The Amazon banning is severe in the Modern (Digital) Era, especially in the USA where Amazon has destroyed and
REPLACED dozens upon dozens of US retail chains. Toys R Us? Dead. Buy new toys for your kids at Amazon (and used ones from eBay). Sears? Dead. Order your washing machines from Amazon because AMZN is now an authorized Whirpool and Maytag and Samsung washer/dryer dealer. Lowe's Hardware? Struggling, gonna be like Sears soon. Buy your hardware from Amazon, it's cheaper to buy a chainsaw from Amazon anyways.
And God help you when Amazon will soon destroy and shut down several Pharmacy retail chains. Amazon has already jumped into this. Once the convenient retail chains like Walgreens and Rite-Aid and CVS go extinct, because Amazon dominates the prescription drug industry in the coming years,
God help you if you are still banned from Amazon. Where the heck do you get your prescription drugs if you need it right away? Oh right, you gonna save some money and mail-order it from Canada, right? This is an old trick that Americans use to buy cheaper drugs by ordering them from Canada. What if your child is sick and needs the prescription drug that very night? You still waiting for your mail-ordered drug from Canada to arrive?
Again, because Amazon has become an unstoppable monopoly that has replaced many retail chains, being banned from Amazon is a very severe punishment.