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Virus! X86! PC's are teh suckzorz! OMFG. Macs blow. Apple only is good 'cuz iTunes. I love shiny graphics. Vista copied OS X! Vista will suck. Apple will fail. Intel is death. PPC was always ghay. I hate Windows and Apple - Unix is the best.

That's what these threads sound like. Some people are idiots and blatant fanboys. It's really not worth arguing. Personal choice folks, personal choice.
forumBuddy said:
I have to agree with the original poster - Apple "Event" thing is getting lame. My PowerMac G5 was my first mac and I think will be my last. My cousin was considering a switch before this event, but not anymore, at least for the time being. I wish I got on the Mac bandwagon during the early G4 days and enjoyed the beautiful hardware for a little longer. Now it seems Vista will be providing eye candy I crave, features I miss (like Explorer, built in picture browsing gaming capability) etc.

I tried to use a beta version of the next office and it reminded me why you never ever buy a microsoft product until it has been out for a year. It was literally crashing on me once every 5 minutes until I just gave up on it. I can't even imagine how much worse vista is now.
Josh said:
Photoshop, iMovie, and games are likely to be WORSE on the new mini than they were on the old one.
(and don't say "If you want to do these things, get an iMac!"...Apple is specifically marketting these apps (minus Photoshop) to home users that would be purchasing a mini. )

You sure sound confident about this one. What do you know?

"likely to be WORSE"

Have you tested it? No, right.

What is absolutely childish is to think that a Mac Mini is made for games. Apple is listening to the people they are targeting with the Mini and they are asking for TV connectivity, and I don't mean just any tv, I mean HD TVs.
You are missing the point, but you are so into your delusional expectations of what Apple should be, you fail to see where this is all going. And it is not a gaming console.

When we see the benchmarks for this machine using iMovie and iDVD, you'll be embarrassed you even said that. Photoshop? Who in their right mind runs Photoshop on a Mac Mini? somebody who stole it, that is for sure. At least this Mini will outperform the G4 Mini in that too once the Intel native PS comes out.

Just wait and see!!!

Edge100 said:
Ok, lets see it.

What kills me about these arguments is that people have been making them since 1984, telling us how Macs are overpriced and the price/performance ratio is terrible. Yet the Mac's marketshare is growing (, and the public recognition is on the rise too (due in large part to the iPod).

let me bite and clarify a point to you real quick. EVERY TIME APPLE MADE A HUGE TRASITION IT LOST 40% OF ITS [then] CURRENT MARKET (EE Times, June 2005). Apple's market share is growing in a *selected* region (US/Japan?) Apple still lags the over all GLOBAL PC shipments. if apple has increased their sales, looks like PC have sold at a much better rate. It is because the whole market is expanding. The growth centers are china and india. China has the world's largest market for cell phones (it is much larger than US population!). It is a matter if time before apple starts loosing the global share rapidly. Except for the VERY ELITE there is no one in these nations ever going to touch the Mac. So the main growth reagions for macs like US /Japan (where PC percapita is @3 currently!! yeah!) are border line saturated.

For me i am done with macs (my advisor will not touch a PC!). I develop software and use and maintain macs in my lab and as i am finishing my PhD it is totally painful to learn that there are less than 0.25% jobs both industry and academic that are looking for mac related expertise (Core foundation/Cocoa applications NOT the userland stuff) or think it is an asset. Me currently selling my imac and getting a Thinkpad so that i can brush up on my erstwhile Windows and Solaris skills. one thing that was easy i have to admit was OpenGL and learning to deal with GCC compiler. that i will give it to actually *working* on a mac. (* iweb that i have used to create a prototype for our lab pages - simple stop gap solution we get the web infrastructure right)
dwd3885 said:
Wow. I was all set to be really happy about this day today. My powermac g5 is great, i was planning on keeping it for a while. But with the mac mini today and the lack of anything worth while it has me thinking. Is it all down hill from here?

I mean seriously, Intel? What was I thinking? I have never owned an Intel machine in my life. AMD kicks serious butt, but intel just blows. The switch appeared good at first for the imac, but that's because there was only a single g5 in there to begin with. But a DUAL G5 to an Intel?!? Even the next gen intel chips won't be able to compete with AMD's current line.

I'm not just an AMD fan. I have a Mac desktop, a pc laptop. I consider myself not a fanboy of anything, just a supporter of whatever works best. One of the main reasons to love the Mac is the video performance such as final cut and it's so easy to transfer video to your ipod on the mac.

But is THIS what we have to look forward to? Now, the Intel PowerMacs will surely be better than this stinking mini, but will their prices rise to? How much more money will people have to spend??!

The G5 series was great. But the switch to intel will tarnish Apple computers. Viruses already appearing, integrated graphics, still no solution to Windows MCE. Vista's right around the corner with outstanding features. Is the sky falling? Just like my buddy Leo Laporte said back in June. This is NOT a good thing.

I feel like selling my Mac right now and just ridding myself of what is to come. Oh this is not a happy day.

finally someone speaking my language. nobody understands who innovates the x86 market on this forum? i'll give you a hint, it sure as hell isn't Intel. all that money they claim goes into research and what not, well it's bs.

AMD has had dual-cores long before anyone else. now i just saw the Opteron is a MULTI-CORE processor. oh, and it is 64-bit, so AMD is way ahead the game. i think we're on the old wooden ship when we should be on the naval frigate.

i won't argue, Intel processors will make the Mac cheaper, but it doesn't mean they stack up to the quality of PowerPC Macs and AMD PCs. Intel has made tons of money off cheap chips, but all the innovations in this arena comes from AMD. not to mention, the Mac Pro feature Intel's over-priced 64-bit processors, will be just like a second rate machine to the true powerhouses that Voodoo and Alienware are going to churn out soon.

Mac users go from the front to the back of the hardware line. wow! we've worked so hard to be the best, now we want to be like the rest.

now's a good time to think Mac users: if i want the same quality of hardware i'm used to should i? buy an Apple? or go with Windows or Linux and get something much better? or grab a G5 before they're gone?

i like B and C better. not to mention, Windows Vista may be an OS X killer. since OS X restricted the G5, it's probably not going to be running at full capacity when Vista comes out.

Intel knows who pays their bills: Microsoft and third-party PC hardware makers, not Apple.

sure this will increase Apple's overhead and make cheaper PCs, but why did it matter to begin with? over a million switched last year to PowerPC.
progx said:
AMD has had dual-cores long before anyone else. now i just saw the Opteron is a MULTI-CORE processor. oh, and it is 64-bit, so AMD is way ahead the game. i think we're on the old wooden ship when we should be on the naval frigate.

i won't argue, Intel processors will make the Mac cheaper, but it doesn't mean they stack up to the quality of PowerPC Macs and AMD PCs. Intel has made tons of money off cheap chips, but all the innovations in this arena comes from AMD. not to mention, the Mac Pro feature Intel's over-priced 64-bit processors, will be just like a second rate machine to the true powerhouses that Voodoo and Alienware are going to churn out soon.

Mac users go from the front to the back of the hardware line. wow! we've worked so hard to be the best, now we want to be like the rest.
Hmm, your observations aren't wrong, but miss a large part of Apple's strategy: the fact that a massive percentage of the computers they sell are laptops. And you know who rules the roost when it comes to high performance, low voltage processors? Yep, it's Intel baby, Intel.

But I will add that the next computer I buy will have to run Windows. So regardless of whether it's an Apple or a Sony or an Asus or Acer or whatever, that is my requirement. I just want it to happen. If it runs OS X, that will be a bonus. I like the sense of security I get from OS X on the Internet, but I simply don't find the interface as intuitive as XP. This may sound like an idiotic thing to say, but that's just how it is for me! Thank God for opinions.
excalibur313 said:
I tried to use a beta version of the next office and it reminded me why you never ever buy a microsoft product until it has been out for a year. It was literally crashing on me once every 5 minutes until I just gave up on it. I can't even imagine how much worse vista is now.

I agree, I tried the new IE, used it for about 10 minutes and then removed it.

I was raised on a apple II, then spent a long time using Wintel. Now I am an adult, well, adult age, and I have come to hate windows. I am sick of the adware, malware, viruses, trojans, patches, fixes, incompatibilities, updates, drivers, crashes...I am forced to use a wintel machine at work, and inspite of it all, I deal with it because of my wonderful thinkpad. My home system is a dual G5, and I've never been happier.

No operating system is 100% invulnerable or perfect, but mac os x is the best one out there, which is why I use it and love it.

and yes, for all those out there, the CPU has nothing to do with it, Intel is best positioned to serve apple and it's goals with multi chip offerings and an advanced pipeline.

lastly, to all those whinners out there, if you don't like apple or os x, then don't use it.
M-theory said:
I agree, I tried the new IE, used it for about 10 minutes and then removed it.

I was raised on a apple II, then spent a long time using Wintel. Now I am an adult, well, adult age, and I have come to hate windows. I am sick of the adware, malware, viruses, trojans, patches, fixes, incompatibilities, updates, drivers, crashes...I am forced to use a wintel machine at work, and inspite of it all, I deal with it because of my wonderful thinkpad. My home system is a dual G5, and I've never been happier.

No operating system is 100% invulnerable or perfect, but mac os x is the best one out there, which is why I use it and love it.

and yes, for all those out there, the CPU has nothing to do with it, Intel is best positioned to serve apple and it's goals with multi chip offerings and an advanced pipeline.

lastly, to all those whinners out there, if you don't like apple or os x, then don't use it.

OS X is the best OS out there. If it weren't the case, peopple wouldn't be overspending to get these Apple machines. As it is one of the only things that separates the two factions now.
dwd3885 said:
OS X is the best OS out there. If it weren't the case, peopple wouldn't be overspending to get these Apple machines. As it is one of the only things that separates the two factions now.

I wouldn't agree to that.

"Best OS" is entirely subjective.

Ask a scientist in a university lab what the best OS is. Ask computer-tech officials in the military what the best OS is..etc..etc.

I think a lot of people forget that the pillars that make OS X great (stability, not prone to virus/spyware, user security, etc) are all due to OS X's Unix underpinnings - all of which have been part of Unix, and all other Unix-based OS's since the 1970's.

Each of the big 3 (Mac,Windows,*nix) appeal to certain people whose professions and interests vary. None of the above operating systems wuold be the best for everyone, for every interest, and every use.

There's no such thing as "the best OS."
excalibur313 said:
I tried to use a beta version of the next office and it reminded me why you never ever buy a microsoft product until it has been out for a year. It was literally crashing on me once every 5 minutes until I just gave up on it. I can't even imagine how much worse vista is now.
One word for you my friend: BETA
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