this is that ******** damage control. iMessage is the best mass market messsaging solution on the market, and is actually also the most secure mass market messaging app on the market, it is very easy to turn off iMessage on your phone or just deregister. how pathetic you cant even send videos over Hangouts on Android but on iOS you can loll.
What are you on about? I CAN send videos using Hangouts just fine, iMessage has done nothing for text messaging? You need to either expand on your rant or research some more.
what hoops? you mean is it really that hard to just turn off iMessage in the settings which takes 5 seconds? which does the trick. i have switched back and forth to multiple android devices and back to iPhone and have never had a issue ever, i always would disable imessage before giving up the phone. your argument is very flawed and poor and i think you ran out of fuel for your argument. iMessage is very huge and popular and is also the most secure mass market messaging solution on the market right now aswell. the intergration of Facetime/iMessage and how seamless it is essentially still unparalled in the industry
Please provide some factual evidence that iMessage is the most secure mass market messaging solution, because you are now implying Apple has some how made something more secure than SMS despite the fact it uses SMS and MMS.
And it is not the most popular, because Apple does not have the majority world wide market share of the mobile market so it is impossible for it to be the most popular, there are more Android users in the world.
As for jumping through hoops, that is totally accurate for the normal user, especially if they change their phone to a none iOS device, and then find out their SMS isn't working.
Apple has made a solution to a problem that didn't exist and tried to lock users into iMessage, and people heavily complained at Apple and they came up with the de-registration website but not until the end of last year, NO other manufacturer has had to do this, because they don't lock your phone number to their messaging system.
And as such Apple is facing a lawsuit from ex iOS users over this whole iMessage lock in mess:
Your arguing that iMessage is somehow better despite the fact it uses SMS and MMS the exact same way as any other phone that uses those.