Hey, first post here. This thread is probably the biggest "community" of squid users.
I have a 5,1 2009 mac pro, Yosemite 10.10.5, a macvidcards flashed 6GB 980ti, 64GB RAM, pindelski upgrade to 2x 3.46GHz quad core xeon.
16x squid in 16x slot with 4x samsung AHCI 512GB sticks in a RAID 0 totalling 2TB.
Booting off the RAID 0, running off the RAID 0. Use case is video and audio and some CG. Why squid? Cus time is money and I only have so much time.
Have filled up the card several times and then archived off to disk.
When I initially got the card I benchmarked it and hit around 4500MB/s read/write. Low but I needed to work and went ahead with the "good enough" config. I recently noticed my mac getting laggy. Would click on things in various editors and things wouldn't respond right away. Various apps were taking longer to open. I ran the aja benchmark again.
Saw 1000MB/s read 4000MB/s write.
And then watched it drop down to 300MB/s.
Free space at this time was 300GB. Archived a bunch and freed up 1TB. Enabled TRIM and saw it drop down to 600MB/s this time.
WTF not cool. Currently making a fresh clone and will run some tests:
- boot from USB clone, run aja on card
- if crappy, then reinstall OSX in place (not fresh) on card, re-run aja
- if crappy, delete raid 0 set, format, reconfigure raid 0 set, run aja on card from usb drive
- if good then clone back onto the card, run aja
- if crappy then ???????
I am hoping that TRIM just needed to be enabled with OSX 10.10 and that the Samsung S4LN058A01-8030 controller just wasn't trimming and garbage collecting properly without that.
Anyways if anyone has any ideas about what might have happened in my environment please let me know. I am also curious if any heavy users with several months under their belt can re-run aja and report their results.