any more apps for the ipad EVER I'd be quite happy with it until ipad 2.0.

Great post and thanks for explaining it. Some people actually use their iPads for work, or as a way to unload their laptops. In my non-accomplished life, i.e. currently, I am in Italy with my iPad, Nikon D300s, a GPS unit to record places, a few compact flash cards, a few SD cards, and the Apple Camera Connection Kit. I am truly mobile and traveling light. Expectations fulfilled.

iPad 1 - disappointment 0

I think you may be absolutely right. Looking back at it, my research on the iPad did not extend beyond an article I read on the Onion website. You convinced me, I'm going to go sell my piece of **** iPad wifi and buy an iPad 64gb with 3G with a data plan ;) Sorry. I can't use my iPad for work because the Bloomberg app isn't as good as a real Bloomberg terminal :(

Again, it's all about expectation management. Work for the government and you will know exactly what I mean. Buying he first iPad was what convinced me to purchase the 3G version. Working in a country where the operators aren't trying to screw you and actually promote heavy data usage with unlimited data (really, no lie) and low prices (€10/month) allow the iPad to become more and more useful. If you are in the US with AT&T my heart goes out to you.
Great post and thanks for explaining it. Some people actually use their iPads for work, or as a way to unload their laptops. In my non-accomplished life, i.e. currently, I am in Italy with my iPad, Nikon D300s, a GPS unit to record places, a few compact flash cards, a few SD cards, and the Apple Camera Connection Kit. I am truly mobile and traveling light. Expectations fulfilled.

iPad 1 - disappointment 0

I'm jealous, cavorting about the Italian countryside, sigh.
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I just wish I had got the 3G one. Love the iPad but spend much more time on my iPhone 4 because I can get online.
No I'm not bored with the iPad. It's just a nice websurfing tool that does email and a few other things like video.

I'm however bored with the internet because there aren't that many good blogs out there that cover things I'm interested in (News, Science and such. I know there are many good blogs just nothing that keeps me excited. I would be willing to pay!)

I'm bored with the apps for the iPad. not so much because they developers do a bad job. Some of them are great.

It's more the restrictions and limitations of the iOS. No real file system means most documents can only be edited by one app. That means if an app doesnt do everything I need the app becomes lacking and I can't complement it with another app.

The iOS is app centric instead of document centric. There should be a document or file as the center of every activity and then you use a number of apps to edit it the way you want.

Now you have an app and you can only create or do what the app allows you to.

Palm made a similar choice and many people left the platform because of this.

So i'm bored because of a lack of productivity of my iPad. However I'm not bored with the iPad as a semi mobile device to do a lot of things that needed a notebook before.
I bought my iPad for reading iBooks only, so I ended up getting a lot more enjoyment out of it than I had originally planned. However, I have gotten to a point where the novelty has worn off and now I use it for reading and the specific apps I have purchased and enjoy (1 game, note taking, couple of newspapers). It has found itself a niche in my everyday life and I enjoy that niche that it owns. If that could be defined as boredom, then yes, I'd be bored. If that is instead known as "function", then I would say that my iPad is functional.
Not that the OP is going to see this as they are in time-out (surprise!) but anyhow...

It is mathematically highly unlikely that you are the only person on Earth bored with the iPad.
I bought it for the form factor and for 3G (don't have an iPhone or any smart phone- iP4 delivery next week). I wanted it for mobile computing/ note taking. While working abroad. I used to have to carry my MBP around wih the cord. It has been marvelous for for filling my light mobile computing needs at less than a quarter of he weight.

What I didn't expect was how much I would enjoy using it. It is always the first device I reach for. If the iPad can do it I use the iPad every single time. If I need to burn a DVD or visit. A flash site ( very, very rare for me) I just use my MBP. Games and videos have also been a treat. I never really played many on my iPod Touch, but rather enjoy them on the iPad. In addition it has been far more useful for work than I thought it would have been. With takenotes I can keep PDFs on it and mark them up in almost any way I can think of. This is a welcome new functionality that I didn't have on a device before.

So, for me, he iPad has turned out to be far more useful and enjoyable than I had anticipated or even hoped for. Loving it more all the time.
I wouldn't say that I'm bored with it, but, I'm still trying to figure out how it fits in my computing needs.

When i'm mobile (day to day, work, errands, etc) my phone is my main device.

At home, my MacBook Pro is faster, and more versatile than the iPad. After the first few weeks of using the iPad, I've gone back to using my laptop the majority of the time.

I still prefer to read on my Kindle, so I really don't use the iPad to read books.

All I really use the iPad for now is watching movies when I'm on a plane.

As a device I think the iPad is great and the battery life is awesome, but for my situation, it really doesn't fit.
I must say I love my iPad. It makes my iPhone seem antique.. Well it kinda is already, 3G 16 GB. iPhone 4 shipping out on July 14th... But back to the topic. I guess some like to complain. I know the iPad isn't perfect but it does do a lot of things in a small package. It is not for everyone but it is for me. It's not too big or too small. As many have stated, it can do a lot so no need to mention my uses.

You have to look at the bigger picture and that is Apple is running a business. It must profit in order to produce. I do believe that the technology is available to make device much better than they are today but then no one would want to upgrade.

Apple makes mistakes but there is something to be said when they seem to be the ones setting the technological trends in certain markets.
As I don't care about crappy cameras (I've got a SLR for that), I only miss iOS4 support with multi-tasking. Once it's enabled, that will complete my iPad.:D
Less excited, sure, but not bored. Just waiting for iOS 4.

The way I feel about it now reminds me how I felt about my 2G iPhone a few weeks after getting it on launch day. No app store, limited 'web apps', no MobileMe, no pop support for MSN, no Bluetooth Audio, EDGE data, ect... made it kind of boring. However, in retrospect, we were dealing with a limited version 1.X system.

The same here with the iPad and its version 1 software. So many things feels left out or underdeveloped.
I'm not bored with mine. In fact, I've noticed that I've been using it more than my MB lately.
Yeah, I'm bored with it. But what I really want is a Mac tablet, not an iPhone tablet.

I bought the iPad just to see what I might do with it. I browse the web, and get frustrated with some of the things that its version of Safari doesn't do. I'll probably like the iPad more when it gets the OS update and catches up with the iPhone.

Maybe if Microsoft comes up with a pretty full-featured version of Office for it, and Adobe does a version of Photoshop Elements or something...
Not bored at all I have used my laptops and macbook less since having the Ipad. It feels the void between having to carry my laptop with me since I also now carry a Iphone. I use it for work and entertainment I have no music on it since I carry my iphone for that. Now I'm just wait for when we have multitasking.
The problem is it sounds like you thought the iPad was a bigger, better iPhone. That's not what it is; it's not meant to replace your iPhone. It's designed to replace your laptop.

It doesn't replace mobile devices, it replaces portable computers.
why can't we get a bridge to stick the trolls under?

My main problem is the lack of good or interesting apps. ...we breached 10,000 native apps in the store, and there's still nothing too interesting...The media seems to be immune to this sentiment. ... I have to question whether people aren't criticizing the iPad because it's really so good and i'm missing something crucial, or because it's an apple product and it's become flavor of the month for the media to lick apple's boots?

Sent from my Desktop. because writing this on the iPad would be stupid slow.

Your post is non-sensical at best, but your true colors came out with the "lick apple's boots" comment. I liked your closing comment too, about the pad being too stupid and slow to compose your rant (you were talking about the device, right?).

Despite the fact the device has some obvious limitations, and was not intended as a primary workstation, I find I simply have not picked up my laptop more than a few times since the iPad arrived. Am I upset I can't work on my Aperture library of over 50k images? No. Am I upset I can't use Quark? Office (yikes)? No.

My battery life is around 8-10 hours, as compared to the 2-3 on my laptop. I have 3g access to my email and files (thank you DropBox). I can watch any of my videos while I am running on my treadmill (thank you Air Video). I have replaced my Garmin GPS with the iPad, which quite nicely sits propped on my dashboard's cupholder tray (thank you GPS Drive HD, the BEST $25 I have spent in awhile). I can listen to my favorite NPR shows at any time (thank you NPR app). I have a perfect mobile portfolio to show my clients and prospective ones (thank you Steve). While the NY Times app is lame, the NY Times itself is not... so just go there instead (duh). etc. etc. etc.

I don't think your post is real, but real or fake you are creating an erroneous perception, for motivations unknown. I wish we could get some sort of troll-control around here. Even the less Apple friendly sites like ARS-Tech, Gizmodo, Engadget seem to have some system.
I wouldn't say that I'm bored with it, but, I'm still trying to figure out how it fits in my computing needs.

When i'm mobile (day to day, work, errands, etc) my phone is my main device.

At home, my MacBook Pro is faster, and more versatile than the iPad.

That's why I didn't buy one.

If I did get one, its main use would be as home music player/remote control.

It's just a little expensive to justify for that use at the mo though...
I knew what I was getting; I like what I got. And I don't demand too much 'novelty', 'cos whatever's new today will be 'old' by next week. I have a few, key uses for the iPad - mostly to do with writing and presenting photography - and it's proving very useful. Everything else (web, email, apps, music, etc) is a bonus...
Sigh......Another _________( fill in the blank thread )....

Maybe you aren't satisfied with anything or are just a serial complainer. Speaking of developing apps, which one have you developed so I can check it out. Did you submit it to the App Store yet?

Maybe you just enjoy stirring the pot and are a serial Apple fanboy?

Consumers are consumers and are generally are not expected to "write their own apps" and when they get bored with your product they go elsewhere.

This thread does hold good information for the prospective buyer who believes they will use the iPad a lot, but after reading this thread realizes perhaps they will not use it enough to justify the cost. If you don't have something constructive to add please try to resist the urge to post something juvenile and demeaning to the OP.

Everyone's best bet is to understand what they will use their iPad for before they buy it. Then they will probably end up being much more satisfied with it in the long run.

yes, also got caught up in the initial hype, got bored, and sold it. Although the resale value wasen't too shabby lol :)
This thread does hold good information for the prospective buyer who believes they will use the iPad a lot, but after reading this thread realizes perhaps they will not use it enough to justify the cost. If you don't have something constructive to add please try to resist the urge to post something juvenile and demeaning to the OP.

Everyone's best bet is to understand what they will use their iPad for before they buy it. Then they will probably end up being much more satisfied with it in the long run.


I agree, this is good info in spite of the occasional, um...personality conflicts.

I have 2 laptops & a desktop. I have yet to purchase an iPad although I expect that by tomorrow at this time I will have 2 on order. One for myself & one for the wife.

Our reasons for purchasing an iPad(s) are fairly simple. We both want to be able to move about the house with a system that is always on & thus unlike a laptop, not needing to be booted over & over or being left on for hours & hours.

A Laptop is too cumbersome & delicate for our needs while an iPad is perfect.

I only plan to get the wifi version as I have an iPhone with 3G & the reception is spotty. The wifi works great in my home & at the hotel I stay at once per week.

I was looking at getting a Kindle but it only makes sense to go the iPad route as an all-in-one ebook reader, email & web surfer, movie viewer, calender & customer/appointment book as well as using it to play games.

Maybe Im wrong but I dont think it will ever be up to the heavy, complex uses that my PC or LT is capable of & I dont ever plan to use it for those kind of purposes.

Its just for enhancing my personal time with a little fun & ease of use.
i hardly use many apps on mine, although i buy a ton -- they seem to lose their interest after a few days of playing w/ them. mines primarily for surfing the internet on the couch and plugging into my roland td9sx and using the ipod function...
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