I hate to even post but
I feel like Apple is debating. It's such a power play right now if they release a Mac Pro, if they do they are saying the Desktop is not Dead, and we still believe in Pro-sumer...
Here is my stance: They must release a Mac Pro-ish Desktop to KEEP that Intellectual Pie Wedge or Mind Share alive. So in my eyes they have to keep that part alive and they will, if I had to bet.
But I think it's possible they could be just debating right now. Like saying "Full on iOS everything drop older OS strategies" "Merge iOS and OSX." Focus Focus Focus Narrow up, Close everything up, Launch the Spaceship campus, close out the rest of the world keep everything internal, give only dedicated 3rd party's like Adobe-ish companies, development groups and design firms that pay the big money the tools. AND DITCH older Desktop thinking for your Average Consumer. iPads for everybody for life, PC's as we know it are DEAD and DONE, Facebook forever...
Really? tho? nah Just don't see it YET... give it 5-10 years tho and watch out
Trends and Technology are dangerous things and that sucks, there are dudes (and I am one of them) still playing Atari 2600 and Nintendo, but the world doesn't care
They must sell 100 million UNITS (or whatever number) and if it doesn't sell a billion units, the Wall Streets and New York Times call Apple a loser, and this PC company and that manufacturer is a Winner. They will say they are loosing marketshare in that area and somebody else is winning blah blah blah
It's sad but they say things like this: "Such and Such company could end up like SONY" Like that is a bad thing? Geesh I mean to these stock f#@ks, to them the best company in the world has 1 product, and it sells 6 billion units, 2 units for 3 billion people. Then in 6 months they ditch that product, and then and make the world forget about it, and come out with a NEW product narrow down there supply chain, and get back to just one product, and then sell 8 billion units, 2 each for 4 billion people. Then in 6 months call that OLD, and wash rinse repeat. NEWHORES NEW NEW NEW... sick sick sick
It just gets old, when people can't just be happy with what they have. I mean this crap, every 3 years a brand new lease on a SUV or Crossover. Like a car couldn't make 10 years now HAH what a joke...
it's just NEWHORES, with no New shores...
the Mac Pro is Old... it's a bummer, I LOVE IT LOVE IT, I could live with Mac Pros till I am dead in the ground with 4 SSDs 128 GB of ram UNIX UNIX UNIX ugh, I have viruses to kill and diseases to stop...
Mark my words tho MiniTouchScreenPadTabs for everyone 2028, babies babies babies everywhere non stop.
Gotta educate them and books are expensive.
now back to this the new facebook HAH:
THis is great love Dennis